DNR Rock Princess music video! Dreams Not Reality new PV, filmed in Rome Italy by Solobuio. Fashion by Luisaviaroma Florence.
It’s beyond my dreams… I’m in a music video!
Introducing Rock Princess, the new PV by Euro-Visual band DNR (Dreams Not Reality)… featuring red-haired La Carmina.
“Get on the stage and start the fire / so lovely temptress / you’re the one shining like a star!”
Come on and watch our music video above, or on DNR’s official channel.
It was a pleasure to work with Italian director Carlo Roberti of Solobuio Visual Factory, and his professional team.
Our designer clothes were generously loaned to us by Luisaviaroma of Florence. You’ll recall that Seby and I took part in their fashion blogger event twice.
Do you like the panda bear necklace? It’s from our Pray for Japan collection – click to order one.
I became friends with DNR through Seby, who’s in the band.
Sieg looks dashing in his suit from Luisa.
These scenes were filmed in Rome, June 2011.
Ash, Axia, Sieg, and Kira play along to the Rock Princess track.
Goofing off during the food break.
The neon makes everyone glow.
“How does it look?”
In January 2012, Seby and I filmed additional scenes.
This time, I wore Angelica Brigade hair flowers and a dress I got in NYC a long time ago.
This is my first major role in a music video. What a thirll to play a Rock Princess!
Watch Rock Princess now — your rates and shares will help support DNR’s music. Can’t wait to hear what you think!
What were your favorite elements of the music video? Did you like the cute storyline between La Carmina and Seby?

looks cool!!
very cool
It’s good! I
يعععععععععع بايخه يالتسلبه
you r the best part of it :3 !! Seba too (>.<")
How exciting!
Hello dear Carmina, it was a big pleasure to work with you!
That’s adorable ♥
Congrats! that is fantastic I bet you had so much fun =)
I think they were cute^^ The music video was really cool (^^)v
Who better to play the Rock Princess ? ♥
it looks great of course :D
so adorable *-*
eeee!! Carmina u are so gorgeous! <3 silvery makeup <3 Surrounded by hawt musicians, wooo! Unreal! Amazing music vid! ♪ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Nice! I hadn’t seen the post. Congrats again!
I saw it!! You looked absolutely stunning! Loved the hair color. ^^
Loved it ♥ And u always look gorgeous ♥
your hair is very beautiful.
you did look simply radiant in the PV. You made the perfect rock princess. : D
YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! wow so glad you were featured in such an epic video! hahaa love it so much!!!
Aww thank you sweetie!
congratulations! you are amazing! and looks fabulous! <3<3 Love you!
Miss Murder
Thank you so much!! PS – my blog is now available in Spanish. check out the announcement :) http://lacarmina.com/2012/10/circus-alternative-nightlife-party-best-new-york-club-nights-clubbing-nyc-vip/
loved it and your hair
Looks really great.