Category Archive for Tokyo + Japan
Pulsing lights, clustered crosswalks… you gotta love Tokyo! Here’s what the brand new 0101 department store, Marui One Shinjuku, looks like on the approach. Right inside is Quolomo, a t-shirt/casualwear brand that collaborates with Hello Kitty, Play Set Products, and Studio Pierrot (above right).
Further down, you’ll find Hello Kitty and her friends, including bags and toys from the h.NAOTO collaboration. Funky Street Star (below) is another addictive stop for kawaii souvenirs.
The FRUiTS MiX is on the second floor, and I wasn’t too impressed by the selection. Overpriced vintage (eg: faded Nintendo leggings), a few funky indie designer pieces, and a stack of magazines… it reminded me of the old saying, “style can’t be bought.” I did enjoy Spank’s cuddly pastel corner, where I picked up my black velvet “Goth Alice” headband for $15. I also liked the high-contrast art panels between each floor.
Over the next few days, we’ll keep going up the escalator to gawk at Blythe dolls, Jesus Diamante shoes, Lolita dresses, and more! Have you been to the new Marui One Shinjuku? Do you prefer it to the old one?
Okay, Marilyn Manson contest time! We had over 100 entries – thanks so much! Using random number generator, I narrowed the 3-word descriptions of Manson down to fifteen:
Unique Villain Model — aggressively fantastic dick — sexy little devil — ENIGMATIC CLEVER PERSONA! — UNABASHED WRITHING EVIL — 1-art 2-dark & 3-wow — Ghoulish Idea Monger — sweetest creep ever — Sadomasochistic aural bliss — Devil’s Beautiful Vampire — Ghoul-Eyed Guy — God’s Freak Show — Lucifer’s Eccentric Iniquity :) — gods private joke — “Indivisually Infinated Inspiry”
Then, the almighty Committee (Ronan, Basil Farrow and I) picked our favorite.
RONAN: Maybe UNABASHED WRITHING EVIL or Sadomasochistic aural bliss.
CARMINA: I kinda like the funny ones, like God’s private joke, Ghoul-Eyed Guy. Hm… or we can let Basil decide somehow.
RONAN: Yeah, I don’t have strong feelings. Let Basil pick.
CARMINA: Right side or left side of his face? I’ll count the whiskers and that’s the number.
RONAN: Left.
CARMINA: I only counted the long, thick ones. He has 13! So the winner is Lucifer’s Eccentric Iniquity :)
RONAN: Ahahah, I like that one! Basil is never wrong.
So congrats to Yana K (who also purchased something from my Online Garage Sale)! You’ll soon receive a 7-inch vinyl signed by Marilyn Manson and his band!
Song of the Day #135: Holly Valance – State Of Mind (The Committee loves this artist…)
I posted photos of Closet Child Harajuku a while back but never got around to the Shinjuku ones until now. Unlike its Harajuku sister (which is currently being renovated), the Shinjuku location is difficult to find. Take the West exit from Shinjuku station, walk straight down the main road and turn right at the grey/green building with the clock… take a few more steps and look hard for the Closet Child sign. You’ll have to squeeze into a sliver in the wall and take the cramped elevator to Floors 5 and 6.
Ah, but you’ll be richly rewarded with racks upon racks of secondhand Lolita dresses! Some of the items are yellowing, and not all are the finest specimens of gosurori… but where else can you get a Metamorphose temps de fille dress for $90? And a matching ruffled cardigan for $60? (That’s how much I paid for my outfits in these photos and this video!)
The fifth floor is Sweet Lolita Land. Everything is sorted by color and product type: bonnets, big hair bows, skirts, blouses, dresses, shoes. All of the clothes are used, but most of the small accessories – cupcake rings, bon-bon bracelets – are new and inexpensive.
The left-most area of the sixth floor is the domain of Vivienne Westwood. You’ll find 1970s punk plaid, a large glass case of orb and crown jewelry, chunky handbags, and even original rocking horse shoes.
The Shinjuku location has a greater selection of Alice Auaa, along with your usual Gothic suspects (h.NAOTO, Black Peace Now, Moi-meme-Moitie, Putumayo). I’ve found quite a few J-rockin’ tops for under $15.
Closet Child is one of my favorite places on the planet to shop. How about you? Do any items catch your eye?
Song of the Day #131: Marilyn Manson – Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin’-geddon (First single from The High End of Low, a solid album; click here to get it from iTunes.)
You still have a chance to win a signed 7-inch vinyl from Mr. Manson and his band – Tweet or comment here to enter!