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Los Angeles Adventure Time! Here’s a fun photo diary of my fundraising days with Sebastiano Serafini, who flew into LA from Tokyo after the earthquake.

We brought our Japan flag and donation box everywhere, to drum up aid for the survivors. Even my red and white dress, gifted from Bettie Page Clothing, lent visual support. Believe it or not, my outfit got more attention than Sebastiano at our favorite gay club (The Abbey in West Hollywood)!

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The bouncers always interrogate Seba, since he doesn’t look close to legal age. (One was convinced he’s 14 years old!) He especially looks like a little boy in big shoes, a Kamen Rider t-shirt and La Carmina hoodie.

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Above is the other La Carmina hoodie, featuring my fat Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow.

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Our fellow red-heads, Heathyr and Patrice, care deeply about Japan relief. It’s great to have friends like them.

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While in LA, we also had time for fun (recall our dance party at Best Buy). Can you guess which stuffed toy belongs to Seba?

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The correct answer is… the cute stuffed puppy! Also pictured: a panda bear necklace gifted from Soho Hearts.

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How would you caption this image? First Mate Naomi suggests: “Because every day is going to be today. And today, you need a wig.”

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As for this one: “It was a tearful goodbye when Sebastiano left home for the first time, but his family knew they’d still see him on holidays and at special events.”

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La Carmina and Seba are the “Eloises” of the Orlando Hotel in West Hollywood. If you stay here (and we recommend that you do), ask the staff about us. They’ll fall over laughing.

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Seba’s shark backpack chomps on my toes.

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My skull tights are gifted from Artisan Socks.

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The news coverage about Japan has died down, but tens of thousands remain missing or homeless. Please keep on supporting the Japanese recovery, through donations, fundraisers, or plain getting the word out. Naomi’s Help Japan Wiki is a fantastic compilation of charities and events.

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If you have questions about anything in these photos (outfits, locations) — or anything at all — do leave me a comment. I’ll reply.

PS: Thank you to Tokyo Catwalk for interviewing me about my work in Japanese street fashion.

PPS: It’s blog sharing day! Come share your site’s URL on my Facebook Page. I promise to visit — and I’m doing my best to comment on each one.

Song of the Day: Dir en Grey – Uroboros (you can stream the entire album for free!)

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I know many of you are fans of metal band Cradle of Filth. I had the opportunity to whip my hair back and forth at their Vancouver, Canada concert — as well as take photos, and interview guitarist Paul Allender for a video!

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Watching Paul Allender’s fast-flying hands up close is a spellbinding experience.

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Cradle of Filth are true professionals, when it comes to musicianship and performance. They played tracks from their latest album, Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa, as well as fan favorites like Her Ghost in the Fog and Nymphetamine.

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Lumbering giants amidst a mad scientist set.

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Vocalist Dani Filth raced around the stage with the enthusiasm of a little kid.

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Rose and I hung out with band members Paul and David before the show. They’re good-natured guys, very chill…

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Then they put on the makeup and spikes, and deliver a skull-crushing metal show!

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Cradle of Filth is touring Europe until July; I hope you’ll catch one of their upcoming concert dates.

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But wait — here’s the kicker! Rose and I interviewed Paul Allender about Cradle’s music, genre labels, and his horror photo manipulation project The Vomitorium. What does the metal guitarist think about Steampunk? Watch and be surprised.

My interview video is above and on YouTube. There are more Goth, metal and Visual Kei concert reports on my channel.

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PS: Thanks to everyone who watched my Blog TV video stream yesterday. Wasn’t Basil Farrow a cutie-pie? I’ll do more live chats soon.

PPS: I recently got a request to interview Emilie Autumn. What other musicians would you like me to feature? Here’s a compilation of all my previous concert reviews, including Gackt, Moi dix Mois and Versailles.

Song of the Day: Cradle Of Filth – Babylon (If you liked this post, please press the blue Like button below.)

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