Can you think of a more deliciously decadent gesture than drawing out an ornate Gothic Rococo fan… and whipping it in the face of your rival? Count D has a stellar idea for customizing and graffiti-styling Victorian pocket-fans “for damsels at risk of fainting”. While in NYC, we hunted down blank “templates” at Pearl River Mart, the Asian knick-knack kitsch palace. (Have you ever been? It’s a must-visit for DIY inspiration.)
I found a gorgeous book, Unfolding Beauty: Art of the Fan, in the arts reference section of the Vancouver Library. I took some snapshots to inspire him and set your heart a-flutter!
The fan on the left depicts the christening of Napoleon III’s son (in 1856). Read the description out loud; the words roll off the tongue: “Feather-shaped blades of white moire silk, lithographed and overpainted in gouache with touches of gilt and topped with marabou feathers…” On the right, a rustic scene from the 1750s: a lady in a pink, flowing robe volante greets a traveling salesman, who presents frivolities such as fans, ribbon, and makeup.
This haunting fan (from the 1740s) consists of four vignettes enclosed by Rococo frames, which surround a central ovoid mask with eyeholes. The second scene delights me: a woman chases her husband with cat-o’-nine tails while a monkey plays a love song on his viola!
Ostrich plume fans have been a traditional royal accessory from King Tut to Princess Diana. (My friend the Countess of Beaumont has several in her dressing room.) The Luna Moth’s delicate green wings are reproduced in this 1890 fan, which sparkles with gold mesh and gilt-silver thread.
The decorative possibilities are endless: miniature paintings of Rococo past-times, accents of silk and lace… I love the bold curve of the swan’s neck; the scalloped edge creates the effect of feathers, and the silver sequins suggest the ripple of water.
Soon, I’ll be fanning myself with something equally gorgeous – Count D is making me a Gothic Lolita “Black Widow Spider” fan. If it’s anything like the t-shirt he painted for my birthday, I’ll fall to the floor in a dead swoon!

i love the word Rococo
of my goodness, that swan fan is delectable.
The swan and the mask ones are my favorites!
i love the word Rococo
of my goodness, that swan fan is delectable.
The swan and the mask ones are my favorites!
Fans! Of course! One should never ever leave home in the summer without an elegant fan tucked in one's purse — or backpack. Lest a moment as mundane as waiting for the bus pass without elegance or flair. ; )
Speaking of beautiful Rococo fans, here are some more nice things to check out:
For fans that are both affordable and practical (antiques are pretty, but rusting fiber is smelly and messy…), I recommend “A Cool Breeze” Their fans are truly lightweight and close with a gorgeous sound. (Cooling is a bonus feature. lol) For punkish Rococoesque Lolita outfits, select styles from their classic fans collection should do fine. Price includes international shipping.
And, my fair lady, please do remember to pick up some exquisite fans from the legendary 宮脇賣扇庵 while in Japan, and do visit the premise in person if you can. It's an affair no self-respecting avowed aesthetic sybarite should ever forgo…
Unrelated to fans, but: An EGL-esque moment at New York Fashion Week as captured by Géraldine Dormoy at Café Mode…
Puff up the skirt, shorten the coat, add a fancy hair piece, and perhaps a little more heels…? Oh and replace that too-practical tote with something inconvenient yet oh-so-lovely….
It's already be declared that AW 08-09 is a very gothic season. Should GothLoli's rejoice and feel flattered by the spreading influence, or be offended by the public's ingenous imitation of their sartorial style, which stems from true dedication to a lifestyle and an attitude, not just the adaptation of anything of passing fancy…?
Fans! Of course! One should never ever leave home in the summer without an elegant fan tucked in one’s purse — or backpack. Lest a moment as mundane as waiting for the bus pass without elegance or flair. ; )
Speaking of beautiful Rococo fans, here are some more nice things to check out:
For fans that are both affordable and practical (antiques are pretty, but rusting fiber is smelly and messy…), I recommend “A Cool Breeze” Their fans are truly lightweight and close with a gorgeous sound. (Cooling is a bonus feature. lol) For punkish Rococoesque Lolita outfits, select styles from their classic fans collection should do fine. Price includes international shipping.
And, my fair lady, please do remember to pick up some exquisite fans from the legendary 宮脇賣扇庵 while in Japan, and do visit the premise in person if you can. It’s an affair no self-respecting avowed aesthetic sybarite should ever forgo…
Oh my – I must visit the fan store in Japan! I’m currently compiling a list of must-visit places…
Thanks for all the gorgeous fan links.
Beautiful! I can't wait to see what he makes for you. How can you make your own fan? Buy a plain one and then paint on it perhaps?
It would be cool if you did a post about parasols sometime as well! That's an awesome accesory as well. Though they seem to be mostly for sun… and sun is not exactly and issue here in Denmark where summer lasts 3 weeks.
Unrelated to fans, but: An EGL-esque moment at New York Fashion Week as captured by Géraldine Dormoy at Café Mode
Puff up the skirt, shorten the coat, add a fancy hair piece, and perhaps a little more heels…? Oh and replace that too-practical tote with something inconvenient yet oh-so-lovely….
It’s already be declared that AW 08-09 is a very gothic season. Should GothLoli’s rejoice and feel flattered by the spreading influence, or be offended by the public’s ingenous imitation of their sartorial style, which stems from true dedication to a lifestyle and an attitude, not just the adaptation of anything of passing fancy…?
I saw Goth-themed ads by Cavalli (set amidst spooky bare branches) and Lanvin (black lipstick too) in this month’s W…
wow! so beutiful! very inspiring pictures =) now I have to get myself a rococo fan ^^ I got a pretty little pink fan with flowers in my purse during summer =)
Beautiful! I can’t wait to see what he makes for you. How can you make your own fan? Buy a plain one and then paint on it perhaps?
It would be cool if you did a post about parasols sometime as well! That’s an awesome accesory as well. Though they seem to be mostly for sun… and sun is not exactly and issue here in Denmark where summer lasts 3 weeks.
Yes – we bought several plain red and black fans. He’ll spraypaint them, add feathers and decorations… not exactly sure, but the possibilities are limitless!
Parasols = excellent idea.
wow! so beutiful! very inspiring pictures =) now I have to get myself a rococo fan ^^ I got a pretty little pink fan with flowers in my purse during summer =)
Oh my – I must visit the fan store in Japan! I'm currently compiling a list of must-visit places…
Thanks for all the gorgeous fan links.
Yes – we bought several plain red and black fans. He'll spraypaint them, add feathers and decorations… not exactly sure, but the possibilities are limitless!
Parasols = excellent idea.
Wow, the fans are beautiful! I like the last one. And the swan fan is also very nice.
it's amazing where how signifigant thier everyday objects where to them!
*and oh so beautifully decorated too!
In the good olde days apprently *according to a morbid outlook article
used to be different ways of communicating with fans *like our gesture with our rude finger
I do remember that if you put it next to your lips
you want the chosen man to kiss you *or are implying it
It's really fasinating!
boy I love these lovely blog's you make
and by the way
you look stunning modeling that fan!
Amazing what they did back then with fans! They're all so gorgeous~ <3
A lost art!
Oooh I like the idea of communication through fans… I need to try that!
Wow, the fans are beautiful! I like the last one. And the swan fan is also very nice.
it’s amazing where how signifigant thier everyday objects where to them!
*and oh so beautifully decorated too!
In the good olde days apprently *according to a morbid outlook article
used to be different ways of communicating with fans *like our gesture with our rude finger
I do remember that if you put it next to your lips
you want the chosen man to kiss you *or are implying it
It’s really fasinating!
boy I love these lovely blog’s you make
and by the way
you look stunning modeling that fan!
Oooh I like the idea of communication through fans… I need to try that!
Amazing what they did back then with fans! They’re all so gorgeous~ <3
A lost art!
I saw Goth-themed ads by Cavalli (set amidst spooky bare branches) and Lanvin (black lipstick too) in this month's W…
I saw Goth-themed ads by Cavalli (set amidst spooky bare branches) and Lanvin (black lipstick too) in this month's W…