The Royal Wedding of William and Kate. Oh joy. (Or as Seba put it, “Dou demo ii.”) It’ll be the same old thing. White dress, fairytale church.
But what if you’re more into Corpse Brides and Dracula manors?
Over the years, I’ve written quite a lot about Goth and alternative marriage ceremonies. Back in 2007, I did a post about how to plan the perfect Gothic Lolita wedding. I advised the bride to “accessorize sumptuously with Victorian chokers and brooches, lacy gloves, and chunky Mary Janes or boots.” As for the groom, I quipped: “You say he’s reluctant to dress Kodona? Are you really sure you want to marry him?”
† Read the full post about Gothloli weddings…
I also described the ideal Goth wedding reception, from skull-shaped candles to a toast by David Lynch. Marilyn Manson and Dita von Teese’s banquet, held in a Baron’s castle, sets the bar high.
This was also one of my first posts about spooky-cute decorated food. Funny how this interest led to my book, Cute Yummy Time.
† Read more about Gothic party receptions…
For kawaii wedding inspiration, here’s a 2009 Sweet Lolita photoshoot by Chai Mungcal, featuring EGL designer and model Cyril Lumboy (Dolldelight). Both have done so well since then!
† See all the Sweet Loli photos…
In 2009, Christon Cafe — the Jesus-themed restaurant where Tokyo Decadance usually happens — had a Goth and alternative bridal runway show. Which of the Japanese Gothic gowns would you pick?
† More from the bridal collection…
But the ultimate wedding dress? One handmade by Yukari Ohba — dressmaker to your favorite Visual Kei bands (Malice Mizer, Versailles, D’espairsRay). The feathers and luscious draping are out of this world.
† More photos of the designer’s Jrock stage outfits…
What would your ideal wedding, gown and reception look like? I look forward to your thoughts and inspiration in the comments.
Song of the Day: The Cure – Kyoto Song (suggested by Alt Noir magazine. I’m going to be on the cover of an upcoming issue… doing a big photoshoot for them this weekend!)

I love this post @______@.
I want it all!
dita von teese’s westwood gown is my dream dress.
Oh yes, I love the purple.
so cool~
<3 So much more original than the typical wedding.
Some gorgeous dresses, there… including the retro-post. As for myself- ideal wedding? None. Been there, done that… and most likely never again- not interested. I’m not a romantic. I do have to say though, I wish that gowns weren’t wasted on couple-hour long weddings, then sealed away forever, when there are so many other days within our lifetimes that we could enjoy something opulent too. Wish we could start a fashion movement or a special holiday to wear formals more often… without needing to attend a gala in LA…
Fingers crossed that Gothic Lolita dresses keep the decadent, elegant tradition going.
Some gorgeous dresses, there… including the retro-post. As for myself- ideal wedding? None. Been there, done that… and most likely never again- not interested. I’m not a romantic. I do have to say though, I wish that gowns weren’t wasted on couple-hour long weddings, then sealed away forever, when there are so many other days within our lifetimes that we could enjoy something opulent too. Wish we could start a fashion movement or a special holiday to wear formals more often… without needing to attend a gala in LA…
Those are beautiful! If only I could get married again, LOL!
haha! Always a good excuse to throw a party ;)
So many awesome outfits! :D
Ideal wedding? I want to wear a classic timeless dress (and maybe a wedding kimono?) with a small ceremony. As for reception, that’s hard. All I know is I’d like a sushi bar.
There’s not nearly enough dresses like these in America I’ll tell you that.
omg it’s AWESOME XD
I love it and have been wanting to see something like this for a while. Thank you Carmina!
Oh yes I want a black, 1920s themed wedding dress whenever I get married.
People’re making such a big deal about the royal wedding, it’s a little ridiculous. There’s nail decals of pictures of the royal couple even.
America has an unhealthy obsession with weddings, in my opinion. Like that “say yes to the dress” show
Ahaha, I want Kate and William nail decals!
Ahaha, I want Kate and William nail decals! Here you go xD
Ugh, wedding dresses are so hideous, I don’t care what color they are.
Ugh, wedding dresses are so hideous, I don’t care what color they are.
I wont get married untik I find someone willing to have a gothic wedding… Ill push it and make him dress kodona too n.n
I definitely like Kate’s dress…but I prefer the Visual Kei feather gown! =D
yes I would prefer a gothic loli style dress but I don’t know if I would choose black or such a “king” red. or maybe both (I have 2 dresses, one for the merriage ceremony and one for the party after it)
The last dress is one like a member in GPKism would wear. Totally black. I adore their dresses <333
Oh YES, Ken’s latex-y princess dress… did you see it in my video from their concert?
In a perfect all-expense-paid world, a white gown by Ohba being worn as a ghost maiden on an island…. Grey for the maid of honor. The island is lit with jack-o-lanterns as the groom, best man, and officiator row across to claim the bride… A private ceremony on the island, then all five return by boat as the white gown is stripped to reveal a smaller, color infused dress for the bride… Commence celebration; he brought her back from the land of the dead.
Ahhh that sounds deadly beautiful. I love how you described it.
“As for the groom, I quipped: You say he’s reluctant to dress Kodona?”
To which I say Both Bride and Groom in Lolita! ~insert romantic sigh and day dreaming pose~
hahaha ohhh I would love to see that!! SIGH!
I have a sketch book dedicated to my wedding plans! So many dress ideas… not that I think in the end I’d wear a dress… But.. a boy can dream right? Q AQ
Other than that I have all my plans showered with spinal cord candles and old lace… Ah~ So dreamy!
I want to go to some lolita weddings, it would be heaven on earth
Mmm that sounds like my cup of tea ;)
Some gorgeous dresses, there… including the retro-post. As for myself- ideal wedding? None. Been there, done that… and most likely never again- not interested. I’m not a romantic. I do have to say though, I wish that gowns weren’t wasted on couple-hour long weddings, then sealed away forever, when there are so many other days within our lifetimes that we could enjoy something opulent too. Wish we could start a fashion movement or a special holiday to wear formals more often… without needing to attend a gala in LA…
Some gorgeous dresses, there… including the retro-post. As for myself- ideal wedding? None. Been there, done that… and most likely never again- not interested. I’m not a romantic. I do have to say though, I wish that gowns weren’t wasted on couple-hour long weddings, then sealed away forever, when there are so many other days within our lifetimes that we could enjoy something opulent too. Wish we could start a fashion movement or a special holiday to wear formals more often… without needing to attend a gala in LA…
AMAZING i want a wedding like tht
Gee…wish I had these type of clothes to choose from when I got married. ^_^
A dress by the designer of Malice Mizer’s wardrobe?! I’d faint. No, I’ll faint twice! Mana-sama<3 but yeah, the last one in the upper right hand corner(sheer train and skirt) and the one above it, that got pictured twice? Those two cry out to me! And @raido I hear you! Girls get all the pretty clothes :/
I love it!!! :D This is my type of wedding!!
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