I love Asian beauty products, especially from Korea and Japan. But if you live in the West, these brands are hard to acquire.
My solution? Lilies Shop, a Canada-based supplier of Korean makeup, wigs, contacts and more!
Lilies has an online shop, and several physical locations in Toronto and Vancouver. I went to Tinseltown one that opened a few months ago. The staff is friendly, and you can try on pretty much any product before buying.
Store manager Lily did the nail art, using Liole nail polishes. I’m a fan of the matte colors and nail art gems.
There’s a large selection of Liole skin care and makeup, in trendy shades suited for Asian skin tones. Isn’t the packaging cute?
Skin whitening products are often misunderstood. Lily explained they contain citrus ingredients (not bleach) and aim for a gentle, gradual brightening (not a Michael Jackson pastiness).
Liole’s leg shaping gel is a hot product. “Presents cool feeling that helps to relax and presents elastic on your stressed and swelled leg.” I’m sold.
A large selection of Korean circle contacts and color lenses. (“Smiling with your eyes” takes on a whole new meaning.)
The cute jewelry is only $5-20.
Lots of fashion wigs, clip in bangs, extensions and other hair accessories.
I got these face masks , with ingredients like green tea and pomegranite. Do you think Basil Farrow wants to try one?
The BB creams are popular. There’s a sunscreen line, and a collection for men.
I’m wearing a Banana Fish kitty shirt from Closet Child Tokyo, and a spiky faux-fur jacket from Lip Service.
My stylist, Isolde from Avant Garde Hair, did my color and curls.
Are you a fan of Asian makeup and skincare? What are your favorite products, and where do you get them?
Be sure to remember Lilies Shop — they ship internationally and carry all the items featured in this post.
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They have a few Korean beauty shops in Australia, but unfortunately not where I live (Brisbane). I got the most fantastic pair of false lashes there. I wish they were everywhere, Korean products are really cool!
x’3 Have fun! <3 Spooky sunny Sunday!
OH MAH GOD this is just to perfect, i was looking for whitening products today and was at a lost, and bam here’s an article, so glad i subscribed to you, also do u know which brand is the best for skin whitening? face and body?
Oh yes, I love korean beauty products. Forever 21 sells similar face masks to the one you got, but the actual makeup stores always are better quality. I buy my masks at Shiseido. The ones near me actually carry Korean beauty products as well. :)
^^ I used to work as a makeup artist at shiseido
I am excited to go to that shop when I’m back home in Canada and get some purple lenses!
love that faux jacket! :)
I haven’t tried much in the way of Asian skincare, but there is a Korean herbal soap sold at Daiso that seems to be the only thing that helps my skin!
I love Korean skincare products >_< And I'm an avid fan of BB cream. I've tried Lioele products before, but I think I'm going to try that whitening skincare line… just to help maintain my paleness~
I usually buy my stuff online on privately owned shops or eBay… and your hair reminds me of that slushy lemonade they serve at McDonalds xD
I’m jealous! Have fun.
Has anyone used a skin whitener? Any recommendations?
Yesterday, I just got my Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream #27 in Golden Beige from Ebay by the seller giftworldplus. I love it!! <3
I love your hair you look AWESOME!!!
La Carmina, total cuteness with the hair! ♥
love the hair girl!!!! :)
I simply love your jacket, your hair, and the mirror on the wall!
omg :3
I usually use a bb cream.
I love liquid eyeliner pens. May seem odd, but I have NEVER seen any being sold in the UK, I can only get them from Asian sellers (I usually go for ebay). I don’t know why they’re not popular here, they make life a million times easier.>_<
I would like to have stores like that where I live >.<, I love how you have your hair!! :)
Love Love love the nail art!!!!!
great color on you Miss
Yes,Contract lenses can be dodgy. And what’s up with skin whiteners? r
I wear circle lenses every day. They’re honestly not bad as long as you buy a good brand. And when I went to Tokyo everyone I knew was wearing them daily too and their eyes are fine. I don’t think circle lenses should get such a bad reputation.
I’m half Korean so I visit my grandparents (and by extension Seoul) at least 3 times a year- innisfree is great for skincare (I love their whitening sleeping pack) but I personally prefer skinfood’s bb creams more, especially their tea range. Also, Holika Holika’s O2 soda pore bubble mask is great as a sit-for-a-while cleanser. :)
And skin whiteners- tan= labourer skin, white= nobility. Funny thing is Europe and America had the same mindset until Chanel accidentally tanned, so now you can see plenty of orange people walking around. Personally, I think pale skin is healthier. And looks a lot better with dark hair and eyes.
ery beautiful dear♥
Love you new haircolour – such a lovely mix of tones.
I wish I could wear colour/circle lenses ;__; being born with terrible eyesight is such a pain.
I wish I could visit their store, but I dont live in Canada :( Your hair is beautiful bbygirlll<3 and for those who shop on their online site, you can use code: loveliliesshop for 5% off entire purchase tho :)
Awesome! Yeahh they are great!
i got my perscription neovision multitoned Dali circulars from koreabigeyes online, they where in right on time, inexpensive, breathable, non damaging and you can wear them everyday for a year before you need to get another pair.
here, perscription lenses are about 75$ and last 6 months, so 30$ for a year was amazing. I’m definately going back for a new pair in january.
Those contact lenses which she has used in the pictures above are looking really beautiful. It is blending with her aye color so perfectly that it looks so natural on her.
Skin whitener makes me sad, even if it is totally safe. It’s still inspired by the idea that black isn’t beautiful, and focuses on a beauty standard that forces women of color to be judged based on a standard developed based on the look of white/light women.
Thank you so much for your detailed analysis. Very Helpful! The Koreans are undoubtedly very good at marketing their own products, whether to an international or domestic market, when it comes to cosmetics and skincare.