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It’s too bad there wasn’t a star-studded premiere in LA for Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland — but we made do by dressing up (with a group of Mad Hatters) for the midnight opening. I did a tribute to the Queen of Hearts. Yukiro went as the love-child of Goth Alice and the White Rabbit.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND MOVIE REVIEW: NOT SUFFICIENTLY GOTHIC, NOR TIM BURTON'S BEST. COSPLAYING AS WONDERLAND CHARACTERS FOR OPENING NIGHT, GOTH ALICE, queen of hearts, red queen costume, dressing up Alice Wonderland, wigs and halloween tim burton fashion, makeup cyber goth girls, california goth, la goth, movie premiere for johnny depp movie

Our friends were the only other movie-goers who wore costumes — boo!

ALICE IN WONDERLAND MOVIE REVIEW: NOT SUFFICIENTLY GOTHIC, NOR TIM BURTON'S BEST. COSPLAYING AS WONDERLAND CHARACTERS FOR OPENING NIGHT, GOTH ALICE, queen of hearts, red queen costume, dressing up Alice Wonderland, wigs and halloween tim burton fashion, makeup cyber goth girls, california goth, la goth, movie premiere for johnny depp movie

I’m glad I didn’t have high expectations, or I would have been sorely disappointed. If a regular Hollywood director made this movie, I’d give it a B or B+: Alice in Wonderland was entertaining, with adequate CGI/3D and a decent narrative (until the very end).

But I expect more from Gothic genius Tim Burton — especially after seeing his retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art. Alice didn’t take me away to a whimsical, twisted new world (like Corpse Bride or Edward Scissorhands). I wasn’t moved by the graphics (Avatar’s glowing jungle is far better). And I didn’t feel for the characters. In fact, the animal design and human makeup were pretty lousy.

There were shining moments, especially when the Red Queen held court. I laughed when she called for Tweedle-Dee and Dum: “Say something. Speak! Whee-hee-hee, I love my fat boys.” And the part when she liked “Um” because “anyone with a big head is welcome in this court!”

Your blogger commands: “Off with his head!” I didn’t feel I wasted money on the ticket — the movie is satisfying enough for a night out — but considering that Burton was at the helm, it could have been better conceived and executed. Let’s just say a shaky YouTube version starring the J-Goth spooks and Adventure Team would be more of a mad tea party, in my humble opinion!

What did you think of Alice in Wonderland? What are your expectations for the film?

Song of the Day #320: Carol Channing’s song and dance in the 1985 version of Alice in Wonderland. Now THIS is brilliance! (You must watch this clip…)



la carmina cute bentos, fashion hair style, lacarmina blog images photos

The NHK documentary about cute bentos has aired! Come watch my segments on my YouTube channel (please subscribe) or embedded below. Japanese TV is absolutely bananas, isn’t it?

In Part 1, I show the reporter how to draw and create cute character bentos. How many times can you spot my Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow?

Part 2 documents my visit to the Harlem elementary school to teach children (and their parents) how to make cute and healthy sandwiches. Don’t you love their enthusiasm?

Ronan Farrow, Mia Farrow Woody Allen, Satchel Farrow, Seamus Farrow, La Carmina, Japanese girl doing v-fingers, cute goth girls, professional makeup lipstick on model, fashion photoshoot, Harajuku runway show, models NYC, indie fashion designer, gothic lolita clothes, cosplay lolita, anime fashion, rainbow shirt, lolita handmade dress, shopping stores for loli clothes, pretty young lolita teen models

Some parts didn’t make the final cut: the reporter and I had a five minute race to make cute food faces, and there was a segment where I modeled my fashion line. But I’ll post behind-the-scenes videos from the shoot later on (shot by Shichi, as were the photos above). You can see more from the NHK Japanese TV show in the last few pages of this blog — and to learn cute bento-making, do consider my book Cute Yummy Time!

the Guardian logo, Bookseller magazine, Diagram prize for the oddest book title of the year, weirdest book titles, strangest books, cute yummy time, From Bacon: A Love Story to An Intellectual History of Cannibalism, Collectible Spoons of the Third Reich and The Master Cheesemakers of Wisconsin, Dental Management of Sleep Disorders, Mickey Mouse, Hitler and Nazi Germany and Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technology

Yesterday was an interesting press day. The Guardian (UK newspaper) reported that Cute Yummy Time was named one of the oddest book titles of the year — along with “Bondage for Beginners” and other head-scratchers. I hope my book makes the shortlist…

Ronan Farrow girlfriend, parents Mia Farrow Woody Allen, Satchel Farrow, Seamus Farrow, gay, dating, La Carmina, Japanese girl, gothic lolita press, yale law school, rosie o'donnell website, wikipedia, biography Ronan Seamus Farrow, Ronan O'Sullivan state department

Moreover, a giant image of Ronan Farrow (Basil Farrow’s dad) is currently gracing the front page of Rosie O’Donnell’s website. The photo was taken by me! Next time, Rosie should post a photo of our fat, furry, earless son, don’t you think?

What do you think of NHK documentary? Are you eager to make kawaii character bentos now?

Song of the Day #300: Whatever happy tunes are going on in the NHK episode.