

i saw the devil, korean horror movie, director jee-woon Kim. Starring Byung-hun Lee, Min-sik Choi, tale of two sisters, revenge, oldboy, k horror, watch online korea movies extreme, violent films serial killer.

Amazing turnout last night at the JapanLA / Sweet Streets Art Fundraiser! Thanks to everyone who came — Seba and I enjoyed meeting you.

We’ll post LA photos soon, and more updates about our fundraising for Japan. Til then, here are some movie reviews I’ve been meaning to post…

My friends and I are fanatical about Asian horror-gore films. Japan has a bloody arsenal — Tokyo Gore Police, Audition, Ju-on, and so on. But I think Korean movie-makers take the cake for making your stomach churn.
I’ve been twiddling my thumbs for Jee-won Kim’s latest film, I Saw The Devil (his Tale of Two Sisters spooked the daylights out of me). The distributor invited me to the advance screening, so that I can bring you this review.

A pregnant woman is chopped up by a serial sicko – played by Min-sik Choi, the wild-haired star of Oldboy (one of my favorite films). Her fiancé tracks him down, maims and releases him. Over, and over. But the prey steps up the stakes, and the tracks get bloodier as they are locked in a monstrous game of revenge.

I Saw The Devil is well-paced, with plenty of flesh-eating, chopping and puncturing to keep us gore-heads entertained. The actors turn in tense performances, and the story keeps you thinking: is the agent creating greater horrors for himself and those around him, by enacting revenge in this fashion? Decide for yourself. I Saw The Devil is now in North American theatres.

Yoshihiro Nishimura hELLDRIVER, j horror, japanese horror movie reviews,  Tokyo International Zombie Film Festival,  Film, J-Horror, Zombies, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Splatter, Zombies, Maki Mizui, Helldriver, Cay Izumi, watch online korea movies extreme, violent films serial killer KOREAN & JAPANESE HORROR MOVIE REVIEWS: I SAW THE DEVIL, HELLDRIVER. ASIAN SPLATTER-GORE FILMS, YOSHIHIRO NISHIMURA.

My friend John Skeleton reviews Helldriver, Yoshihiro Nishimura’s latest splatter-gore film… featuring zombies. Below is an excerpt; the full article is on his blog (a must-read for Japanese horror film fans).

Helldriver is Nishimura’s self-professed bid to create the ultimate Japanese zombie film, and in many ways, I believe that he succeeded. High school girl Kika (Yumiko Hara) is tormented by her deranged uncle (Kentaro Kishi) and murderous mother, Rikka (Eihi Shiina, star of Tokyo Gore Police and Audition). After a meteor blasts a gaping hole in Rikka’s chest, she tears the still-beating heart from her daughter’s chest and grafts it into her own body… eventually being taken over by a starfish-shaped alien in the meteor, and used to spread a mysterious ash that turns everyone who inhales it into mindless flesh-eating zombies.

Nishimura took great pains to ensure each of his rotting corpses was shocking and memorable, down to minute differences in their antennae. Antennae? Yes, that’s right. One of the side effects of the plague is that victims sprout a T-shaped horn from the center of their foreheads.

[While Mr. Skeleton loved the intensely visual cinematography, he had some reservations about the continuity and rushed editing, at the expense of good pacing. You can read the entire dissection here.]

Recent films by Yoshihiro Nishimura, Noboru Iguchi and others have truly established a “brand”. The crew forms a creative network from which unprecedented works are spawned. These people enjoy doing what they do, and that comes through in a film like Helldriver. If you are expecting to see massive eruptions of gore, blood by the bucketful, and more decapitations, eviscerations, and general mayhem than you can shake a severed limb at, then you certainly won’t be disappointed.

Are you a fan of Asia Extreme horror films? Which ones are your favorites?

PS… Shop clerk: “How can I help you ladies?” Sebastiano: “Ehyy! Maybe not quite…” (The third time in 24 hours that he was mistaken for a girl!)

Japanese Word of the Day: Mabuta ga basabasa – Fake eyelashes
Song of the Day: Deathgaze – Genocide And Mass Murder

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BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

A few weeks ago, Ashley Purdy of Black Veil Brides emailed me because the band was headed to Tokyo/Osaka for their very first Japanese concert tour.

The bassist had seen my video interview with vocalist Andy Six, and thought it’d be cool to meet up in Tokyo if I were there. (Like me, Ashley is a fan of Visual Kei, Japanese dark fashion and rock bars, so we’d have a lot to explore together.)

Unfortunately, the band’s tour dates coincided with the giant earthquake… which hit right before their concert in Harajuku.

Andy Six, Ashley Purdy, Black Veil Brides, concerts, earthquake, harajuku, interview, japan, Japan earthquake 2011, La Carmina, lacarmina, metal, music, sendai, tokyo, tsunami, huffington post, BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer

Despite the constant aftershocks, Black Veil Brides still put on a show that night and made it back to LA safe. The group is keen to support Japan’s recovery, so I interviewed Ashley about their earthquake experience for Huffington Post (currently on the front page of the Travel section).

We met up with Ashley Purdy and Jake Pitts at the Guitar Center (on Sunset Boulevard), to do a photoshoot with the Japanese flag. Nope, that’s not Andy Six, but Seba in the middle!

BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

The BVB members signed the flag, and are doing their best to help Japan’s recovery.

BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY AT MR. BLACK NIGHTCLUB IN LA. BISHI, LENORA CLAIRE, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

You can read my interview with Ashley Purdy of Black Veil Brides below and on Huffington Post. I really appreciate if you’d Tweet, Facebook or blog the link. (Flag photos by La Carmina; others courtesy BVB and fans.)

BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. Andy Six, Ashley Purdy, Black Veil Brides, concerts, earthquake, harajuku, interview, japan, Japan earthquake 2011, La Carmina, lacarmina, metal, music, sendai, tokyo, tsunami, huffington post, BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer

Rocked by the Earthquake: Metal Band Black Veil Brides Urges Relief for Sendai
Huffington Post Travel

About the author: This exclusive interview was contributed to The Huffington Post by La Carmina: TV host, coolhunter, author & blogger at She did a video interview with Black Veil Brides in Seattle.

Makeup-smeared Hollywood band Black Veil Brides landed in Japan for the first time last week. The Visual-metal rockers were amped to experience the culture and perform in Tokyo and Osaka.

Their plans were ripped apart by the 9.0 earthquake, which hit while the group was in soundcheck. Vocalist Andy Six Tweeted it was the “most terrifying experience of my life.”

Bassist Ashley Purdy shares the band’s story, emphasizing the warmth they encountered from the moment they stepped off the plane. Black Veil Brides urges people to help Japan, and donate to well-vetted organizations like Doctors Without Borders.

black veil brides live in tokyo japan, performing after earthequake, ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, topless shirtless BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL.  live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY AT MR. BLACK NIGHTCLUB IN LA. BISHI, LENORA CLAIRE, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

How was your arrival at Narita?

This was Black Veil Brides’ very first tour in Japan. I was particularly excited because we have lots of fans here, and I can’t enough of Japanese culture and Visual Kei bands.

When we got to the terminal, we saw people waving. We stopped and asked each other, “Are they here for us?” It turned out that fans had been waiting several hours for us to arrive. Of course, we took photos and signed autographs. We got in a van, and when it reached the hotel, fans had gathered here as well.

It was a long flight and the band was exhausted. But we wanted to hang out with our fans. So we checked in and came right back down, to have drinks with them at a Shibuya rock bar.

What were your first impressions of Tokyo?

From the start, it was a great experience all around. Everyone was so polite, so kind. It was surprisingly easy to communicate – lots of people could speak English at least half way. To me, it was the cleanest city I had ever experienced. Everything seemed manicured. I kept thinking, where’s all the dust and dirt?

I had a bit of free time, so I asked my translators to take me around. We sang karaoke; it was neat to order sake and party in a private room. I went to a ton of alternative clothing shops in Harajuku, and the more upscale designers in Omotesando. I loved the sales girls, with their perfect hair and cute dresses with stockings and heels, and how they welcome you with high voices.

Our first concert at Shibuya-O-EAST went off without a hitch. There were a thousand people there. At first, it felt like a library: the crowd was polite and silent. But we started playing and they got wild and crazy, chanting along to our songs.

BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY AT MR. BLACK NIGHTCLUB IN LA. BISHI, LENORA CLAIRE, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

Tell me about the earthquake.

The next day, we were scheduled to play Astro Hall in Harajuku. We were in the basement around 3pm, getting ready for soundcheck, when everything started moving. Our Japanese crew and sound guys said, “Don’t worry, this happens all the time.” We weren’t worried either; we’re from LA and used to small earthquakes now and then.

But then it started shaking harder, and stuff was getting knocked over. That’s when we realized this was serious.

The band and production staff ran upstairs to get outside. It was insane: we could hardly walk; I was stumbling all over. When we got outdoors, I looked across the street at the Forever 21 and H&M buildings – and they were swaying back and forth like trees. Through the glass windows, I could see merchandise falling off the shelves.

People around us were crying. They were trying to make it to an open area while everything around them was crumbling.

The earthquake lasted a long, long time. A minute passed, and I kept thinking, when is this going to stop? None of us knew what to do. We just kept bracing ourselves. It’s hard to talk about what happened, to describe how it felt to someone who hadn’t lived through it.

black veil brides live in tokyo japan, performing after earthequake, ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, topless shirtless BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL.  live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY AT MR. BLACK NIGHTCLUB IN LA. BISHI, LENORA CLAIRE, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

What did you do after the quake stopped?

We tried to contact family and friends, but all communication was down. It took us a while before we could send a mass email to the people close to us, letting them know we were ok.

There were huge aftershocks soon after, major earthquakes in and of themselves. They were around the same magnitude as the one that devastated Northridge, California.

The production people told us we shouldn’t perform that evening. Pretty much every concert in Tokyo was canceled. But we were set up and ready to go, and there were fans waiting outside. So we decided to go on with the show, and played for the 40 or so people who turned up.

The aftershocks rumbled through the night, putting everyone on edge. We didn’t get any sleep. The next day, we found out all our shows were canceled due to immense structural damage. We were told we had to fly out ASAP, for our safety.

ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, topless shirtless BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL.  live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, donate japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

Did you have troubles getting out of Japan?

There were mad transportation problems because of the train stoppages and power outages. It took one of our promoters five hours to get into the city, and she lives thirty minutes away. And it took us two or three times the normal time to drive to Narita airport.

It was insanity at Narita. Everyone was trying to get out. Big line-ups and cancelled flights. Everywhere, people were huddled in sleeping bags provided by the airport. We arrived around 9am, and our flight to Los Angeles didn’t leave until 4pm.

What is Black Veil Brides going to do now?

We’re soldiering on, and getting ready for our AP tour. But the earthquake is an experience I can’t shake, and the band wants to get the word out on the need for relief. I also want to go back to Japan as soon as it’s safe, to spend more time experiencing the culture.

ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, topless shirtless BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL.  live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY AT MR. BLACK NIGHTCLUB IN LA. BISHI, LENORA CLAIRE, SEMI PRECIOUS WEAPONS,  japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

How can people help Japan recover?

I saw The Huffington Post has a page about what various organizations are doing to help, and how people can donate. I urge everyone to give directly to an experienced relief organization like Doctors Without Borders, which has already deployed medical teams to the hardest hit areas. Let’s all do whatever we can to help.

guitar center sunset boulevard la, ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, topless shirtless BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL.  live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer, famous survivors celebrities in japanese earth quake 2011, survivor stories, DONATE TO JAPAN: RAISING MONEY Andy Six, Ashley Purdy, Black Veil Brides, concerts, earthquake, harajuku, interview, japan, Japan earthquake 2011, La Carmina, lacarmina, metal, music, sendai, tokyo, tsunami, huffington post, BLACK VEIL BRIDES TALK ABOUT THE TOKYO EARTHQUAKE HITTING DURING THEIR JAPAN TOUR REHEARSAL. ashley purdy, andy six, jake pitts, live concert photos, metal band, visual gothic, bvb, bvb army, andy6, andy 6 singer japan earthquake, sendai, tsunami, relief fund, fundraising, Funds for devastation tokyo

Thanks to BVB and everyone who has joined us in rallying for Japan. And thanks for taking a minute to share this post (it’ll greatly help us to get the word out).

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