If you’re looking for Gothic Lolita inspiration, look no further than the character Claudia from the 1994 film Interview with the Vampire. Claudia, played by twelve-year-old Kirsten Dunst, is an orphan who is made into a vampire child by Louis (Brad Pitt) and Lestat (Tom Cruise). Hot-tempered and spoiled, she takes pleasure in toying with her victims before drinking their blood. (“A little child she was, but also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood, with all a child’s demanding.”) Claudia grows distraught because although her mind matures, she remains forever trapped in a child’s body. After failing to kill Lestat, she flees with Louis and is trapped by a coven of vampires, which exposes her to direct sunlight.
In my favorite scene, Claudia is standing in front of a mirror in a half-finished lace dress. The dressmaker pricks her hand; Claudia brings it to her lips to “kiss it better.” Later, Lestat discovers the dressmaker lying dead at her feet. He taps her hand lightly in punishment: “Claudia, Claudia, now who will we get to finish your dress? These impracticalities, cherie! Remember: never in the home.”
Fortunately, Claudia does not kill all of her tailors. In the movie, she models a sumptuous late 18th to late 19th century French wardrobe. Her empire dresses and voluminous coats are made of silk/velvet/satin, and generously trimmed with lace. Unlike the adult vampires, Claudia does not dress in black; her clothes tend to be off-white, sky blue, or light green. She frequently wears capes and wraps her blonde ringlets in ribboned bonnets.
Louis: You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.
Claudia: And it means something else too, doesn’t it? I shall never ever grow up.

If I was a vampire I would eat her butt.
If I was a vampire I would eat her butt.
If I was a vampire I would eat her butt.