

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

At Luisaviaroma, we fashion bloggers didn’t merely dress up in designer clothing. We also lent our names to a good cause.

Each blogger adopted one of 20 Steiff pug dogs, customized by famous couture designers. These toys will be sold, and all proceeds donated to Unicef to support disadvantaged children.

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

That’s why we all got a Luisaviaroma t-shirt with a pug puppy, dressed like Marie Antoinette!

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Designers such as Balmain, Emilio Pucci, Mary Katrantzou, and David Koma dressed the dogs in high fashion. I adopted the Worth Couture pug. She’s got a Gothic Lolita flair, don’t you think?

house of worth, charles frederick worth, 19th century fashion, worth paris, paris fashion designer 19th century, father of haute couture, WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

This design house is a fitting choice. Charles Frederick Worth is considered the father of haute couture, and his elegant designs were the toast of 19th century Paris. I’d wear his long trailing skirts and corsets in a heartbeat.

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Seba chose the Versace dog on the right. Aren’t they a fashionable pair? We’re honored to be part of the “Pug Dogs For Happy Kids” initiative, and glad to continue our charity work.

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Here’s a closeup of my look from Day 2 of the Styling Lab. MAC Makeup once again delivered. Silver on the inside corners of my eyes, and bottom eyelashes with extensions for greater length.

WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

And I love my hair by Aveda: tumbling curls, pinned to the side. Soon, I’ll post more photos from our outfits at Luisa.

vogue india, famous fashion bloggers, vogue magazine, WORTH COUTURE PARIS, VERSACE: STEIFF TOY PUG DOG TO BENEFIT UNICEF. FASHION BLOGGERS CHARITY PROMOTION. PUG DOGS FOR HAPPY KIDS, LUISA VIA ROMA FASHION BLOGGERS STYLING, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER PARTY: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Have you heard of Worth Couture Paris? Are you inspired by the fashions of previous centuries?

PS: thank you to Vogue India for featuring me in a magazine article (above).

Album of the Day: Children of Bodom – Relentless, Reckless Forever

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Did you miss my teddy bear cat, Basil Farrow? Here’s tons of cute photos, and a new video where he chases a catnip ball!

Whenever I get a parcel, my Scottish Fold waddles over to inspect the goods. This time, we got to test-drive the TRIA Hair Removal Laser.

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Slide the laser head across your skin — beep, beep — every two weeks. Hair will gradually reduce, and in about 6 months, be near gone.

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The laser isn’t as powerful as those found in salons. But it’s much cheaper, and you can beep-beep yourself while watching TV. So the question is: does it work?

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There’s a security lock and 5 settings; I used the highest one. Pain was negligible, except for the underarms. In the words of Sebastiano: “Aiyyyy! Why it hurt so much? Is beyond human pain!” (I minimized this problem by shaving closely and using ice.)

tria hair removal, reviews, tria beauty, laser home hair removal, laser hair removal price, coupon, discount code, tria safety, effective, does it work, at-home laser hair removal, Permanent Hair-Free system, scottish fold cat, cute yellow cat, fat cats, basil farrow, scottish folds

My honest finding: the Tria does work. After three treatments, there was significant reduction in the pits. Medium reduction on the limbs. I’m happy, and will keep zapping.

tria hair removal, reviews, tria beauty, laser home hair removal, laser hair removal price, coupon, discount code, tria safety, effective, does it work, at-home laser hair removal, Permanent Hair-Free system, scottish fold cat, cute yellow cat, fat cats, basil farrow, scottish folds

I recommend the device if you’re ok with the minor discomfort, and use it regularly on the highest setting. The charge only lasts 30 minutes, so allow time for multiple sessions.

tria hair removal, reviews, tria beauty, laser home hair removal, laser hair removal price, coupon, discount code, tria safety, effective, does it work, at-home laser hair removal, Permanent Hair-Free system, scottish fold cat, cute yellow cat, fat cats, basil farrow, scottish folds

The privacy and convenience are a boon, and the price is affordable ($395) — especially if you share it. The Tria’s available via Amazon and you can learn more on their website.

tria hair removal, reviews, tria beauty, laser home hair removal, laser hair removal price, coupon, discount code, tria safety, effective, does it work, at-home laser hair removal, Permanent Hair-Free system, scottish fold cat, cute yellow cat, fat cats, basil farrow, scottish folds

Now, a new Scottish Fold video! Basil got a catnip ball for Christmas. Watch as he chases and licks the treat (don’t worry, the floor is perfectly clean). He lies down and reaches out with his short paws. Aww.

View the new video on YouTube and above. I’m on an editing frenzy; you can look forward to tons of videos this year.

tria hair removal, reviews, tria beauty, laser home hair removal, laser hair removal price, coupon, discount code, tria safety, effective, does it work, at-home laser hair removal, Permanent Hair-Free system, scottish fold cat, cute yellow cat, fat cats, basil farrow, scottish folds

What are your thoughts on permanent hair removal? Have you tried it? Were you satisfied with the results?

Album of the Day: Aesthetic Perfection – All Beauty Destroyed

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