Basil Farrow is far more famous and popular than his human parents will ever be. Proof: he receives his own correspondence. In fact, one needs only to address a package to his name and country, and Canada Post does the rest. (All right, I engaged in some Photoshop.)
From Peter Gethers of Random House? His favorite author! Peter was similarly captivated by his grey Scottish Fold, Norton, and wrote three books about their adventures: The Cat Who Went to Paris, A Cat Abroad, and The Cat Who’ll Live Forever. (You won’t understand the magic until you have one of these round, earless teddy-owls around.)
And inside the package… was the trilogy! Autographed to Basil and his mom!
To reiterate, Basil Farrow is far better connected than his parents ever will be. He became friends with the author via Facebook – mainly because he wants to play with his current Foldys, Hud and Harper. Peter put up with our silliness and offered to send us copies of his books! Can you believe it? “Brrmeow!” says Basil, “Domo arigato gozaimasu!”
We will re-read the Norton trilogy together and treasure them for our nine lives. You should sniff out these books yourself, as they’re not just for cat lovers. Norton and Peter’s adventures will keep you in stitches, especially when figures such as Roman Polanski (also a friend of Basil’s) make cameos. The books are available in a set on Amazon, and you can find out more on the Random House website. Here’s to new furry and flop-eared friends!
Song of the Day #28: Dir en Grey – Raison d’Etre

Basil is so cute and well read!
Basil is so cute and well read!
awwww!!!!!!!!!!! I wih I owned a scottish fold cat!!!! Athogh I think there quite exenive(or sont even sell them0 down here in australia
awwww!!!!!!!!!!! I wih I owned a scottish fold cat!!!! Athogh I think there quite exenive(or sont even sell them0 down here in australia
Someone else mentioned that Scottish Folds aren’t allowed to be sold in some countries… how sad!
O my god, I love Peter Gathers and Norton! I wish I had a scottish fold, they are soo cute! <3 But now I'm happy with my adorable cat, Cirmu. ^^
O my god, I love Peter Gathers and Norton! I wish I had a scottish fold, they are soo cute! <3 But now I'm happy with my adorable cat, Cirmu. ^^
Basil is so cute. I was a little saddened by the inscription because it reads that Norton 'would have loved you' which would mean that Norton has since passed on into cat heaven. Still, I hope Basil appreciates it!
Norton lived a long and lovely life, from what Peter writes in his book! Now, he has two Scottish Fold siblings (Hud and Harper) to keep him company. :)
Hope you're doing well! How are the parties holding up?
Basil is so cute. I was a little saddened by the inscription because it reads that Norton ‘would have loved you’ which would mean that Norton has since passed on into cat heaven. Still, I hope Basil appreciates it!
Norton lived a long and lovely life, from what Peter writes in his book! Now, he has two Scottish Fold siblings (Hud and Harper) to keep him company. :)
Hope you’re doing well! How are the parties holding up?
aw, that's adorable! i love Norton and those books too, so that's a major score!
aw, that’s adorable! i love Norton and those books too, so that’s a major score!
omg these pix are precious! and of course love the song of the day
kudos to the connections lol
btw, the punk pj post that follows this one wouldn't let me comment, I tried twice o-0
I love your website
you really are AMAZING
omg these pix are precious! and of course love the song of the day
kudos to the connections lol
btw, the punk pj post that follows this one wouldn’t let me comment, I tried twice o-0
I love your website
you really are AMAZING
awesome *¬*
I love Basil !!
He loves you all!
awesome *¬*
I love Basil !!
He loves you all!
what cute cat X3!
Someone else mentioned that Scottish Folds aren't allowed to be sold in some countries… how sad!
what cute cat X3!
Omg your cat is so cute!
Omg your cat is so cute!
I've just read 'A Cat called Norton' and I absolutely love it, he reminds me of my own cat Sammy, the writing is fantastic and funny, I've just ordered 'The cat who'll live forever'… can't wait to read it.
I’ve just read ‘A Cat called Norton’ and I absolutely love it, he reminds me of my own cat Sammy, the writing is fantastic and funny, I’ve just ordered ‘The cat who’ll live forever’… can’t wait to read it.
Such a wonderful book… Have you seen my Scottish Fold blog?
Such a wonderful book… Have you seen my Scottish Fold blog?
I've just read 'A Cat called Norton' and I absolutely love it, he reminds me of my own cat Sammy, the writing is fantastic and funny, I've just ordered 'The cat who'll live forever'… can't wait to read it.
Such a wonderful book… Have you seen my Scottish Fold blog?