Category Archive for Tokyo + Japan
I’m glad you enjoyed my photos of Gothic Lolitas and Aristocrats at the Versailles live. Now, would you like to see exclusive footage of the Versailles concert? Your wish is granted! I uploaded a video here and below…
La Carmina and Yukiro Dravarious report on the Visual Kei concert at Tokyo’s JCB Hall on April 30th, 2010. The video includes…
† Live footage of Teru, Kamijo, Hizaki and Yuki perfoming Princess and other new J-rock songs from Versailles’ Jubilee album. (Sorry about the shakiness; I did my best…)
† Photos of the EGL Gothic Lolitas and Aristocrat fashion outside the venue
† We abuse a Japanese Goth boy! What else is new?
Here are more photos from inside the venue. This is my Japanese Adventure Team; gotta have one in every city. (Just kidding. These are random, confused boys…)
Poor Amiyu got molested by us in the video. Just a day in the life…
Everyone had to pay an extra 500 yen at the door for a drink ticket. I took photos of these boys in front of one of the bars.
More Gothic Lolitas, of all ages and sizes.
How awesome is this: Gackt sent Versailles congratulatory flowers! (I saw the ex-Malice Mizer singer perform last year; you can read my reports here and here, and see a video here.) After the show, we ran into Gothic Prince Ken from the Visual Kei band GPKISM. We went to their concert shortly after; yes, there will be photos and a video…
To recap the video: the Versailles concert was magnificent. A beautiful set draped in roses; the curtains parted, revealing a white-hooded choir. (I thought they were mannequins — no, they were actual singers!) The performance lasted longer than usual, with no opening acts. Everyone had seats, so we could sit in the balcony “like a king and queen” instead of fighting the crowd.
Singer Kamijo didn’t introduce the session bassist, who dressed in black and hid in the shadows. Nobody can replace the departed Jasmine You… but thankfully, the Visual Kei rockers are in great spirits. Hizaki spun around; Kamijo danced in a hot, tight black outfit. In the end, the four sat together on stage and then bowed holding hands, and the audience died from the cuteness.
For more Versailles Philharmonic Quintet coverage…
† See photos of cosplayers and Lolitas outside the Tokyo concert here.
† Read my first report about the band playing live in Shibuya in 2008.
† Yukiro reported on Versailles’ V-rock Festival concert here and the Jasmine You memorial concert here.
Are you a Versailles fan? What are your favorite bits from the video? If you enjoyed it, please subscribe to my YouTube channel — more Jrock concert reports and adventures to come!
Japanese Word of the Day: Kyujo = Imperial palace
Song of the Day: Princess and the other glorious Versailles songs found in our new video.
We are VERSAILLES! I first saw the aristocratic Visual Kei band perform in Shibuya in 2008, in the glorious purple days of Jasmine You. Yukiro has seen them multiple times, most recently at V-Rock (read his review here). But we can never get enough of Versailles Philharmonic Quintet… so we headed to Tokyo’s JCB Hall on April 30th for yet another live. (How cute is the Hizaki cosplayer?)
This, my friends, is why I had to buy a new camera (a Canon Powershot S9). The quality of my old Sony Cybershot has simply become unacceptable. You’ll have to wait a little longer for better pics of these new (used) clothes…
Lolita dress: Alice and the Pirates, from Closet Child Shinjuku
Lacy short cardigan: Moi-meme-Moitie, from Closet Child Shinjuku
Velvet Alice in Wonderland headband: Spank, from Marui One Shinjuku
Quality issues aside, I was able to get some decent shots of the beautifully dressed EGL and EGA fans outside the concert hall. The girl on the left is wearing nearly the same outfit as me!
Three typical Japanese hand poses: heavy metal, V-fingers, and cutely clutched in front.
This girl made the black veil with blue Mana-sama flowers herself. I adore the Lolita dress on the right.
Sweet meets spooky. Yukiro got a lot of attention and photo requests, as always.
What are your favorite Lolita styles? I’m personally not a fan of pink/Sweet, or black with white lace. But I love the bows and fabric on the middle girl. On the right: a young Versailles fanatic!
Coming up next… more photos and a hilarious video report that involves torturing a clueless Japanese boy, and footage from the Versailles concert itself. You know you want to see it!
Which outfits from the Versailles concert do you like best?
Japanese Word of the Day: Theme park = Yuenchi (learned this word today as we passed by Tokyo Dome)
Song of the Day: Vanished Empire – Ghost (video from DJ Chihiro’s Club Theatric show. Now off to his Gothic Bar Heaven all-night party with my spooky spooks…)