

pet strollers and carrier cages, designer pet gear, jeep, BASIL IN A CAT STROLLER! CRAZY CAT LADY OUTFIT, SPOILED PAMPERED PET ACCESSORIES. FUNNY CELEBRITY PETS. kittywalk systems stroller sport, scottish fold cat, baby bear cub

Remember when CSN Stores sent my Scottish Fold fat cat a giant parcel? What on Earth could be inside? Only the most epic pet product in existence… a Kittywalk Systems Sport cat stroller!

For our inaugural stroll, I dressed like a crazy cat lady. Half hippie, half bag woman. My clothes match Basil Farrow’s fur color.

Big blue circular sunglasses: from Halloweentown in Burbank, CA.
Fitted jacket with corset back: I got it ages ago in Hong Kong.
Baggy knee high socks: Also an old thing from the streets of Hong Kong.
Fuzzy dreadlock scarf: a DIY project.
Smiling kitty backpack: gifted from Limebarb. It increases the kawaii quotient of any coordinate!

Basil is not afraid of anything (except tin foil and belly dancers), so he enjoyed being rolled around outdoors in his personal carriage. Check out the top right photo — what a good little boy.

pet strollers and carrier cages, designer pet gear, jeep, BASIL IN A CAT STROLLER! CRAZY CAT LADY OUTFIT, SPOILED PAMPERED PET ACCESSORIES. FUNNY CELEBRITY PETS. kittywalk systems stroller sport, scottish fold cat, baby bear cub, lolcat photos, fat cats

The removable “cage” has soft netting over the front, so your cat can look outside (with a cute squishy-face). This stroller comes in pink as well, but I thought blue would be the more manly choice.

pet strollers and carrier cages, designer pet gear, jeep, BASIL IN A CAT STROLLER! CRAZY CAT LADY OUTFIT, SPOILED PAMPERED PET ACCESSORIES. FUNNY CELEBRITY PETS. kittywalk systems stroller sport, scottish fold cat, baby bear cub, lolcat photos, fat cats

The Kittywalk Systems Sport pet stroller is constructed as well as a human one: there are cup holders, spaces to store items, and levers to lock the wheels in place.

cute scottish fold cat, baby scottish folds kittens for sale, round face folded eared pet housecat, pet strollers and carrier cages, designer pet gear, jeep, BASIL IN A CAT STROLLER! CRAZY CAT LADY OUTFIT, SPOILED PAMPERED PET ACCESSORIES. FUNNY CELEBRITY PETS. kittywalk systems stroller sport, scottish fold cat, baby bear cub, lolcat photos, fat cats

Looks like this kitten is ready for another walk! Many thanks to Wayfair for the fabulous pet stroller. Come see more of Basil Farrow’s sideways-feet on his blog, Facebook and YouTube videos.

German Gothic fashion, goth travel show, Germany goth clothing brands, cyber styles, dark culture events: Wave Gotik Treffen music festival, Steampunk and Gothic Lolita clothing in Germany. Schillerndes Dunkel book

PS: My latest Global Gothic column for Lip Service Webzine is up. “The original Goths weren’t the members of Joy Division (haha) but the Visigoths and Ostrogoths – the East German tribes who invaded and ultimately decimated the Roman Empire. Today, Deutschland remains a Gothic hotspot, albeit in the black-lipstick-wearing, subcultural sense.” I interview my friends about Germany’s dark fashion trends and Schillerndes Dunkel, a new reference book on Goth culture. Come read it here!

Do you spoil your pet? What’s the most ridiculous item you’ve gotten for your baby?

Japanese Word of the Day: Moonbeam = Gekko
Song of the Day: Moon Kana – Hebi Ichigo

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GOTHLOLI JROCK INSPIRATION: ROSE. lolita meetups usa, sweet lolita tea parties, models, gothic lolita clothes, where to buy harajuku girls fashion online, pretty Gothic Lolita, classical lolita brands, lolita hairstyles, bodyline, western gothic lolitas, sweet lolita fashion show, egl anime convention, japanese expos manga

Apologies for falling behind on Gothloli of the Week! Amazingly, 100 people have been featured since this blog’s inception. Let’s now widen the net a little… and re-name this feature “Gothloli & Jrock Inspiration.” Meaning I’d love to showcase boys and girls who rock Visual Kei and Harajuku street style — whether it’s decora, kawaii, gyaru, or a mix of everything. Ready to share your story? Email me your answers to the questions below, and at least 3 high-res photos.

† Name: Rose
† Age: 22
† Location: Sechelt, BC, Canada
† How were you introduced to Gothic Lolita/Harajuku/Visual Kei fashion?
I don’t quite remember how I found it, but for sure it was through the internet. I think I was about 11 or 12 when I got interested, and I’ve always worn Lolita style on and off ever since.
† What do you find appealing about the style and culture?
I’ve always loved cute styles, and I like that I can work Lolita in with whatever other style I’m into at the time, whether it’s punk, gyaru, or whatever else my current obsession is! I’ve been in love with antiques and Victorian culture/style forever, and I like how all the Lolita styles have a bit of a Victorian influence. To me it’s a style that requires a bit of class, and I think Lolitas should always have good manners, which is something that I think is important in everyday life.

GOTHLOLI JROCK INSPIRATION: ROSE. lolita meetups usa, sweet lolita tea parties, models, gothic lolita clothes, where to buy harajuku girls fashion online, pretty Gothic Lolita, classical lolita brands, lolita hairstyles, bodyline, western gothic lolitas, sweet lolita fashion show, egl anime convention, japanese expos manga

† What are your favorite Gothic Lolita Punk clothing brands?
Alice and the Pirates, Antique Beast, Sex Pot Revenge, Putumayo, Moi-meme-Moitie, BTSSB, but I love items from many other brands, and like to make my own crazy styles. I also have a huge obsession with Suppurate System.
† Any other comments (inspiration, tips, favorites)?
I think my first inspiration was Kana, I thought she was the cutest! But when it comes to decor and that sort if thing, I read everything I can about Victorian decorating. Also, I’m into taxidermy, and when I see animals, it sounds weird but they inspired many of my creations. For tips I think I would say, just do whatever you like, I never consider what other people will think of what I am wearing, if I like it, even if I’m the only one, thats enough for me, you have to be happy in what you wear. I think that’s what makes a person look good, if you can tell they are happy with themselves.

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Film of the Week: The Girl Who Played With Fire (Noomi Rapace, Michael Nyqvist). The take-no-prisoners Goth computer hacker is back! I haven’t read the novels by Sweden’s Steig Larsson but loved the first film, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The sequel takes the already-brutal story to a darker and bloodier place. Lisbeth Salander (Rapace) returns to Sweden and is promptly pinned for murder. Who’s after her, and how’s the plan linked to a sex trafficking ring? A blond tank of a hitman and her long-gone father add fuel to the fire. The characterization is refreshingly atypical; instead of a Hollywood damsel in distress, you get a (half?) Asian lesbian lover who fights back. Rapace is a fierce actress throughout, but she’s at her best when she wears Goth clown makeup and tortures a sex pig — that’s the way to do it! The film is in theaters now; thanks to Alliance Films for the preview passes.

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Introducing Harajuku Freak, an online purveyor of exclusive, one-off Japanese designer clothing. As many of you know, it’s near-impossible to find cutting-edge Japanese brand labels outside of the country. “So, due to our love of all things different and ahead-of-the-game, and to stop fashion freaks like ourselves having to travel across the globe to get their fix, we have hand picked the most interesting, luxurious and avant-garde labels making waves, and brought them to you.” (These names include Izreel, Motonari Ono, Akira Naka…)

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The store is slashing all prices about 60% — so you’re only paying wholesale plus sales tax. And delivery is free worldwide. That’s an incredible deal for cutting-edge clothing you can’t find outside of Japan! Come browse the Japanese men’s and women’s designer clothing on Harajuku Freak’s site before it’s gone.

If you would like to be featured as “Gothloli & Jrock Inspiration,” please email me your answers to the questions above, and at least 3 high-res photos. For Gothic Lolita Punk shopping guides and online stores, check out the links to clothing brands on the right column of my blog.

The next time you buy from, may I ask you to please consider supporting this blog by shopping via my site? Just click here and search for whatever you want from Amazon (there are no extra costs to you).

Thanks so much and please keep in touch (I love hearing from you and try to respond to everyone): RSS feed, posts in your inbox, MySpace, Facebook Group, Facebook Fan page, Twitter, YouTube, Bloglovin and Google Friend Connect (right sidebar of my blog).