

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

Muahaha! Very soon, I’ll be reunited with Evil Queen Yukiro Dravarious. (If you forgot, I’m in Tokyo for a Fuel / Discovery / National Geographic travel TV show; details in this post.)

Yukiro and my First Mate Naomi recently nightcrawled at Department H, Japan’s kinkiest club night. Here’s his vivid report of what went down.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

My fashion inspiration for the party was the 80s cartoon Rainbow Brite. So I did my own crazed costume version of it, with rainbow eyeshadow, leg warmers and nail art (of course). I also designed my rainbow lashes myself.

Naomi and I started the night with a bang, at the crazy puppet restaurant Kagaya. Which you can read all about in La Carmina’s fabulous book of Tokyo’s craziest theme restaurants. After, we met up with other friends to go to a secret fetish birthday party in Ebisu.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

Around midnight, we turned our backs to the dark and gloomy, and entered a more erotic, glamorous and extravagant world: Department H. It’s by far the most outrageous club I know of. And where else would I go in this ridiculous rainbow witch outfit?

The entrance fee is rather high, especially if you don’t dress up (about 5000 yen). But if you’re in fierce Queen fashion or have a high quality coordinate, you’ll get in for 3000 yen.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

The event starts with a Killer Drag Queen fashion show, which always blows me away. You are allowed to bring your own booze to the club; since they have no alcohol license, they’re not allowed to sell it. Therefore you should stock up before you go in.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

There’s always a weird variety of people there. Everything from gigantic monsters, fierce drag queens, naked bitches and Tokyo Decadance staff. Not to mention the creepy full-body sized doll-persons. This time, they showed some amazing anime in between the performances.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

The queue outside was enormous, I never saw so many people waiting to get in. I’m happy the fetish party is doing so well. Kinema Club has other events on the first Saturday of each month, which draw a lot of the same alt crowd.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

One negative point is the “shokai,” where people get up on stage to introduce a club, event or activity… this process takes forever. Two drag queen MCs say bitchy comments to everyone who dares enter the stage.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

One crazy new body modification that they introduced was… getting a hole drilled in the cranium! I’m not sure why you’d like that. But why not?

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

Deparment H’s motto is “Don’t ask, just come” — and I think that sums up this party pretty well.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, , gender bending, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

Arigato Yukiro for your colorful narration. He and I will be all over Tokyo in July-August, so you can expect more Evil Queen-ness on the blog soon.

WEIRDEST FETISHES AT JAPANESE CLUB NIGHT: TOKYO KINK ALTERNATIVE PARTY, DEPARTMENT H. BODY MODIFICATIONS. weird japan, strangest clubs parties, world's weirdest events, japanese fetishes, leather dominatrixes, drag queens, extreme piercings, body mods, drag queen fashion, rainbow brite

For previous coverage of Department H, and Tokyo’s best alternative/Goth/fetish parties, glance at my Japan club guide. There are maps, contact info and more. (Here’s Porta Porco, bartender and performer at Decadance Bar, on the train home.)

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PS: I’m dipping my toes into Google+, the new social network… are any of you on it? Will you kindly allow me into your circles? Click to add my Google Plus profile.

Do you find Japan’s underground kink culture disturbing, fascinating, invigorating? What other strange body modifications have you heard of? Did you find Waldo in the photos?

Song of the Day: Rainbow Brite intro

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ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas.

Hold onto your top hats: Sebastiano Serafini and La Carmina are returning to California!

We’re being flown in as Guests of Honor at Ani-Jam anime convention in Fresno, CA (near Los Angeles and San Francisco). Seba and I will be leading panel discussions, and hanging out… we hope to meet you there!

WHAT: Ani-Jam anime convention
WHERE: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, 2233 Ventura Street, Fresno, CA
WHEN: August 20 and 21, 2011
PRICE: Here’s the link to discounted registration for you. Only $25 for 2 days of fun.

Please tell your friends and save the date. Can’t wait to see you.

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I’m continuing to spruce up my website (I hope the blog is loading faster, especially for overseas readers). The Media section has been re-vamped, so that all my press clippings and links are on one page.

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Profiles include: The New Yorker, Washington Post, WWD, Village Voice, Fox News and LA Times.

I’m always open to answering interview questions. If you’d like me to participate in an interview or feature, feel free to contact me.

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Big hug to Samantha Parkinson for the beautiful artwork above. She wrote: “I have been enjoying your blog and reading about your adventures and travels for several years, and thought I would create a piece of art as a gift for you.”

Got a drawing of me and/or my cat, Basil Farrow? I invite you to submit it, and I’ll post it on my blog, with links and credit to you.

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PS: Please keep the entries coming to win hair bows & accessories! It’s simple to enter; the instructions are here.

I’m enjoying your Facebook comments about your summer plans and goals. I’m responding to everyone’s questions and giving advice; I hope you find it helpful. (To participate, leave a comment on my Wall.)

Song of the Day: Lime – Come And Get Your Love (A total Italo Disco summer track.)

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