

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

Being a sad and lonely person, I had to hire a Kabuki-cho host boy to keep me company on New Year’s Eve. He had the coveted half-Japanese looks, and the immovable stylized hair. Oh, how he could open Vampire wine with flair!

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

On December 31st, Sebastiano Serafini (who you may recognize from a certain Japanese TV drama) and I hosted a gathering in our hotel suite.

Flower ring: gifted by Grotan (Japanese jewelry designer)
Knit black bow headband: gifted by CamdenLock Clothing
Faux-fur jacket: a present from a Chinese auntie. It’s mine, but Seba often borrowed it.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

What a pair… a pirate and a number one host. (Or a one-dollar host boy?)

Pirate dress: gifted by Lip Service. (Part of the magnificent Brocade Piracy collection.)
Black knee highs with white swirl: gifted from Artisan Socks.

big eyes makeup tutorial, japanese girls makeup techniques, big eye eyeshadow, Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

Purple big-eyed makeup: similar to this makeup tutorial. I added sticker gems. We both use a lot white eyeshadow to highlight.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, Del martin, Tune in Tokyo japanese jpop djs, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

Jpop DJ Del from Tune in Tokyo brought us homemade bread and Nutella — delcicious! Our hotel has free green apples in the lobby. As you can imagine, we ate a lot of them.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

Look who got a Super Exclusive Spooky Friendship Club Ring! First Mate Naomi and artist Aidan Casserly joined the pre-party at our gargantuan Orlando Hotel suite. (The West Hollywood boutique hotel hosted us; tons of photos and videos coming up.)

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, nye, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

New Year’s Eve requires a nightcrawl. Hello, Hollywood.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

I’m not sure what Sebastiano is putting in my mouth.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

Not sure about this either….

Purse: h.NAOTO from Closet Child, with creepy-cute charms I added
Boots: Alice and the Pirates, from Closet Child

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco,  japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

The stunning Phyliss Navidad whisked us past the line and welcomed us with champagne. She was the host of “NYE Blow Up!” at Jane’s House, a two-story Victorian manor with a large patio. (Phyliss and Lenora Claire are opening Pop Tart Gallery on Jan 29 with an exhibition by Austin Young… LA friends, you must attend.)

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

No matter where Seba goes, there are random people who try to strangle him to death.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

The DJs spun electro and 80s pop to a friendly, alternative crowd.

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

The countdown to 2011 took place in the courtyard. Three… two… one… and balloons fell, and we were surrounded by lesbians making out. An auspicious start to the year!

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2011 Event Tickets celebrations, GAY ALTERNATIVE LGBT NEW YEAR'S EVE IN HOLLYWOOD. NYE BLOW UP! JANE'S HOUSE, LOS ANGELES DJS, RSVP VIP EVENTS LA, new years parties, 2011 countdown, glam rock, disco, party, victorian manor, japanese host boy, host hairstyle, kabuki-cho hosts, number one host boy japan, ikemen, bishounen, japanese girls, pirate dress lip service, brocade piracy

How did you celebrate New Year’s — did you have fun? Instead of resolutions, I like to make ambitions. Got anything exciting planned for 2011? We have many meaningful projects in the worlds… can’t wait!

Japanese Word of the Day: Akemashite omedetou = Happy New Year
Song of the Day: Stacey Q – Two of Hearts (one of the songs the DJs played after midnight)

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Japanese to English Translation Jobs, JAPANESE TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO: LA CARMINA & SEBASTIANO SERAFINI ARE LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  セバスチァーノ セラフィニー SEBA 的世界, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

Mecha-sized news! Sebastiano Serafini and La Carmina are HIRING. Who’s ready to enter the inner echelon of our spooky-cute universe?

We have earth-shaking creative and non-profit projects planned in 2011 — involving TV, music, travel, and major media. We’re looking for someone native in Japanese and English, to assist us with translation and writing. Read on for job details and how to submit your resume… as well as cute photos.

japanese translator wanted, JAPANESE TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO: LA CARMINA & SEBASTIANO SERAFINI ARE LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  セバスチァーノ セラフィニー SEBA 的世界, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

† The applicant MUST have perfect spoken/written knowledge of Japanese and English. Ideally a native speaker, beyond JLPT 1 fluency. You’ll be translating important documents, so knowing Japanese business language is essential.
† You MUST be consistently reachable by email, and able to do FAST turnarounds (such as translating emails within a day). We email and IM constantly; you must be able to match our madcap pace.
† We PREFER someone based in Tokyo, Japan. But we’ll consider applicants from any location, as long as you are always email/IM accessible. Applicants can be of ANY age, nationality, etc.
The time commitment varies but should not take more than 1-2 hours a day. We’ll typically require a few short translations or help with making calls/scheduling.

JAPANESE punk models, kera magazine scans, fashion magazine alternative, search for TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO, LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  cute teen boy, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

† You’ll be an important team member of our major, top-secret projects. That means insider access into our world (high fashion, celebs, TV projects) in Tokyo, LA, NYC and worldwide.
† Much of the work is for a high-profile non-profit organization, so you’ll be helping out a wonderful cause.
† There’s no pay to start, but you’ll be showered in freebies: Goth Lolita Punk clothing, Visual Kei concert passes and CDS, meetings with your favorite Jrock celebrities and Evil Queens… We’re also happy to assign college credit and write you a glowing work recommendation.

japanese translator wanted, JAPANESE TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO: LA CARMINA & SEBASTIANO SERAFINI ARE LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  セバスチァーノ セラフィニー SEBA 的世界, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

Are you ready to board the pirate ship? Or can you think of a friend who might be a great fit? Email us ASAP – gothiccarmina {at} gmail {dotcom} – telling us how you fit the requirements and why you want to be part of Spookyville. If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment in this post.

JAPANESE TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO: LA CARMINA & SEBASTIANO SERAFINI ARE LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  セバスチァーノ セラフィニー SEBA 的世界, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

Sebastiano is wearing…
Hat: gifted from BlaBlaHospital (he is the main model for the punk brand)
Cat jacket: Yellow House. He stole it from me.
Spine silver necklace and ring: gifted from Like Atmosphere (Japanese jewelry designer he models for — he’s shooting a catalog for them today!)
Shoes: Marui

La Carmina is wearing…
T-shirt: Stand Up! The Fragile (Seba models for this designer)
Skirt: Prada, gifted from 365 Hangars
Bow headband: gifted from And Devour)
Floral Japanese knee highs: gifted from Artisan Socks
Fuzzy cat scarf: from a stall in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo
Goth crochet purse: h.NAOTO, from Closet Child Harajuku (got it for 500 yen!)
Shiny ankle boots: Alice and the Pirates, from Closet Child Harajuku

JAPANESE TRANSLATION JOBS, HIRING A STUDENT IN TOKYO: LA CARMINA & SEBASTIANO SERAFINI ARE LOOKING FOR AN INTERN! WRITING & NONPROFIT WORK.  セバスチァーノ セラフィニー SEBA 的世界, working in tokyo japan, hiring firms, magazine writers, college student hire, translate japanese, paid work, fashion magazine jobs, blogger job listings, interns

A gazillion more photos to come from our Los Angeles Invasion. Here’s a teaser from our decadent New Year’s Eve (photo by La Madre is Watching; knit bow headband gifted from CamdenLock Clothing).

coolhunter, coolhunting tv show, firm, young tv host, travel show hosts, cute japanese artwork, fan art, japan punk fashion, women's alternative clothing, fashion sketches, kawaii art, japan cute girl

PS: Thank you to Tina for the cute fanart drawing, and to Haruko-sama for interviewing me and Naomi about our coolhunting business, La Carmina & The Pirates. Read it on her blog and after the jump.

Do you like our homeless-punk fashion? Can you think of anyone who might be a good English-Japanese translator for us? We’d appreciate if you spread the word about our hiring gig!

Japanese Word of the Day: Saiyou = Hiring
Song of the Day: Kuroyume 黒夢 – Beams

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