Hide your stuffed toys: G-suS has a lighter! In this side-splitting, rip-roaring new video I visit Bar Zin — a Visual Kei bar in Shinjuku — with my spookiest friends (Yukiro, Count de Sang, G-suS, Mistress Maya, Heidi).
Visual Kei bands often head to Bar Zin for a drink after playing a live. Dir en Grey and X Japan left memorabilia on the walls next to skulls, a devil mask, bondage goods, a giant axe, and stuffed Jack Skellington and Sally dolls.
As you may have predicted, we drank “sludgy” French absinthe. Bar Zin is open until 5am, with no table charge, and has special cocktails named Fetish Girl and Lady Camellia. I dare say it’s one of my favorite drinking holes in Tokyo. (For the address and info, check out the website.)
To top it off, you can request songs and watch music videos of your favorite J-rock artists. We requested Malice Mizer’s Bel Air… which led to vigorous Gackt dancing, evil commentary and scandalous behaviors! Naughty, naughty.
This is one of my favorite videos to date — so please watch it above and here! Be kind and subscribe to my channel, as we have more on the way…
Did any parts of the video make you laugh out loud? Where do you and your friends go — and what do you do — for fun?
Japanese Word of the Day: Kokan (股間) = Crotch
Song of the Day: Malice Mizer – Bel Air (the song we requested in the new video.)

hah king of page 1.
i LOVE VIS KEI!!!!!!!!!!!
Considering foreigners only make up around 2% of the Japanese population, it always weirds me out when there are more foreigners than Japanese in a club/bar.
i really love ur vids
Thanks! Many more to come!!
<3 <3 <3
Omg how many abcents did u guys have
Hahahah looks like u hade fun yaaaaaye
But siriously first time to c abcent in that color
Looks gothicey yaaaaaaaye :D
What Malice Mitzer MV did u ask 4? I’m very currious
THUMBS UP 2 the Gackt-sama imperinator & that guy’s fangs *Envys him*
The song is Bel Air by Malice Mizer.
I love your craziness
i LOVE Malice Mizer cool video
seems like a great place…but…..empty ? O_o
nice crowd tho :)
We are the party!
You always go to such unique places. ^^
So much Malice Mizer in your videos! Gives me bizarre flashbacks to an ex-girlfriend. XD
hehe yes, lots of absinthe and Malice :)D
Lol y’all are such freaks. <3
I just wanted to say hi from Colombia ^^
La Carmina I love all your blog posts and your videos are very cool :)
You really make me love Japan more as I belevied I could !!
Thank you so much! <3 I'll be posting more videos ASAP!
my new goal now is to go to that bar =P
Lots and lots of Dir en grey, and Malice Mizer, and even a bottle of really cool looking Absinthe? Best bar EVER.
How cool!
PLEASE!!! contact me if you come to NYC or anywhere on the east coast. I just bought a new video camera & would love to record a night on the town with La Carmina & The Spooky Kids to post on my website ( I am also planning my 1st trip to Japan & would LOVE some advice!
G.D.S. yay *dances* The place looks awesome!! Like…intimate and fun!! I saved the address, definitely wanna go (I’ll stare at the walls for hours XDDD) *w* I subscribed to your channel…now I think I subscribed to almost every source you have XDDD Btw…am I wrong or Count de Sang is wearing DARTS jewels? I guess he’s really a GACKT fan then XD I love GACKT, Malice Mizer and Dir en grey…so I was like that –> *___* the whole video XDD And Yukiro is so cute, “behave! ù.ù” XD You’re all so stylish, love it^^ Thank you ♥ Oh I was forgetting: the barman was cute too :D
Aww you’re the best! <3 I think it is indeed Darts. :)
thanks! the bartender is awesome really a sweetheart<3
you make me want to go to Japan even more, knowing that I could go there and have dreams come true!
Omg nice, Dir en Gray<3
can’t wait to go to Japan so I can check this place out. :D
Brilliant! Will definitely be checking this little gem out! Keep up the good work!
his looks more like a house than a bar. must feel really comfy in there!
Larcarmina, each video you make makes me want to go to Japan more and more to visit the totally beyond awesome places that you frequent!
HA!!! I love it. I am def going there next time I am in Tokyo… I want more Absynth >.<
by far the coolest person on youtube! :D
lm definitely visiting all of these places when i move~
Also check out Bar Midian in Osaka, run by Fu-ki of ex-Blood! There’s a report on my site (search for Carmina Bar Midian)
That’s not Absynthe, it’s water from Ochanomizu!
Oh how nice! There’s a visual kei bar! ^-^
XD Belair one of my fav Malice Mizer vids.
Wow, you guys look like you’re really havig fun.
Now i seriously wanna go to Japan someday! :D
Thank you for telling me about this bar. It looks awesome. ^^
the video is great!
I was just in the Bar Gellonimo, longer in buis’, much smaller, but there were MANY bands before, how was it “From artists for artists” and the normal can join too…
But this one looks pretty cool too, at least it has a bit more space and the vid…alone for the ones in it I have to ♥ it!
I am craving to try absinthe, but the only place I’ve seen it is 6 hours away in New Orleans..
oh too funny XD all the camera up the skirt shots! lol man, I’m gonna have to find that place nxt time i go to Japan. Its in the red light district? :o
La Carmina! Agian, I love your videos! I love Tokyo! I love Japan! The list is infinite and on when it comes to Japan and ur videos!
I like the slow laughts: D Visual Kei BAR ZIN looks like a cool place and you look as having a great time <3
Everything you do is Fun and Positive!
I’ll visit *o*
Love the fangs and the Gackt moves! :)
awesome i’d love to go there :D
was there any food? i like food.
Why was it empty? It looks like your are the only guests.
wow are bars normally that small? The ones around where I live are quite a bit larger in comparison to that.. lol.
Not trying to sound close minded or anything.. xD
It’s Tokyo, Japan… everything is small! XD
OMG I want to go to that bar badly O.O
too bad you can’t booze if you are 18 in Japan. xD
probably you are not even allowed to enter these till you are 20? o.o
Nobody ever checks ID hehe.
I really want to go there. <3 Visual kei bar!! YAY!! That absinthe looks delicious too.
Carmina, you're such a pervert~ trying to stare up Yukiro's scandalous dress xD hahaha
Gaaaaaaaaakutoooooooooooo hand motions for daaaaa wiiii~~~n♪♪♪♪♪♪♪[insert epic vibrato here] It's the perfect place to relax after a night of chaos in the streets ^^
we’re a little hentai ;)
hahaha, you’d better watch out for the guy with the lighter xD
i heard he already killed alot of plush toys xD
no, really, thanks for the post^^
i like the video even though im in there xD
My poor Takoyaki-chan!!
hahah you are scary in the video! (In a good way!)
Does this place still exist? It’s been nearly 13 years :/ most places closed down
I don’t think it exists any more but there is now Deathmatch in Hell, Bar Psy, Mother, Godz and others.
Where is Bar Zin, please? We are going to Japan next year and would absolutely love to check it out!
ah sadly it closed down! but pls check this recent post for other vk / goth bars! and