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TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. japanese tv BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress

We’ve yielded to your pleads… and created a SECOND Evil Queen makeup tutorial video! Muahahaha!

TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. JAPANESE tv, BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress

In the last episode, La Carmina was transformed into an Evil Queen by the Queen Bitch herself (Yukiro Dravarious). Now, the two witches capture a random victim from an elevator and each beautify half her face with Shrinkle’s Sugarpill eyeshadows and glitters.

Meanwhile, Japanese orgy “pron” blares in the background — serving as their Inspiration — and their Minion gets brutally punished for her incompetence…

Come watch the madness above and here. If you couldn’t stop laughing, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. More video adventures to come!

geisha makeup, cyber drag queen, makeup closeup on face, TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. JAPANESE tv, BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress

Everyone bow down to Geisha Queen Yukiro, master of Satanic makeup.

goth alice in wonderland, asymmetrical makeup, TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. JAPANESE tv, BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress

I did the left side of the random victim’s face; my partner did the other. It strangely works. Amazonian Cyber queen, maybe?

japanese goth girls, orange hair in pigtails, TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. JAPANESE tv, BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress

MINION! Kanae is single-handedly the most incompetent slave we’ve ever flushed down the toilet.

japanese goth girls, orange hair in pigtails,  BLACK GOTH LIPSTICK, EXTREME FAKE EYELASHES, FEATHERED EYELASHES, glittery mineral eye makeup, heart of the ocean Titanic necklace, funny comedy beauty demo, innocent world gothic lolita dress, TOKYO EVIL QUEEN VIDEO! SUGARPILL MAKEUP TUTORIAL, FEATHERED EYELASHES, GOTH BLACK LIPSTICK & MINIONS. JAPANESE tv,

Gothic Lolita dress: Innocent World. Can’t believe I found it in Closet Child Harajuku.
Necklace: I found an old Heart of the Ocean Titanic pendant (remember those?) and strung it up.
Feathered eyelashes: Simply amazing; they match my orange hair. From Odakaya in Shinjuku.
Black lipstick: Lime Crime makeup
Glittery Goth crucifix stickers: We all wore one that night to Midnight Mess. From a Japanese dollar store.

What were your favorite moments in the scandalous video? Who made you laugh the most? You can also watch the first Evil Queen video here.

Japanese Word of the Day: Black magic = Kuromajutsu
Song of the Day: Gina M. – Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (The robot is not computer-generated, it’s a real actor in a robot costume made of plastic!)

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BRITISH PATHE COLLECTION: VINTAGE FILMS FROM VICTORIAN & JAZZ ERA. DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY WITH OLD JAPAN FASHION FOOTAGE. The world's finest digital news archive, classic British newsreels, 1896-1976 3500 hours of filmed history, stock film footage, royalty free footage, creative commons movies

Susie Bubble (of fashion blog Style Bubble) recently learned of British Pathe’s giant archive of films (1897-1970). She was amazed by the wealth of material available — free to stream — on the site. Thinking I’d have the same jaw-dropping reaction, Susie referred the site to me. And boy, was she right. I could spend hours watching rare footage of Victorian ladies, 1920s jazz dancers, Hong Kong’s skyline in the 1950s, Emperor Hirohito attending the premiere of Ben Hur…

Cute Japanese food (1968) (click to view)

The British Pathe has over 90,000 reels: there’s something to hold everyone’s interest. I searched for “Japan” and came across this remarkable food demo at a London restaurant. Believe it or not, the Japanese were making food cute even in the 1960s! In the video, Chef Kusama Toshio carves birds from sweet potatoes and places them over vegetable flowers.

BRITISH PATHE COLLECTION: VINTAGE FILMS FROM VICTORIAN & JAZZ ERA. DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY WITH OLD JAPAN FASHION FOOTAGE. The world's finest digital news archive, classic British newsreels, 1896-1976 3500 hours of filmed history, stock film footage, royalty free footage, creative commons movies

When you search for “Japan,” the highlights include…
† Very early 1930s mute reel about Japanese ways
† 1963 footage of Japanese fashion models in Australia
Japanese students in London, 1970
† 1950s Geishas entertain men at a business meeting
Japanese Royal wedding 1959: “Crown Prince Akihito has married a commoner, so breaking Japanese tradition of more than 2,600 years”
Two year-old Prince Hiro, 1962

Tokyo ladies’ fashion show (1954) (click to view)

Here’s a video of Japanese models displaying the latest designs at Tokyo Kaikan Hall. I love the kimono and princess-style ladies overcoat.

Victorian corset striptease (1960) (click to view)

For all you Victorian/Rococo/Steampunk lovers, British Pathe is an excellent plae to find retro inspiration. The clip above shows a Victorian-attired girl performing a striptease, and models showing off historical corsets.

old burlesque video, striptease victorian corset, BRITISH PATHE COLLECTION: VINTAGE FILMS FROM VICTORIAN & JAZZ ERA. DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY WITH OLD JAPAN FASHION FOOTAGE. The world's finest digital news archive, classic British newsreels, 1896-1976 3500 hours of filmed history, stock film footage, royalty free footage, creative commons movies

British Pathe is a wonderful resource for anyone intrigued by bygone eras. Come take a gander at the videos, and let me know if you find anything that amazes you! (You can share the link in the comments, which are always appreciated.)

VERSAILLES NEW TOUR DATES, SUMMER 2010 EUROPE, Visual Kei jrock band versailles, latest tour dates london paris, j-rock concerts announcement, hizaki, kamijo, jasmine you, band new world tour dates

VERSAILLES has announced Summer 2010 World Tour dates! The epic heavy metal Visual Kei band is hitting Europe and South America. Will you be at any of these J-rock concerts?
Apr 30 2010: Tokyo JCB Hall (I’ll be there!)
Jun 4 2010: Sao Paulo
Jun 6 2010: Santiago
Jun 9 2010: Buenos Aires
Jun 11 2010: Lima
Jun 13 2010: Mexico City
Jun 27 2010: Moscow
Jun 29 2010: Helsinki
Jun 30 2010: London
Jul 2 2010: Barcelona
Jul 3 2010: Montpellier
Jul 6 2010: Amsterdam
Jul 7 2010: Cologne
Jul 9 2010: Hamburg
Jul 11 2010: Budapest
Jul 13 2010: Paris

Japanese Word of the Day: Instrument = Gakki
Song of the Day: Seal – Kiss from a Rose (for Adventure Teamster K!)

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