Go Go Go Foldy Ears! Here’s another Basil Farrow mini-manga, inspired by the immensely popular Japanese cat blogs. Let me know what you think of this new feature.
“Wahh! There’s something on the table.”
“Pecan pie! I want, I want!”
“Oh no… no no no nooo…”
Song of the Day #91: Yu Hayami – Get out of my life (1980s fashion for the win!)

My cat Rocky was inspired by Basil Farrow:
Aww~ so incredibly cute *__*
Awww , I want to cuddle it >//w//<
very very cute!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanna steal him!!!
too cute for words!
Ahhhh! Hooray for foldy-faces!!!
Basil sends Rocking a head bonk. :D
I already stole him from Ronan!
My cat Rocky was inspired by Basil Farrow:
Ahhhh! Hooray for foldy-faces!!!
Basil sends Rocking a head bonk. :D
omg I love your hair color!!!!!!!!
Basil and I totally share a love for pecan pie ^-^
Aww~ so incredibly cute *__*
Awww , I want to cuddle it >//w//<
very very cute!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanna steal him!!!
too cute for words!
I already stole him from Ronan!
lololol, awww, he's so cute!
waay off topic, you have a cute carpet. and a cute cat as well.
Hahahh! That carpet is permanently covered in cat hair!
Oh, this is off-topic, but there is a Swimmer store in Laforet (Harajuku). It's on B1.5 F, the same as Alice & the Pirates, h.NAOTO, Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose, etc. I'm definitely going to try to visit–I can see Laforet, walk down Takeshita street, and then visit the Design Festa gallery!
It's awesome that there's so many cool things within walking distance of each other. I live in Oklahoma, and everything is really spread out so you have to drive everywhere. (>__>) It makes this place reallly boring.
Haha, the first picture is more “I see a camera, please no costumes”
I think Basil loves cameras and tries to act extra cute in front of them!
lololol, awww, he’s so cute!
Oh, this is off-topic, but there is a Swimmer store in Laforet (Harajuku). It’s on B1.5 F, the same as Alice & the Pirates, h.NAOTO, Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose, etc. I’m definitely going to try to visit–I can see Laforet, walk down Takeshita street, and then visit the Design Festa gallery!
It’s awesome that there’s so many cool things within walking distance of each other. I live in Oklahoma, and everything is really spread out so you have to drive everywhere. (>__>) It makes this place reallly boring.
Oh sweet – I didn’t take pictures of Swimmer last fall, but I’ll check it out this time around.
I’d be content if my movements were limited to Shibuya, Shinjuku and Harajuku!
waay off topic, you have a cute carpet. and a cute cat as well.
Hahahh! That carpet is permanently covered in cat hair!
Oh sweet – I didn't take pictures of Swimmer last fall, but I'll check it out this time around.
I'd be content if my movements were limited to Shibuya, Shinjuku and Harajuku!
Haha, the first picture is more “I see a camera, please no costumes”
I think Basil loves cameras and tries to act extra cute in front of them!
haha ur getting better at this carmina^^
off topic but CARMINA there's an article on GL in this months nylon magazine…just got my first digital issue ^-^
Ooh, I should look out for it! Do you happen to have a scan or link? Is it a good article?
Awww What a cutie!!!
GOD your cat is so cute. Me and my hubby are definitely getting a Scottish Fold at some point.
awww he's soo adorable! (>^.^<)
You must… their personalities are incredible… they simply aren't normal cats. Go go go Foldy Power!
haha ur getting better at this carmina^^
kawaii *———–*♥nyuu
off topic but CARMINA there’s an article on GL in this months nylon magazine…just got my first digital issue
Ooh, I should look out for it! Do you happen to have a scan or link? Is it a good article?
here’s the link:
its on page 58, you can click on search and enter “lolita” if you’re impatient hehe^^
hope it works…eh its a personal article about how she went to japan and wanted to cosplay so she bought a lolita dress and some cat ears…i was just surprised. i feel like lolita is becoming more and more popular in the US now. a couple weeks ago on our campus shuttle bus i saw a girl in GL style clothing and i was like * lets be friends* ((internal thought)) lol
Good grief!!! The girl bought a dress for 50,000 yen and thought she got a good deal ($50) – when in fact, the price is closer to $500! Or perhaps it’s a typo and she meant 5,000 yen!?!?
hahaha! i didn’t catch that! @.@ that’s funny, just the other day, as i was walking up my dorm steps i heard some girl talking with her friends and she said “i’d be making 1000 yen a night((naughty joke??))…is that a lot?” i lol’d
question: does closet child ship to the US? i tried buying something once by clicking random buttons but then i got to the part where you enter credit card info and it didn’t translate lol it was worth a shot.
Ah, it got caught in the spam filter… not sure why.
Closet Child ships to the US, but the online selection is only a fraction of what’s in the stores… I believe you can can send them an email with a link to what you want and your address. :)
AHH that excites me very much! even though the h.naoto cardigan that i wanted sold out already D;
this is good to knw:D
I changed the settings so that all your posts will be automatically approved from now on. :D
yey! my face looked like this ~((?w?))~ yes i was very confused lol
i’m no spammer!
oh i see, i rewrote my comment then…yeah >////<
Awww What a cutie!!!
GOD your cat is so cute. Me and my hubby are definitely getting a Scottish Fold at some point.
You must… their personalities are incredible… they simply aren’t normal cats. Go go go Foldy Power!
awww he’s soo adorable! (>^.^<)
here's the link:…
its on page 58, you can click on search and enter “lolita” if you're impatient hehe^^
hope it works…eh its a personal article about how she went to japan and wanted to cosplay so she bought a lolita dress and some cat ears…i was just surprised. i feel like lolita is becoming more and more popular in the US now. a couple weeks ago on our campus shuttle bus i saw a girl in GL style clothing and i was like * lets be friends* ((internal thought)) lol
Good grief!!! The girl bought a dress for 50,000 yen and thought she got a good deal ($50) – when in fact, the price is closer to $500! Or perhaps it's a typo and she meant 5,000 yen!?!?
hm…i might have replied to someone else on accident lol
what the heck happened to my postO.O it disappeared!
Ah, it got caught in the spam filter… not sure why.
Closet Child ships to the US, but the online selection is only a fraction of what's in the stores… I believe you can can send them an email with a link to what you want and your address. :)
kawaii *———–*♥nyuu
AHH that excites me very much! even though the h.naoto cardigan that i wanted sold out already D;
this is good to knw:D
I changed the settings so that all your posts will be automatically approved from now on. :D
yey! my face looked like this ~((?w?))~ yes i was very confused lol
i'm no spammer!
lol i should make a manga w/ alex my scotty fold. he stands up on his hind legs all the time, so weird
You made me want to get a Scottish Fold! Plus this picture doesn't help, lol.
I'm considering turning the foldy-manga into a whole other blog! If so, I'll definitely hit you up for an Alex contribution. ^__^
hm…i might have replied to someone else on accident lol
what the heck happened to my postO.O it disappeared!
lol i should make a manga w/ alex my scotty fold. he stands up on his hind legs all the time, so weird
I’m considering turning the foldy-manga into a whole other blog! If so, I’ll definitely hit you up for an Alex contribution. ^__^
You made me want to get a Scottish Fold! Plus this picture doesn’t help, lol.
So Adorable! I finely figured out how much a scottish fold cost's and which breeders to get in Australia! For a pet quality, it'll be about $500, for a showday cat quality $900-$1200, so me and dad are probelly gonna get something in between, but right now there aren't any available! So I guess I'll just have to be patient. . . .
So Adorable! I finely figured out how much a scottish fold cost’s and which breeders to get in Australia! For a pet quality, it’ll be about $500, for a showday cat quality $900-$1200, so me and dad are probelly gonna get something in between, but right now there aren’t any available! So I guess I’ll just have to be patient. . . .
NICE! You won’t regret it, and you get more than your money’s worth because of their character. Scottish Folds are incredibly cuddly and intelligent and gentle, as you can tell from Basil’s photos and videos.
YAY! I’m hoping to get a male with white fur and splotch’s of colour on it ^_^ but if i cant get that, anything cute and cuddly!!!!!!!!!!!
The males are generally bigger (ie, rounder and cuddlier)… Awww foldys rule!
Very cute!
Great blog, also!
Thanks! I'll keep doing the kitty-manga!
NICE! You won't regret it, and you get more than your money's worth because of their character. Scottish Folds are incredibly cuddly and intelligent and gentle, as you can tell from Basil's photos and videos.
YAY! I'm hoping to get a male with white fur and splotch's of colour on it ^_^ but if i cant get that, anything cute and cuddly!!!!!!!!!!!
Very cute!
Great blog, also!
Thanks! I’ll keep doing the kitty-manga!
The males are generally bigger (ie, rounder and cuddlier)… Awww foldys rule!
omg I love your hair color!!!!!!!!
Basil and I totally share a love for pecan pie ^-^
omg I love your hair color!!!!!!!!
Basil and I totally share a love for pecan pie ^-^
Let me know what you think of this new feature.