You know you’re jaded when a fetish/bondage/bloodplay show causes you to yawn uncontrollably. My Halloween hangover began yesterday with a Tokyo Dark Castle special, dramatically titled “Operetta of the Darkness.” Genet (event organizer and Auto-Mod frontman) pulled out all the fetish-grotesque stops. A Victorian magician dragged out a undead drag maid and made him vanish. Genet was forcefully bound in a straightjacket and plopped in a creaky wheelchair to be dissected by a drag nurse. I took photos of the first half (above): perverse slapstick with Lolitas and clowns, collared slaves waving their arm around, Taizo biting a half-naked girl and spewing blood. Bla bla bla.
The music was unexceptional and the crowd was a downer: strange older guys in normal clothes who came to gawk at a freakshow. During a set change, DJ Chihiro (looking spiffy as Captain Jack Sparrow) spun his “Fi-AHHH” song, and the audience stood stock still, unsure where to look and what to do. ‘Twas time to make a graceful exit… and a video blog.
I forgot to mention a side benefit of buying Japanese brands – you never need to hem the pants!
Veil: fishnet material from Tokyu Hands
Bracelet: handmade with beads and Daiso cell phone charms
Cut-up top: from my Black Peace Now DIY project
“Skirt-pants”: $34, vintage Peace Now from Closet Child Shinjuku
Shoes: Leche by Yosuke, $80 from Marui Young Shinjuku.
The rest of the night consisted of purikura (sticker pictures) and scandalous gossip, which are always fun. We really came to see our friend perform at Dark Castle; I filmed two videos of the horrorshow, which you can watch on my YouTube channel. Basil Farrow’s also on there!

Lol, on how u're Holloween was. I mean u're in fetish party why not dress in a Nun, angel, devils & faries. I'm sure a lot of peaple have fetish for it. Oh & thanks for the video addvice. U have a nice voice by the way.
awww thanks! I'll try to make more video blogs (vlogs)!
Lol, on how u’re Holloween was. I mean u’re in fetish party why not dress in a Nun, angel, devils & faries. I’m sure a lot of peaple have fetish for it. Oh & thanks for the video addvice. U have a nice voice by the way.
awww thanks! I’ll try to make more video blogs (vlogs)!
AHhh so cute I am jealous!
AHhh so cute I am jealous!
oooh nice nails and skirt
basically awesome outfit :D
I'm addicted to photobooths XD
but there r no purikura stickers over in England :(
my hubby was obsessed with tokyo hands when we were over there! love your outfit!
oooh nice nails and skirt
basically awesome outfit :D
I’m addicted to photobooths XD
but there r no purikura stickers over in England :(
Really? I’d assume there are purikura booths in London… LA, NYC and Vancouver have ’em.
I’m around 4 – 5 hour away from London so i wouldn’t know :( but I guess I can hunt for one when I visit my bro ^^
my hubby was obsessed with tokyo hands when we were over there! love your outfit!
I know, I am inspired every time I visit Tokyo Hands! I need to pick up more stickers for my face…
i just loved all the crafty stuff!
How Pretty!
Your the coolest chick in da planet!
I like the stocking effect you achieved,it is much like when I have cut off the sleeves of a dress and worn them as footless stockings.I thought the matching strap and buckle was very clever as a garter strap to hook it onto the matching skirt.
I love your style hun.
How Pretty!
Your the coolest chick in da planet!
I like the stocking effect you achieved,it is much like when I have cut off the sleeves of a dress and worn them as footless stockings.I thought the matching strap and buckle was very clever as a garter strap to hook it onto the matching skirt.
I love your style hun.
† Hi! My name is Jade and i just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog! Seeing how many loli stores are in Japan, my dad and I are planning a trip to Tokyo and Hong Kong to shop and stuff! (also to visit family too lol. Im Chinese Japanese and Hawaiian) But yeah.
Your fashion sense in amazing and im so jealous that you know Jimi Blumer! Keep writing your blog, because I seriously dont know what I would do without it!!
I know, I am inspired every time I visit Tokyo Hands! I need to pick up more stickers for my face…
Really? I'd assume there are purikura booths in London… LA, NYC and Vancouver have 'em.
† Hi! My name is Jade and i just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog! Seeing how many loli stores are in Japan, my dad and I are planning a trip to Tokyo and Hong Kong to shop and stuff! (also to visit family too lol. Im Chinese Japanese and Hawaiian) But yeah.
Your fashion sense in amazing and im so jealous that you know Jimi Blumer! Keep writing your blog, because I seriously dont know what I would do without it!!
††† Carmina i came across your blog site and i can't get enough! i love it :D i never knew what gothic lolita was before and i think it is so beautiful! thank u for the add <3 †††
i just loved all the crafty stuff!
Hello there!
You really do an amazing job with your blog and your clothingline and the rest! Good luck!
††† Carmina i came across your blog site and i can’t get enough! i love it :D i never knew what gothic lolita was before and i think it is so beautiful! thank u for the add <3 †††
Hello there!
You really do an amazing job with your blog and your clothingline and the rest! Good luck!
I'm around 4 – 5 hour away from London so i wouldn't know :( but I guess I can hunt for one when I visit my bro ^^
††† Carmina i came across your blog site and i can't get enough! i love it :D i never knew what gothic lolita was before and i think it is so beautiful! thank u for the add <3 †††
i just loved all the crafty stuff!
Hello there!
You really do an amazing job with your blog and your clothingline and the rest! Good luck!
I'm around 4 – 5 hour away from London so i wouldn't know :( but I guess I can hunt for one when I visit my bro ^^
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[…] concerts † Mark Lane (MRX party, Los Angeles: December 2008) † Auto-Mod (Shinjuku Club Marz, Tokyo: November 2008) † Versailles (Shibuya-O-West, Tokyo: October 2008) † […]