I love lists. Taking inventory. Filling out forms. Truly a disturbed individual, am I not? Enough preface: here’s a compilation of all the Visual Kei, Jrock and Goth concert reviews on my blog, from 2008 to the present. Each link leads you to a report, including exclusive photos and videos videos. You can see all my Visual Kei-related coverage in this section.
I’ll keep adding to this list, so check back. If you find my Jrock coverage helpful, please consider sending the link to your friends. And you can leave a comment, letting me know which musicians / bands you’d like me to review next!
** Click to add La Carmina on Facebook, or push the button below.
2011 concerts
† Sugizo (Luna Sea / X Japan guitarist) (Hong Kong: December 2011)
† Wave Gotik Treffen (Leipzig: June 2011)
† Diamanda Galas (Uppsala, Sweden: April 2011)
† Cradle of Filth (Vancouver, Canada: February 2011)
2010 concerts
† Aural Vampire, Birthday Massacre, Dommin, Andy Six of Black Veil Brides (Studio Seven, Seattle: November 2010)
† Black Veil Brides (Studio Seven, Seattle: November 2010)
† SaTaN final live (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: Halloween 2010)
† Candy Spooky Theater (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: Halloween 2010)
† X Japan (Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver: October 2010)
† X Japan pre-show photos
† Dir en Grey (Showbox SoDo, Seattle: September 2010)
† Seileen: DJ SiSEN and Selia (Decadance Bar, Tokyo: August 2010)
† 101 A (Tokyo: August 2010)
† D’espairsRay (Showbox SoDo, Seattle: August 2010)
† D’espairsRay pre-show outfit photos
† Moi dix Mois / Malice Mizer reunion (Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo: July 2010)
† Miyavi (Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver: June 2010)
† Deluhi, Mix Speakers Inc (Shibuya-O-East, Tokyo: May 2010)
† GPKISM, SaTaN, Calmando Qual, Lix (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: May 2010)
† GPKISM pre-show photos
† Kaya Kaleidoscope (Ikebukuro Black Hole, Tokyo: May 2010)
† Kozi of Malice Mizer at Osaka Black Veil, May 2010
† Versailles (JCB Hall, Tokyo: April 2010)
† Versailles pre-show photos
† Suicide Ali (Tekkoshocon, Pittsburgh: April 2010)
† Versailles Jasmine You memorial concert (Shibuya-O-East, Tokyo: January 2010)
2009 concerts
† Rusika and Jazzminshroom (2nd Street Jazz, Los Angeles: November 2009)
† Lilac, Gurigula, Uzuhi (Webster Hall, NYC: November 2009)
† V-rock Visual Kei festival report by Yukiro (Chiba Makuhari Messe, Tokyo: October 2009)
† V-rock Visual Kei festival report by Count de Sang (Chiba Makuhari Messe, Tokyo: October 2009)
† Moi dix Mois and Kozi (Ebisu Liquidroom, Tokyo: July 2009)
† Moi dix Mois Mana cosplayers and outfit posts
† Gackt (Saitama Arena, Tokyo: July 2009)
† Gackt pre-show photos
† Baal, 13th Moon, Demonoid 13 (Shinjuku Motion, Tokyo: July 2009)
2008 concerts
† Mark Lane (MRX party, Los Angeles: December 2008)
† Auto-Mod (Shinjuku Club Marz, Tokyo: November 2008)
† Versailles (Shibuya-O-West, Tokyo: October 2008)
† Black and white: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
† Color photos: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
† First show: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
† Aural Vampire (Shinjuku Club Marz, Tokyo Dark Castle: October 2008)
† Kokusyoku Sumire (Christon Cafe, Tokyo: October 2008)
† Kanon Wakeshima, Plastic Tree (Marui Fashion Expo at JCB Hall, Tokyo: September 2008)
I’ll keep adding to this list, so check back. If you find my Jrock coverage helpful, please consider sending the link to your friends, and adding my Facebook page. And you can leave a comment, letting me know which musicians / bands you’d like me to review next!

PS – La Carmina Blog is in the FINAL ROUND of Canadian blog awards! Can you pls take 1 second to vote? http://polldaddy.com/poll/3950974/ Thank you SO much!!
ALRIGHT You’re in the finals – we’ll make sure to make you the winner!
For some reason I had a feeling Mike’s Bloggity Blog would be there. I never heard of it. Actually I haven’t heard of any of the other blogs besides yours. But for some reason Mike’s Bloggity Blog has this weird thing to it. Like I just like saying it: BLOGGITY BLOG – BLOGGITY BLOG. Haha.
Hahha I’ve had several friends comment on the bloggity blog-ness of that name. As we say in Canada.. eh? hehe
you saw many of my favorite bands, i’m jealous!
aggggg I would cut off my thumbs to see Moi dix Mois reunion!!
I loved your gackt photos.
Oh my god, you’ve seen Plastic Tree live? Omg how was that? <33
Yeahh a while back. They are so talented… the sound was perfect.
ah! I am jealous of all the concerts you have been! I bet you had fun in each one of them right? :D I enjoy your blog so much! :D
_< not so good!
so many good old memories <3
And more to come!!!
AH thank you! It feels like a birthday present! (Yes it is my birthday) This is exactly what I needed a round-up of all the awesome concerts you’ve been through. I love reading concert reviews, and especially yours since it does bring up the scenery very well! So thanks again for this, I really really appreciate it.
I would be happier about my birthday – but I’m realizing: I’m getting older….argh – ugh…HAHA oh well. Until someone can do somethings with Einstein’s theories I guess it’ll keep being that way.
Or if I happen to find the fountain of youth!
Ohhh otanjoobi omedetou!! <3 Hope you have having a great one.
I haven't aged visibly since I was 19… Dorian Grey? Don't look in my attic!
You should go see The GazettE @ Tokyo Dome >w< I'll be there!
I know you already reviewed them but just saying I am seeing Aural vampire my first Jrock/visual kei concert!
I wanted to go see Aural Vampire :( but the only places theyre coming in Texas are hours away from DFW
It’s going to be awesome.. Birthday Massacre is playing too!
yeps B-day massacre, BVB!, Aural vampire are coming to Lou! Totally awesome
Wrong date/venue for D’espairsRay – it was the Showbox at the Market on Aug. 6! <3
Who is touring? Has there been any news after the brief MM reunion?
ahh oops!! I’ll change it tomorrow! V_V;;;
It would be awesome if you’d review Alice Nine. =)
Love your blog. I share it with everyone!
Thank you dear!! I’d love to see Alice Nine… hopefully soon.
Hoping they do a show in Dallas sometime. *fingers crossed*
Hope so!
I’m going to that show in Houston! Can’t wait! La Carmina, you should interview them here in Texas! ;-)
Get your info straight before you write something.
Satan aren’t disbanding… as you were at the live yesterday you must have heard Mr. Satan and Hi-Na say a couple of times they will not disband. Shiya and DK are leaving… thats it…
I think it’s sad so many people take creddit for knowing v-kei when they go to a couple of lives and can’t even get their japanese right…
It would be nice if you reviewed The GazettE :3
I would say An Cafe, but they’re still on hiatus TT^TT
Hope they come back soon, though!
I hope so too! Love both bands.
And because they rarely come to Spain? I want to see bands and Visual J-rock but do not come …
rf7h Last few years i was low on $$ and debits were eating me from everywhere. that was RIGHT UNTIL i learned to make money on the internet. I went to surveymoneymaker p net, and started filling in surveys for straight cash, and doing so, i’ve been greatly more able to get around financialy!! i am so happy that i did this!! With all the financial stress these years, I really hope all of you will give it a chance. – lJHy
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thank you for sharing and posting i like rock so much. and this band it is one of my long list favorite. keeeep rockiiiiiiiiiing people ..
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