Quick: name a place in Tokyo where ladies are not allowed. Did you know… almost all Japanese capsule hotels are for men only? These stacked, coffin-like accommodations are mainly for businessmen who miss the last train.
I’ve never been allowed inside a capsule hotel… until I got the chance to visit one for the NRK Norway TV show. Some cool news — the program just won the Gullruten, the Norwegian Grammy award!
Naturally, Naomi and I used this opportunity to take as many artistic (aka silly) photos as possible.
The capsule rooms are as tiny as you’d imagine. For US$25-50 a night, you get a pillow, sheets, and tiny TV nailed to the ceiling.
Naomi made arrangements with the Green Plaza Capsule Hotel in Shinjuku, so that we were able to film during the daytime, before the spaces filled up with customers. (It’s what we do as Pirates; you can find out more about our Tokyo consulting, TV fixing and hosting business here.)
The Norwegians, Ari and Per, put on Asian robes and crawled into the upper cubby-holes.
I couldn’t understand the Norwegian dialogue, but it sounded pretty funny!
With shared bathrooms and too-close-for-comfort coffins, I’m not sure I’d stay in one of these capsules (even if I were allowed to).
How about you? Have you ever spent the night in a Japanese capsule hotel? Share your stories and thoughts in the comments!
PS: I will post clips of my appearance in the Norway TV show about Tokyo ASAP.
Song of the Day: Girugamesh – Owari to mirai

thats so cool!
thats so cool!
Actually, I would really like to sleep there. I don’t know why but I sleep better in tiny places XD. I’ve been to this hotel in New York, The Jane, that is inspired by this concept… but the rooms are really nice there, they remind you of an old ship cabin. It was a very small room (not THIS small, but still very small for hotel standards) and I slept like a baby!
Why should they be for men only -_- I guess that most of Japanese women don’t work late…
I’ve read about The Jane — so cool. There are some floors of capsule hotels that are women-only, but not this one..
Interesting, reminds me of the sleeping spaces used in Fifth Element. I didn’t know places like this existed. Yay for new knowledge!
ha, yeah… they’re quite the quirk!
I oddly enough would find these very cozy.(I like crawling into small spaces) Although as you said, being so close to other people and the bathroom isn’t that alluring.
There are… interesting programs on the TV, as you might imagine!
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Ok i will be the first to say thats a GIANT cookie!!! (in the first pic at the top) and i can’t say that i have slept in a capsule hotel are they THAT cramped?Ok i will be the first to say thats a GIANT cookie!!! (in the first pic at the top) and i can’t say that i have slept in a capsule hotel are they THAT cramped?
haha it’s pumpkin pizza
congrats !congrats !
Well done! That’s great news! Actually I slept at a capsule hotel in Shinsaibashi,Osaka.There’s a floor only for women.Loved it!
–does it smell good? I have no sense of smell. sad face–does it smell good? I have no sense of smell. sad face
Ah! Congratulations! I’ve stayed in one capsule hotel in Osaka (It had a floor for women), never again!! I hate them!Ah! Congratulations! I’ve stayed in one capsule hotel in Osaka (It had a floor for women), never again!! I hate them!
Congrats that’s awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats that’s awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow so beautiful!Wow so beautiful!
interesting, the look quite bit inside, good use of space.interesting, the look quite bit inside, good use of space.
Yeah, it’s a neat invention!
I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO STAY IN ONE. They used to only be for men and I was willing to go drag to do it!I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO STAY IN ONE. They used to only be for men and I was willing to go drag to do it!
I think I would – looks cozy to me. I think I would – looks cozy to me.
Holy crap I want to go to one!! T_T But I’m a girl… FFFFFFFFFFFUUUU you got lucky haha
hahah I wouldn’t want to stay there… but it was neat to see.
I’d have a little trouble with the lack of space (I can’t sleep well like that I guess) but I’d try it once.
i wonder why there is no “coffin hotel” (that i heard of…) in Japan, that’s something i’d really like to try loi wonder why there is no “coffin hotel” (that i heard of…) in Japan, that’s something i’d really like to try lo
Is that… a giant cookie?Is that… a giant cookie?
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I’ve got this chronic paranoia where I always think of the worst things first, so I kinda understand why these hotels are mostly men-only (._.) I mean, no doors? Really? Tell me I just overlooked and there are some weird folding doors that you can stretch out electronically once you’re inside!
Nevertheless, I’m curious how you’re supposed to crawl and sleep in those things… head first or vice versa? (^^;)
The pillow was at the end, and the TV faces it, so that would make sense!
Awesome! Congrats La!Awesome! Congrats La!
hmm. this reminds me of the science fiction movie “Fifth element”. The space ships that travels from planets to planets, instead of seats they have capsules like these. This is a eye opener. Sadly its just for guys. Might be that the hotel manger thinks that girls do freak out if staying in such, and to avoid lesser complains.