In my eyes, a pink Tiffany diamond is as interesting as a wood chip. My taste leans in the direction of elegant-meets-morbid: jewelry from (or inspired by) a more romantic past era.
Decarabia’s “Gothic Victorian jewelry” is exactly what I salivate over. Wouldn’t the skull beads, safety pins, and silver crowns look beautiful next to a black lace corset and bell skirt?
That’s why many of Decarabia’s loyal customers are Elegant Gothic Lolitas. Charmaine began designing jewelry around 1997 because she had difficulty finding Goth accessories on an art student’s budget. She began selling her designs locally and on eBay, and her DIY business took off.
Charmaine writes: “I first became aware of Gothic Lolita fashion after seeing a picture of the band Dir en Grey in a magazine. I was totally blown away by their extreme but beautiful look. I did some web research and became aware of clothing lines like “Baby, the Stars Shine Bright” and also the Gothic Lolita Bible. I found these truly inspiring.”
A dash of Vivienne Westwood, memento mori, and Goth Loli… and you can order it direct from Decarabia’s website.
Song of the Day #22: The Gazette – Burial Applicant

oh i already knew this site :B its really pretty and goth^^ i like! <3
Those are so pretty!!!! I wish I had the money to buy stuff right now…
omg I'm totally hooked! its deliciously creepy and would look sooooo good next to the new Gloomth top we just splurged on. ^-^
and to think Diru inspired her o god I just love that! ::chuckles:: one of the first things I remember thinking and feeling when I watched them live for the first time was how lovely Kyo makes pain. extreme and beautiful indeed.
I'm definately going to check out Decarabia's webbie. many thanx!
My pleasure! ^__~
oh i already knew this site :B its really pretty and goth^^ i like! <3
Those are so pretty!!!! I wish I had the money to buy stuff right now…
omg I’m totally hooked! its deliciously creepy and would look sooooo good next to the new Gloomth top we just splurged on. ^-^
and to think Diru inspired her o god I just love that! ::chuckles:: one of the first things I remember thinking and feeling when I watched them live for the first time was how lovely Kyo makes pain. extreme and beautiful indeed.
I’m definately going to check out Decarabia’s webbie. many thanx!
My pleasure! ^__~
I own a choker that she made, it is absolutely gorgeous ^^ it really gives you the feeling that it's handmade, nice quality… in a way it feels like it's antique, but apparently she always uses something vintage in her pieces? I think I read that on the website.
she's very talented
I own a choker that she made, it is absolutely gorgeous ^^ it really gives you the feeling that it’s handmade, nice quality… in a way it feels like it’s antique, but apparently she always uses something vintage in her pieces? I think I read that on the website.
she’s very talented
Calaveras + Gothic elegance for the win. I'm totally stalking her site now. <3
Calaveras + Gothic elegance for the win. I’m totally stalking her site now. <3
wait reverse what i said, its Angry who's the more believable to me oops lol
and sorry for posting such a book! I didn't realize I'd typed that much til I saw it lol
awww so awesome:)
i want all of this things:)
hehhe maybe if i get enouph money^^…someday-.-
gah I'm late posting but yay for honorable mentions teehee
actually I don't think it was Hot Topic where I found it, I want to say it was cdJapan. tho I should prolly check before posting this.
this brings to mind something that has long irritated me. obviously I love lots of things about Japanese culture including the music. but whenever I get the happy news that a band or cd is being sent to the US its always changed. same with the anime.
one good example is Boa's new song Eat You Up. ok maybe she's Korean but the point is the same. there are two videos made for the song. the first version is pretty darn cool; lots of dancing (tho the choreography is repetitive) cute backup dancers (the guy in the hat, whoo!) and lots of cheesy effects. I love it. then you have the US version. ::sigh:: watching it actually gave me insight into how we must appear to others I swear. for this version they went all …mariah carey or something. I hated it instantly.
it brings to mind what you said about people not entirely getting the culture they are trying to break into. but maybe in Boa's case they did. they just picked the wrong set of people to go after imho. I think they should play more to the fans she already has first but w/e. I hope it works for Boa's sake as well h.Naotos. but I just wish they wouldn't dumb stuff down the way they do. I don't need to be spoon fed for pete's sake.
sometimes commercialism really sux. I will say one thing for the girls he chose to be H&A, I'm totally jealous of their wardrobe :-P as to the song and vid, well the girl portraying Hangry to me is more believable, in that she might actually rock the look, might. Angry however too much. and that guitar playing, wow. but its cute for what it is and I don't hate it. it will prolly do the job. tho I imagine noone outside of Cali will see any of it in stores. they say all things trickle south but as I live here I say they lie lol
ok rant over lol now what was that about Jparties? I want to come!!! I reeeeeeeeally wish something like that would happen here. and the desserts sound divine ^-^ how bout making heart shaped cookies or pastries that have a bloody or black (they have black food coloring) filling. maybe even make it spicy! like with strong cinnamon or peppers (you'd be suprised how good sweet things are with something hot like pepper flavor). make them so cute noone suspects what hides inside muwahaha
I like their stuff *___* I wish I had the money to buy some x___X
those are so lovely!!!!!
wait reverse what i said, its Angry who’s the more believable to me oops lol
and sorry for posting such a book! I didn’t realize I’d typed that much til I saw it lol
awww so awesome:)
i want all of this things:)
hehhe maybe if i get enouph money^^…someday-.-
gah I’m late posting but yay for honorable mentions teehee
actually I don’t think it was Hot Topic where I found it, I want to say it was cdJapan. tho I should prolly check before posting this.
this brings to mind something that has long irritated me. obviously I love lots of things about Japanese culture including the music. but whenever I get the happy news that a band or cd is being sent to the US its always changed. same with the anime.
one good example is Boa’s new song Eat You Up. ok maybe she’s Korean but the point is the same. there are two videos made for the song. the first version is pretty darn cool; lots of dancing (tho the choreography is repetitive) cute backup dancers (the guy in the hat, whoo!) and lots of cheesy effects. I love it. then you have the US version. ::sigh:: watching it actually gave me insight into how we must appear to others I swear. for this version they went all …mariah carey or something. I hated it instantly.
it brings to mind what you said about people not entirely getting the culture they are trying to break into. but maybe in Boa’s case they did. they just picked the wrong set of people to go after imho. I think they should play more to the fans she already has first but w/e. I hope it works for Boa’s sake as well h.Naotos. but I just wish they wouldn’t dumb stuff down the way they do. I don’t need to be spoon fed for pete’s sake.
sometimes commercialism really sux. I will say one thing for the girls he chose to be H&A, I’m totally jealous of their wardrobe :-P as to the song and vid, well the girl portraying Hangry to me is more believable, in that she might actually rock the look, might. Angry however too much. and that guitar playing, wow. but its cute for what it is and I don’t hate it. it will prolly do the job. tho I imagine noone outside of Cali will see any of it in stores. they say all things trickle south but as I live here I say they lie lol
ok rant over lol now what was that about Jparties? I want to come!!! I reeeeeeeeally wish something like that would happen here. and the desserts sound divine ^-^ how bout making heart shaped cookies or pastries that have a bloody or black (they have black food coloring) filling. maybe even make it spicy! like with strong cinnamon or peppers (you’d be suprised how good sweet things are with something hot like pepper flavor). make them so cute noone suspects what hides inside muwahaha
I like their stuff *___* I wish I had the money to buy some x___X
those are so lovely!!!!!
I luv your designs
I luv your designs
pobelly cost a fortune -_-
pobelly cost a fortune -_-
pobelly cost a fortune -_-