For those who can’t get enough of J-rockers, Madelaine sent a sweet tip: Maru Music is releasing Visual-Kei DVD Magazine Vol 2 this summer. She writes: “You will not believe who will be in it. He wears blue, has a band, and has a fashion line.” The answer is – you guessed it – Mana of Malice Mizer and Moi dix Mois!
This volume is hosted by an androgyne (Miku, vocalist of Antique Café) and a coked-up, dubiously feline puppet (Biju). As in the first DVD, there will be over an hour of exclusive interviews, live video clips, and behind-the-scene glimpses at the hottest Japanese Visual Kei bands (Smile, chariots, SuG, SaTaN, Himeichigo). There’s even an educational component: a history lesson of the genre and a tour of legendary concert venues such as Rock-May-Kan in Tokyo.
I can’t wait to see the footage of Mana-sama’s side project, Mana’s Not Dead. He talks about his love of punk music and plays drums on a song by The Star Club… while wearing a ripped-up costume made of gauze and hair spiked six inches high. (See photo above left.) Oh Mana, I bow to thee.
The trailer for the DVD gives me butterflies in the stomach! You can pre-order Visual-Kei DVD Magazine Vol 2 from Maru Music’s web store (which also sells Miyavi merchandise, drool.) The DVD is in Japanese with English subtitles, region-free, over an hour in length, and costs $12.

ah yes :) I really want this DVD. As much as I love the other bands, I'm stoked to see the Mana segment :3
Ooo yay! I have the first volume, I was wondering when they were going to release a second one! I always love their trailers, makes everything exciting.
Woot Mana-sama and Miku!
Awesome! something hot to look forward too!
ah yes :) I really want this DVD. As much as I love the other bands, I’m stoked to see the Mana segment :3
Ooo yay! I have the first volume, I was wondering when they were going to release a second one! I always love their trailers, makes everything exciting.
Woot Mana-sama and Miku!
Awesome! something hot to look forward too!
that's mana-sama??
no wonder i can't tear my eyes of him @_@
I want this DVD so badly!!!! *__* It seems to be really amazing!
that’s mana-sama??
no wonder i can’t tear my eyes of him @_@
I want this DVD so badly!!!! *__* It seems to be really amazing!
Ah!miku is cute!It also haves Mana-sama and my fav.Takeru from sug!if it only costs 12$…i'll not miss it!!!Arigato!!!^^
Darn, I was hoping for another yura-sama hosting… and more Versailles! But I guess Miku and 2x Mana will have to do… >>;;
Thanks for the report! The history of VK sounds really cool… Maybe I'll buy it! :D
Ah!miku is cute!It also haves Mana-sama and my fav.Takeru from sug!if it only costs 12$…i’ll not miss it!!!Arigato!!!^^
Darn, I was hoping for another yura-sama hosting… and more Versailles! But I guess Miku and 2x Mana will have to do… >>;;
Thanks for the report! The history of VK sounds really cool… Maybe I’ll buy it! :D
It's great
Have you listened about Kanon wakeshima? I love her, i think you'd like her and her manager (something like that) it's Mana.
Her single it's STILL DOLL, is the ending from an anime (vampire knight)
The video and the music are great.
It’s great
Have you listened about Kanon wakeshima? I love her, i think you’d like her and her manager (something like that) it’s Mana.
Her single it’s STILL DOLL, is the ending from an anime (vampire knight)
The video and the music are great.
Thank you for your mail.
I'm very sorry to late reply.
I'm still making HIDE BIBLE.
I found your comment today,I'm very glad to read it!
Thank you again.
I hope you'll be enjoy DVD magazine Vol.2.
For dear
from Akemi
Thank you for your mail.
I’m very sorry to late reply.
I’m still making HIDE BIBLE.
I found your comment today,I’m very glad to read it!
Thank you again.
I hope you’ll be enjoy DVD magazine Vol.2.
For dear
from Akemi
Dear Miss Yuen,
After I watched the dvd that had Mana-sama being interviewed, he still wasn't talking. He's still shy, but he did a great job on the interview. I know mana-sama will be in a special interview in volume 3 of the goth and lolita bible that will be released in September 1st. I know the english version will do better.
Dear Miss Yuen,
After I watched the dvd that had Mana-sama being interviewed, he still wasn’t talking. He’s still shy, but he did a great job on the interview. I know mana-sama will be in a special interview in volume 3 of the goth and lolita bible that will be released in September 1st. I know the english version will do better.
Dear Miss Yuen,
After I watched the dvd that had Mana-sama being interviewed, he still wasn't talking. He's still shy, but he did a great job on the interview. I know mana-sama will be in a special interview in volume 3 of the goth and lolita bible that will be released in September 1st. I know the english version will do better.