

FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada, gay clubs CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan

Two ARR-amazing announcements! First, The Pirates are being flown to Tokyo and Kyoto in September… for a Food Network TV mission! Second, I’m having a Super-Cute Hollywood birthday bash on August 23. And you’re invited. Keep reading for the shiny details.

FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada, gay clubs CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan

My company, La Carmina & The Pirates, is getting tons of great gigs (recall I was just in Tokyo for Discovery/National Geographic/Fuel TV). We do TV hosting, fixing (location scouting, arranging, translating) and coolhunting/consulting. Our specialties: subcultures, fashion, travel, food, pop culture, and all things weird.

My First Mate, Naomi Rubin, made this glorious drawing of us — doesn’t it scream “Arrr!?” In addition to being a pirate, Naomi’s an imaginative, talented artist and web designer. You can see more of her design work on her website.

FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada, gay clubs CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan

The crew behind a new Food Network show, World’s Weirdest Restaurants, wanted to film inside bizarre Japanese eateries. Who better to contact than the author of Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo?

So we’ll be joining host Bob Blumer, who you may know from shows Glutton for Punishment and The Surreal Gourmet for Food Network Canada. I’ll be appearing on-camera as his Tokyo sidekick!

FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada, gay clubs CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan

We can’t reveal specifics about the new TV show. But you can expect to see your favorite spooky faces, and wacky cafes featured in my book. (You can read more about theme restaurants in this blog category.)

mr black, lenora claire, luke nero, lgbt clubs, best gay clubs los angeles, west hollywood, CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan, FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada

But before we jet to Japan for a month… let’s party in Hollywood! Mr Black, the glam nightclub brainchild of Luke Nero, is throwing me a Super Cute Birthday Party on August 23rd.

FOOD NETWORK TV show, WORLD'S WEIRDEST RESTAURANTS: BOB BLUMER. JOIN MY BIRTHDAY AT MR BLACK LA! paperny films, food network canada, glutton for punishment, surreal gourmet, bob blumer host, food network star, tv hosts food network canada, gay clubs CaLIFORNIA: mr black la, bardot hollywood, hello kitty party, cute birthday kawaii, hello kitty theme parties, events, decoration, best clubs in los angeles, weird theme restaurants japan

It’s free entry, so you have no excuse not to show up. Los Angeles friends, please spread the word — I hope to see you at my Mr Black birthday bash!

La Carmina’s Super Cute Birthday Party
Mr Black at Bardot Hollywood
1737 Vine St at Hollywood, Los Angeles CA
Tuesday August 23rd, 9:30pm – 2am (age 21+)
FREE to enter – no cover!
Facebook RSVP page

You can see my previous Mr Black club coverage here.

I leave you with a random video: Seba and La Carmina at the Luisaviaroma fashion blogger event, in Florence Italy.

Do you watch Food Network? What are your favorite shows and hosts? Are you excited to see me and my posse on World’s Weirdest Restaurants?

PS: Please share this link and let your LA friends know about my birthday party!

Song of the Day: Carol Cooper – Tunnel of Love (Hi NRG from 1985)

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ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Don’t forget: La Carmina and Seba are Guests of Honor at Ani-Jam anime convention in Fresno, CA (Aug 20-21)! We’ll hold panel discussions, where you can ask us questions and hang out. Hope you see you there.

WHAT: Ani-Jam anime convention in Fresno, CA
WHERE: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, 2233 Ventura Street, Fresno, CA
WHEN: August 20 and 21, 2011
PRICE: Here’s the link to discounted registration for you. Only $25 for 2 days of fun.

Please tell your friends and save the date.

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Ready for more Hong Kong photos? In these photos, we’re wearing streetwear brand Bros Products (remember we visited their factory in this post?)

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

As you, I wrote a book about Tokyo’s crazy, wacky theme restaurants — so I was eager to visit Modern Toilet. The concept extends to chocolate ice cream served in urinal bowls!

Sadly, all the Hong Kong locations are now closed. I’ll have to wait until I’m in Taipei to eat dinner while sitting on the loo…

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

At least we still were able to take outfit photos.
Cat shirt: Banana Fish, from Closet Child (so sad the brand is no more)
Lace skirt: Spider (See blog post about Gothic Lolita shops in Hong Kong)
Tights and cape: from a Hong Kong street stall

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Cardigan: gifted from Iron Fist
T-shirt: gifted by Stand Up The Fragile (he models for the Japanese brand)
Tight black pants: gifted by Umbelical (he models for the Japanese brand)

hong kong best ice cream, toilet cafe, ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

When you’re feeling emo… there’s always ice cream.

maid date, maid cafes hong kong, china maids, maid cafe hong kong, tokyo, japan, ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Hong Kong doesn’t have as many weird theme restaurants as Japan or Taiwan, but there are few maid cafes. We went to Maid Date in Causeway Bay — the homemade curry and “Nothing” cocktail were delicious!

Feather headband and crocodile ring: gifted from Soho Hearts

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

I found a lot of Hong Kong food to be too greasy or strong for my stomach. Fortunately, there’s a large selection of international cuisine here. At one point, I went all the way to Kwun Tong to fulfill my craving for CoCo Ichibanya (the Japanese curry chain!)

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

I could have taken a million photos of Hong Kong shops. Rocking horse shoes; rose rings. (More shopping photos in this Mongkok post.)

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Hong Kong’s malls are spacious, modern and air-conditioned. Locals come to escape the constant humidity.

ANI-JAM ANIME CONVENTION IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: JOIN US! MANGA JAPANESE CONVENTION GUESTS OF HONOR, FANART. la carmina new york comic convention, ny comic con, how to be invited guest at anime convention, rates, panels, anime cons in los angeles, ax, anime expo, panelists, lolita tea party, lolita meetups, egl, gothic lolitas, modern toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping

Many malls have special displays. This one had an exhibit of avant-garde shoes (such as banana heels) and cute bunny statues.

modern toilet restaurant, hong kong toilet restaurant, taipei toilet cafe, hong kong, causeway bay, toilet restaurant open, iron fist clothing mens, shopping malls hk, asia, hong kong shopping, fashion in asia, couples wearing same outfits, rainbow polo shirts

And you can’t walk a block without running into quirky Hong Kong characters. Such as this couple in matching rainbow polo shirts, pink Bermuda shorts, Crocs, and a backpack worn in the front!

Are you intrigued by Hong Kong’s people and shops? Have you heard of the Toilet-themed restaurant before? Gross, or genius?

You can see more Hong Kong and Macau coverage here. Hope to see you at Ani-Jam!

PS: LA friends, I’m having a Super Cute Spooky Birthday party on August 23rd in Hollywood! Please save the date. Full details to come.

Song of the Day: 1919 – Tear Down These Walls (Gothic rock)

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