

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

I’ve been to Torture Garden in Japan twice now. In Halloween 2010, I wore a sexy nun costume. This time, my inspiration was Goth Sailor Moon.

Steampunk skirt: gifted from Lip Service
Black lingerie top: an old thing
Gold octopus pin: gifted from Ghostlove
Horror necklace: gifted from Sourpuss Clothing

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

I met two spooky friends at the Shibuya Hachiko statue.

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

We went to a K-pop cafe, which felt like we were in Seoul.

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

We met more Rainbow Brite friends in front of Eleven, the club in Nishi Azabu.

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

Final touches to outfits before going in.

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

Kana (right) looks like she came straight from her burlesque boudoir. On the left: yet another example of Gothic Lolita that doesn’t play by the rules: ghoulish makeup and cute bear ears. That’s how it is in Japan clubs.

TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

Scattered around the event: punishment demos, dancing queens, painful performances.

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

From Geisha to Gothic, every type of fashion is found here.

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

Yukiro and I have now nightcrawled together in Tokyo, Osaka, LA, NYC… and soon Berlin and Leipzig (Wave Gotik Treffen).

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

Pain and pleasure.

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

I wasn’t impressed with the clown who staple-gunned his arm and inhaled a glass of milk. But I love the rubber lady, who makes her own costumes.

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events
TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH KINK CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan kinks, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news

Torture Garden sounds like an intimidating place, but it’s all about freedom and fun.

drag queens japan, , cross-dressing, TORTURE GARDEN JAPAN, FETISH tokyo CLUB NIGHT. GOTH ALTERNATIVE JAPANESE FASHION, BONDAGE EVENTS & PARTIES. Sub cultures in japan, japanese fetishes, weird japan, torture garden uk, halloween, costume party, pvc, leather, latex, domination, japanese mistress, underground parties, japanese weird events, strange news, japan club guide, best tokyo nightclubs, nightlife listings, upcoming parties events

How do you feel about extreme performances at fetish/underground events like this one? Which outfits did you like best?

For more Tokyo nightlife, check out my Japan Goth club guide.

PS: I’ve moved my Song of the Day feature to my La Carmina Tumblr. (I’l add you back!)



TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

A regular person’s trash is a spooky kid’s treasure. That’s the spirit of New York clothing store Trash and Vaudeville.

Located on St Mark’s Place (the Goth/punk East Village district , the two levels hold such gems as KISS spiky boots, zebra-striped ripped tops, and red faux fur coats. Whenever I’m in NYC, you’ll be sure to find me here.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Trash and Vaudeville opened in 1975, born from the rock and punk scene. From the start, manager Jimmy Webb has been dressing up customers as Rockers, Mods, Punks, Goths, Rockabillies, and everything in between.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

If you’ve got a thing for shoes, the lower level might bring on an aneurysm. Dr. Martens of every variety, including rose-print Docs, and classic black stompers.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

The alternative shoe brands include Tripp, Tripp Darkstreet, creepers by Underground, stripper heels by Pleaser.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Yukiro walked away with gold boots.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Don’t you wish your shoe rack looked like this?

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Trash & Vaudeville has been in its original location since the start. I’m sure Sid and Nancy stopped by.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

The decor’s dark humor. Siouxsie, is that you?

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

On both levels, you can browse men and women’s alt clothing labels like: Tripp, T.U.K., Rock Tees and Royal Bones.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

How about a Hello Kitty purse, or rainbow unicorn?

buy steampunk clothes, TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Past the feather boas and bowler hats, there’s a stellar sale rack.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

We got these coats for $9!

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

So much to see and try on. This remains one of the best NYC shops for alternative wear.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Come and say hi to Jimmy for us. Trash and Vaudeville is located at 4 St Mark’s Place (East 8th between 2nd and 3rd Ave, NYC). Take the subway to the 8th St or Astor Place shop, and walk.

Not in the Big Apple? The store also sells rock clothes online.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

PS: These photos were taken with my new camera; what do you think? I switched from the Canon Powershot S90 to the S100, available on Amazon.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Also check out punk store Search and Destroy (on the same block). Click for more of my adventures at NY Fashion Week.

TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE: NYC GOTH PUNK CLOTHING SHOP, ONLINE STORE. ST MARKS PLACE, EAST VILLAGE. NY SEXY SHOES & BOOTS. NEW YORK PUNK CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES STORE, ST MARKS NYC ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE BOUTIQUE. demonia, trip nyc,  where to buy lip service, best underground emo alternative stores new york,  east village shopping guide, New york goth clothes, gothic clothing stores nyc, st mark's place, punk clothes, bright hair dye, manic panic, crazy clothes new york, japanese clothing stores nyc, coolest stores in the world, fashion bloggers, drag queen boots, cross dresser shoes

Have you heard of Trash and Vaudeville, or wandered inside? Which fashion items stood out in this post? If you could keep anything from the store, what would it be?

PS: Currently planning my Wave Gotik Treffen, Berlin & Prague press trip… Don’t forget to enter the design contest to “join me”! Learn the details.

Click-click-click below…