As you know, I’m the mother of the cutest cat in the world, Scottish Fold kitty Basil Farrow! The producers of Animal Planet / Discovery Channel’s “Cats 101” TV show found his YouTube videos and fell in love… and scouted him to be in an episode. Since they had already made a Scottish Folds segment, Basil Farrow is featured four times in the Fat Cats clip.
I feel I must preface the video with a Fat Disclaimer! My cat, Basil Farrow, is not obese or even an unhealthy weight. He is a male Scottish Fold; his breed is short with a stocky build, fat cheeks, and thick fur. While he appears to be roly-poly, he is in fact within a healthy weight range (albeit on the higher end…) Rest assured that he visits his cat specialist regularly (no normal vets for my bear!). Basil Farrow only eats byproduct-free healthy cat food, catgrass, and plain organic fat free yogurt. And he exercises daily by running up and down the stairs, and playing with his mouse toy.
Ready to watch my Scottish Fold cat’s appearance in Cats 101 above and here? He’ll give you a big furry kiss if you subscribe to our YouTube channel! (Thank you to my First Mate, Naomi, for taping it.)
You can see more cute Scottish Fold kitty pictures on Basil’s blog, and please add him on Facebook (he loves to make new friends).
Canadian makeup company Annabelle Cosmetics interviewed me about alternative beauty. They write that I’m “quite something of a novelty in the ever-growing blogosphere of same old, same old. Showcasing her fabulously freaky finds amongst keeping herself busy as a journalist and author… there truly isn’t anything this dame can’t do! From a twisted sense of fabulous fashion and wearing makeup truly as an outer expression, she dares you to experiment and tune into your favorite dark side.”
A few of my quotes from the interview:
“I adore alternative beauty because it challenges our expectations about what is beautiful. Even the macabre can be sublime: black and blue lips, pallid skin, spiked eyepatches, facial piercings. I find it thrilling to experiment with subcultural beauty; to create looks that even the most hardened person might find intriguing.”
“Waltz through the catacombs, deck yourself out in ostrich feathers, and make every day into a dark and decadent adventure.”
Et voila l’entrevue en Francais. Je parles Francais, alors vous pouvez me laisser des message dans cette langue…
I’m so proud of my Basil Farrow. Did you enjoy his TV debut? You can also read my makeup interview after the jump.
Japanese Word of the Day: Kichiku = Beast, barbarian
Song of the Day: Marc Bolan – The Wizard (Long live the dandy, glam rock and decadance!)
Gothic Blogger La Carmina – Exclusive Interview!
Gothic Lolita, La Carmina (a beauty blogger reppin’ internationally for all Canadian beauty and spooky lovers alike) is quite something of a novelty in the ever-growing blogosphere of same old, same old. Showcasing her fabulously freaky finds amongst keeping herself busy as a journalist and author… there truly isn’t anything this dame can’t do!
From a twisted sense of fabulous fashion and wearing makeup truly as an outer expression, she dares you to experiment and tune into your favorite dark side. With thousands of fans from around the world checking in to her site for daily inspiration, it’s no wonder she has achieved such incredible success (with only more undoubtedly on the way) – her creativity and modern approach to life is as refreshing as it is magical!
Allow us to facilitate stepping into the mind of this modern-day ingenue and busy body – be sure to fall further down her rabbit hole by exploring her Youtube account, Facebook Fanpage and adding her to Twitter and Myspace!
Before you do, check out this awesome (and exclusive) exploration into the world of being a Gothic Beauty Entrepreneur… a Miss Carmina!
† So for those out there who may not be familiar with your blog, book and clothing creations, can you give us a “run through” of what being La Carmina is and entails?
La Carmina is a “spooky-cute Marie Antoinette” whose world revolves around Japanese/Goth/alternative fashion, music and underground cultures. I run a blog and write about Asia pop culture for CNNGo. I’ve written 3 books (about cute cooking and crazy Tokyo theme cafes) and collaborated on a Tim Burton-like fashion line. Recently, I’ve been doing TV hosting for networks such as Travel Channel. One of my favorite experiences was taking Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods to a horror jail restaurant in Tokyo!
† How did the creation of your empire commence? Planned or natural?
100% unexpected. In 2007, I was in law school but wanted to do something more creative, so I considered a number of possibilities. I gave blogging a go, and fell in love with writing and posting images every day. Readership increased on my La Carmina blog, and when that led to two book contracts in 2008, I knew I was on the right path.
† What is your definition of beauty?
I adore alternative beauty because it challenges our expectations about what is beautiful. Even the macabre can be sublime: black and blue lips, pallid skin, spiked eyepatches, facial piercings. I find it thrilling to experiment with subcultural beauty; to create looks that even the most hardened person might find intriguing.
† Many people would consider your style (both beauty as well as fashion) to be quite extreme, do you ever experience backlash or negativity (lord knows the haters love to prey on those who put themselves out there). If so, how do you handle it?
Ever since I was very young, I’ve dressed Gothic/alternative because I feel it reflects who I am. Taking away this outlet would reduce me to a shadow of myself – and so, I keep strong, no matter what others might think. I’m encouraged by my “spooky friends,” who are even more wildly experimental than I am!
† What is your all-time favorite makeup look?
The super-flamboyant Tokyo Goth/Cyber club look. It combines elegant Gothic Rococo (such as a black veiled hat) with circus neon (feathered eyelashes, colored contacts). You can see photos from Japan fetish and alt club nights in the Nightcrawling section of my blog.
† Makeup essentials you refuse to live without?
My friends and I obsess over the “magical makeup remover” from Japan. We often wear heavy, dramatic makeup that’s hard to remove, but Softymo wet sheets will sweep it all off. Every time I’m in Japan, I stock up on it.
† If you could give one great piece of advice to people just getting into makeup experimentation (or better yet makeup artists as well), what would it be and why?
Any small occasion – a dinner with friends, a movie outing – is an opportunity to experiment with makeup. Give yourself at least 30 minutes to get ready, and do something different every single time. Try false eyelashes, or blending two lip colors, or applying eyeshadows wet. Look at photos or tutorial videos for ideas. The more you practice and try new techniques, the faster you’ll learn what works for you.
† What is the most important message you aim to convey as a blogger?
Waltz through the catacombs, deck yourself out in ostrich feathers, and make every day into a dark and decadent adventure.
† Where/what do you draw inspiration from?
My club-crawling space-alien friends are my number one source of inspiration. I’m constantly blown away by their imagination; they’ll take the most unexpected materials and work them into a fashion
masterpiece. I also draw upon Visual Kei, Gothic Lolita and Japanese Cyber/Goth photos and videos.
† I adore books! Tell us about yours! What can readers expect when they step inside Gothic Carmina’s mind?
You can expect cute Scottish Fold cats, cross-dressing maids, and penguin-shaped sushi! Cute Yummy Time [Perigee/Penguin USA] has 72 recipes on how to turn your favorite foods into adorable characters, with full-color photos and my illustrations. Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo [Mark Batty/Random House] is about Japan’s over-the-top, in-your-face dining experiences. Think monkey waiters and dog cafes.
† If you could create a magical makeup product what would it be and how would you use it?
“Le Vampire,” an immortal skin cream that produces pale, perfect skin til the end of time.
† Alright, pop quiz: You have purple eyeshadow, orange lipstick and gold pigment dust… How would you use it all to create one of your signature makeup looks?
Makeup products don’t have to be used for their intended purpose, so be creative and do the unexpected! I’d wet the gold pigment and apply it to my lips, sealing it with lip gloss. Purple eyeshadow can be used as an unconventional blush; try sweeping it on your cheek at an angle, then softening it with a burnt rose blush. Since the lips are gilded, I’d keep the eyes relatively simple: liquid eyeliner and a blend of light brown eyeshadows. Finally, add a dot or two at the outer corners of the lower eyelids with the orange lipstick, for contrast and pop.
† So you are already well on your way to world Internet domination… What’s next for you?
I love, love, love doing TV hosting. I have a few travel TV gigs in the works; my goal is to keep in this direction and take things to the next level. I’m also a journalist for CNNGo.com (an Asia travel/lifestyle website) and magazines, blogging daily, writing a column for Lip Service Webzine… You can always keep tabs on my “adventure in spooky-ville” on my blog!

AWWW! I saw that show! I didn’t know it was yours though!
kawaii neko! playing with the bug!! *w*
ok, that little squeak at the end was just adorable.
I don’t want to sound mean and I hope you take this as positively as possible, but I have some comments on Basil and his weight. :)
“While he appears to be roly-poly, he is in fact within a healthy weight range (albeit on the higher end…)”
I’m familiar with Scottish Folds and their weight and wanted to say that yes, this breed is known to be round in all aspects. Lean is not right for them and I would be concerned if I saw a ‘lean’ Fold, but Basil is actually a bit overweight. I was getting a bit concerned after seeing some of his most recent vids. He seems to have gained more weight?
“Basil Farrow only eats unprocessed healthy cat food”
While I am sure he appreciates all the hard work you do for him and I know how much you love him (to death :), commercial food *is* processed. Unless you switched him over to a home cooked or raw diet? However, kibble and canned cat food is definitely processed.
Basil is still super duper cute and I know you have his best interest in mind, but I really think a bit of a weight reduction would prolong his lifespan and cause fewer health issues later on such as diabetes or joint problems. Keep up the good work!
No offence taken! :) I appreciate the comment.Basil goes to the doctor regularly, and was just there 2 months ago. His weight has not changed in the past year, so to the best of my knowledge, he hasn’t gained weight… He’s also not overweight according to the doctor, and weighs less than most people might expect. I won’t embarrass him by telling the numbers, but it’s within the 9-13 lbs weight range that is considered healthy for Scottish Folds. As for raw foods… Basil has some food sensitivities, so he’s on a diet that the vet feels works best for him… I actually meant byproducts-free, not unprocessed, and changed it. xox
Oh, I’m glad you didn’t take offense to my comment – thank you! You never know with these things…sometimes people are very sensitive to stuff like this, especially if it’s towards someone/thing they love. Not that I blame them.
If the weight/scale hasn’t shown anything different, then it might be just the angle of the pictures/videos taken or my eyes really are going (sigh). Perhaps pictures can be deceiving for cats, just like how humans apparently look 10 lbs more in them? :) Can’t wait to see more videos of Basil!
ah okay. my scottish fold mix is 13 lbs also. i have her eating “wellness” right now and no dry food but i’ll be transitioning her onto a supplemented raw diet soon.
PS he’s also a furrier Scottish Fold than most; his fur is extremely thick and medium-long. He’s also very active and exercises / plays every day; I’ll post a video next with footage.. :)
waaah! they showed him when the v.o. said, ‘heart disease’… no fair!
So cute! ^_^ I wish there were baby pictures of Basil we could see!
Basil’s not fat, he’s just fluffy!
Basil is so cute! I love his fat little self!
2:11 – 2:14 Kawaii!
ROFLMFAO!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OH MY G- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! My stomach’s hurting! Oh boy!
a) I can’t help but laugh when you try and strangle Basil! LMAO!!!!
b) The editing did a wipe on to the next shot and then showed Basil when the lady was all: “and HEART DISEASE!!!” – HAHAHAHAHA POOR BASIL, when he’s A-ok and healthy, he gets the honor of “heart disease” HAHAHAHAHA – so so so very very very sorry for my laughter to a pretty crude joke. And I’m sorry for those who do have cats with heart disease…but then again I would ask them to take a better watch for what their cats eat if they love them so much.
c) “Stay tuned when Cats 101 comes back…one of the world’s smartest CATS!: *Cute Meow*
EDIT: *GROWL!* (in a relative sense to the “smart cat”) – Basil steals the action – HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No one gives a **** about the smartest cat, and neither does BASIL – LMAO!!!! HAHAHAHA! Oh boy I gotta calm down.
Great interview once again – but doesn’t come close to the Basil footage haha!
hahah awww! I’m glad it gave you a good belly laugh!! _< Wahh!
Looks like Basil’s enjoying his fame. Just be careful he doesn’t surpass you. =(^_^)=
It would be cool to see you do more TV hosting. The way you speak and present yourself might win over people who normally wouldn’t be into lolita/goth/cosplay. (at least the way I see it. :) )
He’s already surpassed everyone in his family! :)
I’ll be hosting the Norway TV show, coming right up… with more in the works!
He should co-host….give him a goth makeover….
awww he so cute
Your cat is the cutest thing ever, I swear! XD
That is a huggable kitty!
And I thought my cat was tubby 0.0
Lols, so cutee!
It’s Garfield in real life.
haha! That’s awesome! ;p
LOVE it !!! inspiring !!! xoxo
I want that hat! It’s gorgeous!