Hope your Halloween was “as good for you as it was for me!” I’ll have full coverage of the Tokyo horror that went down… including a Hangry & Angry fashion show, interview with designer Gashicon, tour of the new h.NAOTO store, Torture Garden fetish party, and Candy Spooky Theater x SaTaN concert videos.
But first… a new video featuring the cutest cat in the world, my Scottish Fold baby Basil Farrow! In this new compilation of clips, the fat fold-eared yellow cat bats his mouse toy, hides in a box and cat cube, ignores a hamster robot and rolls around upside-down, furry tummy in the air. Don’t you wish you could snuggle him?
The video is above and here. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you won’t miss the upcoming Evil Queen makeup tutorial, featuring G-suS as a minion!
For a daily cat cuteness fix, you can see more Basil Farrow on his blog and Facebook.
Kiwamu has some great news to share with you… his label, Starwave Records, is taking part in a Japanese underground compilation CD that aims to revive the Visual Kei scene and push it forward. Alamode Magazine CD Vol.01 will be on sale here on December 1, with a release party on November 14 at Ikebukuro Live Inn Rosa (full info here.)
Finally, Non Solo Kawaii (an Italian blog about Japanese cute culture) interviewed me about my work. You can read it in English and Italiano here and after the jump.
I hope Basil Farrow’s video makes you smile. I’m very happy — I think this was my best Halloween week yet! How did you celebrate? Did you dress up?
Japanese Word of the Day: “P size wa?” (A lascivious inside joke… you can guess what it means)
Song of the Day: Sixh – Black Heart (I have full coverage of the Hangry & Angry fashion show and new h.NAOTO store coming up!)
La Carmina è un’esperta in subculture alternative e moda giapponesi. È una ragazza canadese con origini da Hong-Kong e ha fatto delle sue passioni il suo lavoro. È una blogger, cool hunter (ha anche una sua agenzia La Carmina & The Pirates), trend setter e presenta dei programmi per diversi canali televisivi che riguardano i suoi argomenti preferiti: moda alternativa giapponese, cucina, locali a tema.
Ha anche scritto tre libri di argomento culinario:
♥ Cute Yummy Time: 70 recipes for the cutest food you’ll ever eat (Perigee/Penguin Group USA, Oct 2009)
♥ Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo (Mark Batty/Random House, Sept 2009)
“La Carmina” è un nome d’arte che è stato ispirato dal suo vero nome, e dal nome delle dive che stima La Camilla, La Carlotta e La Casati.
Non aggiungiamo altro e vi lasciamo alla sua interessante intervista.
La Carmina is an expert in alternative Japanese subcultures and fashion. She is Canadian with Hong Kong origin and she has turned her passions into her business. She is a blogger, cool hunter (she has also an agency called La Carmina & The Pirates), a trend setter and she host programs for different TV channels about her favorite subjects: Japanese alternative fashion, cuisine, theme cafes and clubs.
She has also written three books on cooking:
♥ Cute Yummy Time: 70 recipes for the cutest food you’ll ever eat (Perigee/Penguin Group USA, Oct 2009)
♥ Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo (Mark Batty/Random House, Sept 2009)
“The Carmina” is an art name inspired by her real name, Carmen, and by the name of the divas whom she likes, La Camilla, La Carlotta and La Casati.
We don’t say anything else and here is her interesting interview!
1. Sei una delle poche ragazze che non solo fa la modella, ma è anche imprenditrice di se stessa. Quali sono le tappe fondamentali che ti hanno portato a diventare un’artista poliedrica?
1. You are one of the few girls that is not only a model, but also an entrepreneur. What are the most important steps that led you to become an eclectic artist?
Non mi considero una modella, e non aspiro ad esserlo. A volte lavoro con fotografi professionisti, ma per la maggior parte delle volte, i “post sui look” nel mio sito sono immagini casuali dove mostro un abbigliamento coordinato e delle acconciature. È importante per me che ci sia qualcosa da “imparare” da questi post, come un progetto “fai da te” o tecnica per l’ombretto, quindi non sono semplicemente una raccolta di foto per vanità personale. Inoltre, il mio blog è molto più che un punto di vista personale sulla moda, gli argomenti includono i caffè a tema di Tokyo, le discoteche Cyber Goth, i dolcissimi gatti Scottish Fold…
I don’t consider myself a model, and never aspired to be one. I sometimes work with professional photographers, but for the most part, the “outfit posts” on my site are casual images where I showcase clothing coordinates and styling. It’s important to me that there’s something to “learn” from these posts, such as a DIY project or eyeshadow technique, so they’re not merely a collection of vanity photos. Also, my blog is about much more than personal fashion; the topics include Tokyo theme cafes, Goth cyber nightclubs, cute Scottish Fold cats…
2. Com’è nato il tuo amore per lo stile Goth and Harajuku e cosa vuoi comunicare con questo look?
2. When did your love for Goth and Harajuku style start and what do you want to communicate with this look?
Fin da quando ero bambina, ho viaggiato ogni anno a Hong Kong e in Asia con la mia famiglia. Nella mia adolescenza, ho visitato Tokyo e ho avuto un colpo di fulmine per le magnifiche Visual Kei, le Gothic Lolita e gli stili Harajuku punk che ho visto. Oggi non cerco di comunicare qualcosa di particolare, amo semplicemente sperimentare con la moda ed esprimere me stessa a livello visivo.
Ever since I was a baby, I travelled yearly to Hong Kong and Asia with my family. In my early teens, I visited Tokyo and my mind was blown open by the stunning Visual Kei, Gothic Lolita and Harajuku Punk styles I saw. Today, I don’t try to communicate any particular statement; I simply love experimenting with fashion and expressing myself visually.
3. Il tuo stile è in continua evoluzione. A cosa ti ispiri per creare i tuoi look? Hai un elemento che ti contraddistingue e di cui non puoi fare a meno?
3. Your style is constantly evolving. What inspires you to create your own look? Have you something that marks you and, concerning fashion, what is the something you cannot live without?
Mi piace mescolare gli stili, così prendo spunto dal Goth, dal cyber, dal Lolita, dal decora e dalle altre tribù fashion giapponesi. Sono affascinata dalle bellezze alternative; bisogna essere abili per creare dei look non convenzionali – come il rossetto scuro e gemme intorno agli occhi – che sono inaspettatamente belle. Ho sempre voglia di andare avanti, così cerco di non legarmi ad uno stile o a degli oggetti. Non ho nessun ripensamento!
I like to mix styles, so I draw inspiration from Goth, cyber, Lolita, decora and other Japanese fashion tribes. I’m fascinated by alternative beauty; it’s empowering to create unconventional looks — such as dark lipstick and gems around the eyes — that are unexpectedly beautiful. I always want to push forward, so I try not to be attached to any styles or objects. There’s no looking back!
4. Come organizzi i tuoi servizi fotografici? Quanto lavoro c’è dietro ogni scatto?
4. How do you organize your photo sessions? How much work is behind every photo?
I miei servizi fotografici sono generalmente casuali, il che significa che le fotografie sono scattate da chi è intorno… dagli amici, dalla mia famiglia, da me stessa (usando l’autoscatto o tenendo la fotocamera). Passo più tempo a creare dei composite delle foto, mi piace creare delle sequenze di immagini affiancate o dei collage, per presentare al meglio alcuni dettagli del look. Per esempio, potrei mostrare un primo piano del trucco degli occhi, della nail art e delle scarpe.
My sessions are generally casual, meaning the photos are taken by whoever is around… friends, family, myself (using a timer or holding up the camera). I spend more time in editing the photos together; I like to create spliced images or collages, in order to best showcase certain aspects of the outfit. For example, I might show a close-up of the eye makeup, nail art designs and shoes.
5. Sei un’esperta di moda Goth e Harajuku e di pop culture giapponese. Cosa fai per tenerti sempre aggiornata sulle ultime tendenze? Preferisci scrivere articoli oppure essere filmata come inviata?
5. You run a successful blog and host TV shows about Goth and Harajuku fashion and in Japanese pop culture. What do you do to keep you updated for the latest trends? Do you prefer to write articles or to be filmed as correspondent?
La mia “spooky pirate crew” (”il sinistro equipaggio di pirati”) di amici è la mia più grande ispirazione. Siamo sempre pronti a condividere tra di noi le nostre scoperte, sia che stiamo parlando di un gruppo underground Jrock o di una nuova discoteca Goth EBM [ndr. Electronic Body Music]. Ho anche una vasta rete sociale di innovatori creativi, che mi tengono nel giro.
Amo tutti gli aspetti del “coolhunting” e gestire il mio brand La Carmina & The Pirates.
Offriamo consulenza per tendenze, TV hosting e coordinamento di produzione locale, promozione e traduzione riguardo temi di nostra competenza (Goth, Cool Japan, cosplay, otaku culture, LGBT etc).
My “spooky pirate crew” of friends is my biggest inspiration. We’re always keen to share our discoveries with each other, whether it may be an underground Jrock band or a new Goth EBM club [editor’s note: Electronic Body Music]. I also have a large social network of creative innovators, who keep me in the loop.
I love every aspect of “coolhunting” and run a business, La Carmina & The Pirates.
We offer trend consulting, TV hosting and local production coordination, promoting and translation on our subjects of expertise (Goth, Cool Japan, cosplay, otaku culture, LGBT etc).
6. Hai scritto tre libri che riguardano la cucina.
Com’è nata la tua passione per la cucina e qual è la tua “filosofia culinaria”?
6. You wrote three books about cooking. How did your passion for cooking start and what is your “culinary philosophy”?
Sono affascinata dal mix di manie della cultura pop con il cibo.
Il mio libro di cucina, Cute Yummy Time, ha 70 ricette che trasformano cibi sani e quotidiani in personaggi kawaii. È ispirato ai bento carini trovati in Giappone. Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo vi porta nei ristoranti giapponesi a tema più bizzarri al mondo e nei cosplay e maid cafes. Tutti i miei libri sono disponibili sul mio sito.
I am fascinated with the intersection of pop culture quirks and food. My cookbook, Cute Yummy Time, has 70 recipes that transform everyday healthy foods into kawaii characters. It’s inspired by the cute bento boxes found in Japan. Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo takes you into the weird world of Japanese theme restaurants and cosplay / maid cafes. All my book are available on my site.
7. Di te dicono:
The New Yorker: “adorable, in a somewhat bizarre way”
Andrew Zimmern (TV host, Bizarre Foods on Travel Channel): “La Carmina has beauty, grace, intelligence and can speak with authority on many subjects. If you don’t subscribe to this woman’s Facebook, blog, and Twitter feeds you are really missing out, kids.”
Sono dei bellissimi complimenti. Qual è stato invece il complimento più grande ricevuto dai tuoi fan?
7. They said about you:
The New Yorker: “adorable, in a somewhat bizarre way”.
Andrew Zimmern (TV host, Bizarre Foods on Travel Channel): “La Carmina has beauty, grace, intelligence and can speak with authority on many subjects. If you don’t subscribe to this woman’s Facebook, blog, and Twitter feeds you are really missing out, kids”.
They are great compliments. On the other hand what was the greatest compliment made by your fans?
Niente mi rende più felice che sentire l’opinione dei lettori, che dicono che il mio blog rallegra la loro giornata, o li ispira e li aiuta in qualche modo. Molte delle persone che visitano Tokyo per la prima volta hanno trovato la mia Goth Lolita Japan shopping guide molto utile.
Le opinioni dei lettori mi fanno sentire che il mio lavoro sia utile.
Nothing makes me happier than hearing from readers, who say my blog brightened up their day, or inspired / helped them in some way. Many first-time visitors to Tokyo have found my Goth Lolita Japan shopping guide to be very helpful.
Hearing from readers makes me feel my work is worthwhile.
8. In italia chi segue la moda Harajuku, molto spesso viene guardata in modo strano e suscita curiosità.
8. Come è percepito il tuo stile nella vita di tutti i giorni? Come affronti le reazioni della gente?
In Italy, the girls, who follow Harajuku fashion, are often looked in a strange way and excite curiosity. How is your style seen in everyday life? How do you handle other people’s reactions?
Ho avuto strane reazioni per le mie scelte di vestire in modo alternativo nei miei primi anni dell’adolescenza, quindi sono abituata a tutto. Nella maggior parte dei casi, le persone sono amichevoli e non mi dispiace chiacchierare con loro riguardo ai miei vestiti. Mi piace anche sfidare me stessa e provare nuovi stili, piuttosto che basarmi sui look più sicuri. Alcune persone lo amano e altri lo odiano, ma continuo a fare quello che faccio – perché è al 100% quello che sono.
I’ve had strangers reacting to my alternative fashion choices since my early teenage years, so I’m accustomed to anything. For the most part, people are friendly and I don’t mind chatting with them about my clothing. I also like to challenge myself and try new styles, rather than relying on something safe. Some people love it and others hate it, but I keep doing what I do – because it’s 100% true to who I am.
9. Blogger, inviata per importanti canali televisivi, fashion designer, modella e scrittrice. Come trovi il tempo per tutte queste attività? C’è qualcosa che ti piace fare di più oppure affronti tutti tuoi impegni con entusiasmo?
9. Blogger, correspondent for important TV channels, fashion designer, model and writer. How do you get around to doing all these activities? Is there a job that you like most or do you like all your activities with the same enthusiasm?
Sono molto fortunata che tutto il mio lavoro ruoti intorno alle mie passioni – le sottoculture giovanili, lo stile Gotico, il Giappone, l’arte e l’espressione alternativa. Mi sento fortunata, sono in grado di lavorare in una varietà di mezzi, come la scrittura e il TV hosting. Amo ogni aspetto del mio lavoro.
I am very lucky that all my work revolves around my passions — for youth subcultures, Gothic, Japan, alternative art and expression. I feel fortunate I am able to work in a variety of mediums, such as writing and TV hosting. I love every aspect of my work.
10. Quali sono i tuoi progetti per il futuro?
10. What are your future plans?
Non vedo l’ora di essere a Tokyo, in Giappone per Halloween! Il mio primo ufficiale della truppa ed io stiamo programmando delle riprese per un canale TV norvegese. Siamo molto eccitati per La Carmina & The Pirates, la nostra nuova società di consulenza di tendenza e servizi TV Jpop.
Abbiamo piani bucanieri davanti a noi… seguite il mio blog per le novità!
I can’t wait to be in Tokyo, Japan for Halloween! My First Mate and I will be hosting and scheduling a shoot for a Norway TV station. We’re very excited about La Carmina & The Pirates, our new trend consulting and Jpop TV services company.
We have scurvy plans ahead… stay tuned to my blog for announcements!

He is adorable :)
Aww he’s so cute how old is he?
Eternally a baby!
Thanks you too, Carmina!!! We love your style and your work (and you cat too!!!) =^___^=
ne… yukiro-san, why kawaii in katakana? (just curious, i’m a 1st year japanese language student and it confused me XD)
0:43 . Oh Babyy ;3
Aww, who’s gotta cute tummy wummy?
Awww Basil you’re the cutest cat EVER ^^ You look so sweet!
does your cat experiment with catnip?
@snooq Yess you can see him go crazy on catnip here – and
So glad to see the Captain of the pirates has taken some time off to have fun. ^^
Halloween is the most important day of the year!! It must be done properly!
In all honesty.. i totally agree, my friend was over puppysitting over the weekend while we did a bunch of other interesting functions lol; and we had about 7 sets of kids not dressed up show up at the door for candy and the two of us (She’s from NZ and i’m the only american in the house besides my mom lol) just looked at each other like “That… was lame.” – I miss getting into the spirit of fun!
He’s adorable!!! :)
This halloween i was volunteering at a church function called “Light Party” – the encourage kids to dress up and celebrate “light” rather than “dark” lol – at least they don’t take the fun out of dressing up, and they offer a lot of fun in 2-3 hours, We ran the tech room – 70 bucks worth of video game consoles and games for 2 hours – Only to find out my mom wanted to play the WII more than the kids did! If it weren’t for japan i gather, my mother would’ve never gotten me into video games :P
That sounds awesome – and for a great cause! :) That’s so cute about your mom.
He’s soooooo cute :) I love cats, and I’m becoming just so crazy when it comes to animals so I was like saying ‘awwwww’ the whole video. I sooo want to cuddle his belly, it seems to be so soft! ;)
(Antastesia from twitter)
You absolutely MUST submit that first photo of Basic to – or hang on, I´ll do it for you! :D
Aww thank you for thinking of him! However, I’d actually prefer to keep the copyright to myself, and only post his images on my site… But it is indeed a cute blog :)
Awww okay no probs, but even on Cuteoverload you would still get a link back to your site, they always credit the person the photo/video belongs to. Just lemme know cause it will definitely get you some hits/new fans for your site too. :)
Hm, ok… I trust your judgement. Can you please make sure that the site refers to my Scottish Fold cat’s name as Basil Farrow, and that it says he’s La Carmina’s cat? (Photo credit to La Carmina) And please make sure it links to You can also talk about his celebrity background – full info here –
Seriously adorbz!
He. Is . So. FLUFFY!!!!
he reminds me of garfialed lol!
kawaii neko!!!!!! :#3
Cheers for good work, and I hope to see alot more from you =) ~
:) Aw. Basil Farrow is adorable.
Ahhh, one thing that’s been bothering me for quite a while is the subject of Visual Kei.
Is it really dying? I mean with all these bands in hiatus and/or breaking, it’s kind of sad.
D’: Do you know any idea why? :3 NEWHO, hope your halloween was fantastic. D’: My neighborhood barely had people giving out candy or dressing up. Bit of a drag, but :3 I still dressed up.
I am optimistic… there are many great young VK bands, outside of Japan as well, that will keep the flame going!
your cat is SO CUTE!!!