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My to-do list is overflowing: I still have a thousand behind-the-scenes photos from my recent Japanese TV shoots to share with you! Remember when my friends and I took the Dutch Pepsi crew to Tokyo’s oddest pop culture spots? We gathered outside Pasela Hon Ten in Shinjuku before singing our spleens out at karaoke.

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My white bread birthday cake was quite the spectacle. However, Mistress Maya stole the show — and scared us to pieces — with her heart-stopping rendition of Alanis Morissette’s You Oughta Know. You can watch the entire clip of her performance in this new video.

Don’t you love how everyone looks shell-shocked, while I’m rolling with the cat-scratches? You can see the other Dutch Pepsi video (where we visit Alice in Wonderland cafe, Harajuku and a Sega game center) here.

SCOTTISH FOLD CAT tv show, video, basil farrow scottish folds ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL, ANIMAL PLANET CATS 101 TV SHOW & RADIO INTERVIEW, fat cats, fattest cats in world, fold-eared kittens, fat faced cat, cream colored british shorthair, celebrity pets

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to see my Scottish Fold cat on Discovery Channel! I will put up his Cats 101 appearance ASAP; please subscribe to my channel so you won’t miss it.

Head bonks to Weasalgal, who wrote a charming love letter to my “cute, roly-poly, ginger/beige teddy bear” Basil Farrow. You can read it here and after the jump.

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PS: This be your FINAL chance to win $400 of Gothic Lolita Steampunk clothing from Gloomth! Wouldn’t ye like to get ye hooks on me pirate jacket? Enter our wardrobe giveaway contest here (it’s easy) before the clock strikes midnight.

Japanese Word of the Day: Daitouryou = President of a country
Song of the Day: Alanis Morissette – You Oughta Know (the Mistress Maya version!)

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SCOTTISH FOLD CAT tv show, video, basil farrow scottish folds ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL, ANIMAL PLANET CATS 101 TV SHOW & RADIO INTERVIEW, fat cats, fattest cats in world, fold-eared kittens, fat faced cat, cream colored british shorthair, celebrity pets

Set your Tivos. My Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow, will be on Discovery Channel / Animal Planet on Saturday night! He will be featured in an episode of Cats 101, a program dedicated to fuzzy felines.

SCOTTISH FOLD CAT tv show, video, basil farrow scottish folds ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL, ANIMAL PLANET CATS 101 TV SHOW & RADIO INTERVIEW, fat cats, fattest cats in world, fold-eared kittens, fat faced cat, cream colored british shorthair, celebrity pets

My Scottish Fold is in the episode with this description: “Turkish Van; Snowshoe; Chartreux; Bengal; Domestic housecat; fat cats; Balinese.” It airs Saturday, September 25th at 8pm (I think for both Eastern and Pacific Time, but check your provider to be sure). As you may have guessed, my roly-poly bear will be in the “fat cats” segment. I hope you won’t miss his TV debut!

Here’s something else to mark on your calendars. Asian Boston (who recently featured me in a magazine article) is interviewing me on their radio show. We’ll be chatting about my work for 30 minutes, beginning at 11am PT / 2pm ET on Saturday. We welcome you to call in and ask questions. You can listen to the radio show live here.

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Thank you to Style Sample magazine for interviewing me in their latest publication. Flip through the entire Issue 9 here.

SCOTTISH FOLD CAT lying upside down, tummy rub, paws in air, cat lying on back cute funny kitties, tv show, video, basil farrow scottish folds ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL, ANIMAL PLANET CATS 101 TV SHOW & RADIO INTERVIEW, fat cats, fattest cats in world, fold-eared kittens, fat faced cat, cream colored british shorthair, celebrity pets

Don’t forget to tune in to Cats 101 on Saturday, 8pm, Discovery Channel! You can get a sneak peak of Basil Farrow playing and wahh-ing on our YouTube channel. And I will post new images of him on his Facebook tomorrow, so be sure to friend him.

Japanese Word of the Day: Iten suru = Move, removal
Song of the Day: Kanon Wakeshima – Princess Charleston

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