

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

Have you seen the new Woody Allen movie, Midnight in Paris? It’s a wonderful picture of the 1920s Paris art and literati scene: Hemingway, Fitzgerland and friends. For me, the Salvador Dali and the Surrealists steal the show, with their outerspace ideas and animalier parties.

So I was giddy to receive media passes the surrealism exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery, running until September 25th.

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

I am… a zebra?

Zebra striped headband: gifted from Sproos Shop. (Click here to win one.)
Zebra print top: gifted from Lip Service
Button down dress: Algonquins
Sheer stripy tights: from Hong Kong
Black shiny ankle boots: Closet Child, Tokyo
Feather boa tail: Paramount Pictures movie wardrobe sale


The collection of Surrealist works was large and varied (sculpture, paintings, photographs, journals). Tenets of the movement was well-explained with colorful placards.

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

In this painting, Salvador Dali explores the concept of “anti-art,” using abstract shapes and unconventional materials such as sand. The image is supposed to be suggestive of female sexuality. Perhaps these black things are… legs?

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

I was delighted to see Dali’s famous Lobster Telephone (1936), and Max Ernst’s moody painting of a “forest.”

I didn’t realize that the Surrealists were fascinated by West Coast native Canadian art, especially totems and masks. This smiley-face artifact, from a British Columbia tribe, hung in a Surrealist salon.

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

My friend illustrates Joan Miro’s automatism technique (tapping into the emotional unconscious as one paints). My tail is pointing to Miro’s groundbreaking “this is the color of my dreams” painting.

rene magritte, Giorgio de Chirico, dream paintings, surrealism, art movement, automatism, anti-art, dali, SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

I felt that some of the Surrealists’ work lost impact after 90 years. Photos of pig legs lined up against a wall, or three statues covered with sacks, aren’t shocking or particularly intriguing today.

However, Claude Cahun’s work still has power. She explored gender-bending and radical identities, like in the bald self-portrait above.

rene magritte, Giorgio de Chirico, dream paintings, surrealism, art movement, automatism, anti-art, dali, SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

Two of my favorite Surrealists are Rene Magritte and Giorgio de Chirico, who tapped into the dream-world with whimsy. Paintings like Magritte’s “The Six Elements” (top left) are still haunting today.

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

This is not a pipe. I am not a zebra. Or am I? Is it? Are we?

Decide for yourself at the Color of My Dreams Surrealism exhibit in Vancouver, Canada.

SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

PS: This is your last chance to win adorable hair accessories from Sproos! It only takes 1 minute to enter…

1) Recommend my blog by clicking this Google Plus One button:
2) Like my Facebook Page and blog, by clicking the thumbs up below:

3) Hop over to my Facebook Wall and comment, telling me your goals and expectations for the summer. I’m replying to everyone, with my ideas and inspiration!


PPS: Since many of you ask about my kawaii Japanese-style makeup, here’s a closeup. To make your eyes look huge, draw and blend an uplifting shape. Put white at the corners of the eyes and under the brow bone. Define the outer edges with white eyeliner. False lashes on top.

Too vague? Don’t worry. I’ll post a step-by-step photo guide to eye makeup — done by a professional, for my Goth magazine cover shoot — very soon.

la carmina, lacarmina, scottish fold, cute cat baby, SURREALIST ART EXHIBITION VANCOUVER: SALVADOR DALI, JOAN MIRO, MAX ERNST. CONTEST TO WIN HAIRBANDS & BOWS! CUTE HAIR ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY, WIN BIG BOW CLIPS & HEADBANDS FROM SPROOS SHOP. emo hairstyles, emo hair, scene queen, dyed red hair, scene queens photos, hair inspiration goth punk, emo hairstyle, zebra hairbands, animal print headband, cool hair pins, buy hair clips online, hair accessory store women. big japanese eye makeup techniques, teen werewolf, zebra costume, werewolves teen culture cosplay

Are you familiar with the major Surrealist artists, and their works? What do you think of this movement?

I look forward to seeing your entries to win cute hair bows, bands, and clips! Simply perform the 3 easy steps above; there are more photos and details here.

Song of the Day: Ayumi Hamasaki – Surreal (Music box version)

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  1. Shinee
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 6:43 pm | Permalink

    uu what a nice tail^^ keke love your photos

  2. Scarlett
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 7:02 pm | Permalink

    I love your style and so pretty ^_^

  3. Xie
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 7:15 pm | Permalink

    your outfits make me smile.

  4. Jrockonhigh
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 7:27 pm | Permalink

    I love your outfit.  I’m not too familiar with surreal artists but it’s interesting.  However, I’m hoping to go to the Tim Burton exhibit in LA for my birthday.

  5. Autumn
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

    You are a great personality and keep up with what you do. Because the world needs more great people like you, funny sweet and flat out AMAZING!!

  6. Yukiro
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 8:42 pm | Permalink

    haha i like the tail, and Im actually wearing something that would match it today xd

  7. Glitch
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 9:02 pm | Permalink

    Surreal artist,the punk rock of their day. Salvador Dali had some amazing pieces.

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:31 pm | Permalink

      You are so right. Dali’s eccentric personality = rock star.

  8. Rochelle
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 9:11 pm | Permalink

    Yay~ Rene Magritte!

  9. Enil
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 11:39 pm | Permalink

    Basil Farrow for President!

  10. Anonymous
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 12:02 am | Permalink

    I don’t know much about surreal art but I like it~ ^o^ I want that rotary phone!
    Oh and don’t mind the scene queen comments. You look classy and beautiful, as always. I expect to see that makeup tutorial soon ^^

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:32 pm | Permalink

      It’s wonderful to see the art in person – the spirit of the movement comes across.

      Makeup tutorial soon!

  11. Jen
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 12:10 am | Permalink

    Dalí is one of my favorite artists.  His work contains so many interesting images, and he was a very interesting individual.

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:32 pm | Permalink

      He was! Mia Farrow hung out with his group in the 60s because he “needed a virgin” to be part of his scene. He was a fascinating man.

  12. Chrissie
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 12:14 am | Permalink

    I’m glad you are having fun! im so jealous!

  13. Tassos P
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 2:06 am | Permalink

    You are deadly cute with the zebra look :)

  14. Brenda Dees
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 2:14 am | Permalink

    nice look, and i like it when you talk about art and culture.  keep up the great work.

  15. Tracy
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 3:27 am | Permalink

    OH AWESOME!! We’re planning to go to that too.. ^_^

  16. Tracy Cake
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 3:54 am | Permalink

     WOW, Me too, I didn’t realize that the “Surrealists were fascinated by West Coast native Canadian art..”.!!! I wonder if they both shared the love of dreams and spiritual imagery to inspire them…?  <3 Thanks for the lesson… ^_^

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:33 pm | Permalink

      Yeahhhhhh it was fascinating! We’re pretty spoiled to have West Coast art so close by; it’s quite phenomenal.

  17. Tracy Cake
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 3:54 am | Permalink

     WOW, Me too, I didn’t realize that the “Surrealists were fascinated by West Coast native Canadian art..”.!!! I wonder if they both shared the love of dreams and spiritual imagery to inspire them…?  <3 Thanks for the lesson… ^_^

  18. henja
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 5:11 am | Permalink

    I see some lovely pieces of art, I also see a rhinoceros! 

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:33 pm | Permalink

      hahhaha! I seee….. a RHINOCEROS! Did you enjoy the film as much as I doid?

      • henja
        Posted July 25, 2011 at 12:15 am | Permalink

        The lost generation, Paris, and Owen Wilson?! No, I did not enjoy the movie as much as you did. I enjoyed it more then both of our enjoyment combined. Yes, that did make mathematical sense. (If you were a surrealist)

  19. Elligons
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 5:13 am | Permalink


  20. Didymus Siculus
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 3:43 pm | Permalink

    This is not a pipe, “there is no spoon.”  That was a cute outfit and the artwork was great!

    • lacarmina
      Posted July 24, 2011 at 8:34 pm | Permalink

      haha! :) It was fun to see, hope the exhibit comes to NYC!

      • Didymus Siculus
        Posted July 25, 2011 at 3:29 am | Permalink

        The exhibit or you!  Its been too long since we’ve been graced with the Carmina!

  21. Rumor
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

    OMG,you look so cool in pic,i like your eyes….and your earless cat is too funny and tender *-*

  22. Mai
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 5:11 pm | Permalink

    will u ever bring basil to tokyo? Ugh everytime I see the photos

  23. Eva
    Posted July 24, 2011 at 10:01 pm | Permalink

    Summer sensation!

  24. Maricor
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 3:36 am | Permalink

    sugoi kawaii ne=)

  25. Yemile
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 3:50 am | Permalink

    why are you so cute?! >w<

  26. Angel
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 3:50 am | Permalink

    かわいい です ね!

  27. Richard
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 3:51 am | Permalink


  28. Brittany
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 5:08 am | Permalink

    oooh i hope i win! those bows are soo cute!

  29. Clare
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 5:52 am | Permalink

    so kawaii :3

  30. Wpuser01001
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 6:26 am | Permalink

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  31. Photo Retouching
    Posted July 25, 2011 at 11:13 am | Permalink

    excellent! you’ve done really gr8 job! :) thanks for sharing..

  32. Decimalshoes
    Posted July 26, 2011 at 12:31 am | Permalink

    love your boots dear :D

  33. Clipping Path
    Posted June 2, 2014 at 7:02 am | Permalink

    i like tour dress!! cat theme suits you.

  34. Engr. Mishuk Hasan
    Posted November 13, 2017 at 5:31 am | Permalink

    Very creative artwork here. You just did a great job.

  35. Roberta
    Posted January 21, 2019 at 7:16 am | Permalink

    Hi, La Carmina you are looking so gorgeous. Nice fashion and wonderful all of the dress.

  36. david conway
    Posted February 6, 2023 at 6:01 am | Permalink

    I really love your Style and you are so petty

  37. Lori Cope
    Posted March 27, 2024 at 9:36 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for sharing your skills and techniques. Thank you for your suggestions!

  38. Rajkumar Roy
    Posted August 29, 2024 at 8:48 am | Permalink

    Love the surrealist art exhibition details, especially Dalí’s work! The chance to win those stylish hairbands is a fun bonus.

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