

a bros, a brothers, cute character dress, red hair, goth makeup, smoky purple eyes, how to put on fake eyelashes, false eyelashes, japanese doll makeup, japan big eyes techniques, how to asian beuaty, HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Can you tell I had fun at the media preview of the 2011 Hong Kong Art Fair? Take my hand and I’ll show you my favorites, from Japanese pop art to million dollar paintings by Warhol and Picasso.

a bros, a brothers, cute character dress, red hair, goth makeup, smoky purple eyes, how to put on fake eyelashes, false eyelashes, japanese doll makeup, japan big eyes techniques, how to asian beuaty, HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

On the road to the HK Convention Centre in Wan Chai…

Cute panda baby t-shirt dress: gifted from A Bros (Seba and I are working with this Hong Kong brand — more soon!)
Faux fur jacket: Veeko, from a Hong Kong shop
Lace skirt: Spider, a Mongkok (Hong Kong) Goth Lolita shop
Wolf purse: gifted from Iron Fist

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Closeup on my makeup: blend, baby, blend. Thick fake eyelashes make the eyes pop. I use creamy white eyeliner to highlight the inner and outer corners of the eyes.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

International galleries set up exhibitions in the main hall. The iconic LOVE sculpture by Robert Indiana always makes me smile.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Some works that caught my eye: Ziggy Stardust submerged in flowers, glittery panda bears, a dysfunctional cat family.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. Marble Arm sculpture by Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei, giving middle finger to authority. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, a bros, a brothers, cute character dress, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

This painting represents how I felt, browsing over 260 gallery spaces in the giant hall.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

To my delight, there was plenty of Japanese pop art.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, a bros, a brothers, cute character dress, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Pop quiz: can anyone name this artist? Love the kawaii anime girls and animals.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

I always wanted to be one of Yoshitomo Nara’s devious little girls.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Basil Farrow can cosplay as this Nara tiger.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Murakami’s cheery flowers.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums, Keiichi Tanaami

The upper floors had works by new artists, and solo exhibits by artists of Asian origin.

art hk, Asian international art fair, HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Left: funny bunnies from Mother’s Tankstation, a contemporary visual art gallery in Dublin. Right: the rabbit opens up, flashes lights, and gives off steam.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

The “Play” sign resonates with me. Art doesn’t need to be a hoity-toity experience. You can take part in the works; enjoy them in your own weird way.

HONG KONG ART FAIR 2011, HK FESTIVAL EXHIBIT OF FAMOUS ARTISTS. YOSHITOMO NARA, TAKASHI MURAKAMI, WARHOL. ART FAIRS HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK, Art collection, cocktail reception, hong kong convention center wan chai, Ai Weiwei, David LaChapelle, terry richardson, japanese pop art, japan artists, kawaii drawings, paintings cute girls, Pablo Picasso and Damien Hirst, china art gallery, museums

Asia’s art market is booming, and the Hong Kong Art Fair was a bedazzling ride. Do check it out next year, if you have the chance.

Do you like art festas? What catches your eye? Got any favorite artists? I welcome you to leave links to their sites in the comments.

Song of the Day: Images – Love Emotion (classic synthpop/Euro hit from 1986)

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CUTEST CAT VIDEO: SCOTTISH FOLD MEOWING & PLAYING. RED DYED HAIR, ALTERNATIVE MAKEUP, BLACK & WHITE SMOKY EYES.  cute cat, scottish folds, kittens, funny looking cat, folded ears, earless cat, no ears, purebred cats, cute pets, pet contest, show cat winner, award winning cats, celebrity kitty, neko, basil farrow, Ronan Farrow, mia farrow, lacarmina, la carmina, famous cats, adorable klitty, funny pet photos. japanese cat blog

I’m so happy to be reunited with my Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow! He’s sitting on my suitcase to prevent me from leaving again. (Unfortunately for Basil, I’m soon heading to Italy for Luisaviaroma’s Firenze4Ever fashion blogger event…)

Basil’s doing wonderfully: he’s healthy, wise, cute and soft. It’s been a while since I posted a video of him, so here’s something to fill the void. Come see my fat cat in action below and on YouTube.

My silly cat doesn’t meow; he says Wahhh! Wouldn’t you like to give his soft tummy and tiny ears a rub?

cutest cat ever, cute scottish fold, cats scottish folds, CLEANING SCOTTISH FOLD CAT'S FOLDED EARS. GIVING CATS BATHS, HOW TO WASH A CAT. TIPS FOR TRAVELING WITH PETS, TAKING CATS FOR CAR RIDES. PET TRAVEL, DESIGNER CARRYING CASES FOR SCOTTISH FOLDS. KINDEST GENTLEST SMARTEST BREED OF CAT: SCOTTISH FOLD. FOLDED EARS, SCOTTISH FOLD KITTENS FOR SALE, BREEDERS. SHOW WINNING PUREBRED CATS, COUPARI, BRITISH SHORTHAIR CREAM YELLOW CAT. Scottish fold cat, cutest cat in the world, cutest cat ever, cute cat, scottish folds, kittens, funny looking cat, folded ears, earless cat, no ears, purebred cats, cute pets, pet contest, show cat winner, award winning cats, celebrity kitty, neko, basil farrow, Ronan Farrow, mia farrow, lacarmina, la carmina, famous cats, adorable klitty, funny pet photos. japanese cat blog

Uncanny: I found this Scottish Fold stuffed toy in Hong Kong’s Sogo department store (Causeway Bay). The plushie looks exactly like Basil Farrow: cream fur, pink paws, tiger tail and the M on his forehead. I seriously think a designer saw my cat’s photo and turned him into a toy.

cutest cat ever, cute scottish fold, cats scottish folds, CUTEST CAT VIDEO: SCOTTISH FOLD MEOWING & PLAYING. RED DYED HAIR, ALTERNATIVE MAKEUP, BLACK & WHITE SMOKY EYES. HOW WINNING PUREBRED CATS, COUPARI, BRITISH SHORTHAIR CREAM YELLOW CAT. Scottish fold cat, cutest cat in the world, cutest cat ever, cute cat, scottish folds, kittens, funny looking cat, folded ears, earless cat, no ears, purebred cats, cute pets, pet contest, show cat winner, award winning cats, celebrity kitty, neko, basil farrow, Ronan Farrow, mia farrow, lacarmina, la carmina, famous cats, adorable klitty, funny pet photos. japanese cat blog

However, they got his nose wrong; it’s supposed to be brown, like a teddy bear!

cutest cat ever, cute scottish fold, cats scottish folds, CLEANING SCOTTISH FOLD CAT'S FOLDED EARS. GIVING CATS BATHS, HOW TO WASH A CAT. TIPS FOR TRAVELING WITH PETS, TAKING CATS FOR CAR RIDES. PET TRAVEL, DESIGNER CARRYING CASES FOR SCOTTISH FOLDS. KINDEST GENTLEST SMARTEST BREED OF CAT: SCOTTISH FOLD. FOLDED EARS, SCOTTISH FOLD KITTENS FOR SALE, BREEDERS. SHOW WINNING PUREBRED CATS, COUPARI, BRITISH SHORTHAIR CREAM YELLOW CAT. Scottish fold cat, cutest cat in the world, cutest cat ever, cute cat, scottish folds, kittens, funny looking cat, folded ears, earless cat, no ears, purebred cats, cute pets, pet contest, show cat winner, award winning cats, celebrity kitty, neko, basil farrow, Ronan Farrow, mia farrow, lacarmina, la carmina, famous cats, adorable klitty, funny pet photos. japanese cat blog

For more cute photos of Basil Farrow (my celebrity Scottish Fold cat), please follow my Twitter and add him on Facebook.

RED DYED HAIR, ALTERNATIVE MAKEUP, BLACK & WHITE SMOKY EYES, asian goths, hot goth girls, goth girl photos, cute japanese girls, japan big eye makeup, japanese makeup techniques, big eyes japan, eyeliner techniques, how to do gyaru makeup, gothic lolita eyeshadow, gothic beauty, lacarmina, goth fashion style

Bonus makeup tip: Tired of wearing heavy, irritating fake eyelashes? Using black liquid eyeliner, draw long lashes at the outer corners of your eyes. Blend black and white shimmery eyeshadow to soften the look and add definition.

Did Basil’s new kitty video brighten up your day? Got any favorite pet photos or videos? Feel free to share them in the comments.

Song of the Day: Modern Talking – Brother Louie (Gotta love em.)

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