Raise your hand if you wish you were in Tokyo. Me. Me. I especially regret missing last weekend’s Midnight Mess (the longest-running Goth/Industrial all-night party organized by Mistress Maya). Everyone who’s anyone in Spookyville was there…
Imagine walking into a club filled with resurrected ghosts from the Palace of Versailles. Yukiro, Selia and DJ SiSEN never fail to impress with their revolving door of creative looks.
I love the various green textures in Kana’s outfit: sparrow eyelashes, feather boa in hair, hair extensions, satin corset. Can one ever go wrong with steampunk goggles (as seen on Michael)?
Above all, I wanted to be in the audience for my friends’ performances. “I am Sebastien” (from the Mad Hatter tea party) played keyboards for Seij minus aÇ, a Japanese Noise/Industrial band. (Photos above and below by Kousuke.)
His brother Jeremie came all the way from Belgium to perform; the project, RANkOR, melds punk and metal influences with electronica. You can see the video of his performance on SiSEN’s YouTube. (Yes, DJ SiSEN has a YouTube!)
The lovely Japanese violin-vocalist duo, Rose Noire (right), also took the stage (Sebastien has videos on his channel). The headliner, however, was Belle Lune (left) an American Gothic group with an ethereal female vocalist.
Maria and Yukiro danced onstage with Belle Lune — an elegant-meets-evil sight to behold! Come see the performance and more music from Belle Lune on their YouTube channel.
Kisses for all my friends at Midnight Mess — I’ll be there soon! Currently making arrangements with the Canal Plus production company… it’s going to be a fantastic TV shoot. (More details here about my upcoming co-hosting gig if you forgot.)
PS: A shout-out also to The Economist for linking to La Carmina. The most random people read this blog…
Song of the Day #339: Midnight Mess performances on Sebastien, Belle Lune and SiSEN’s YouTube channels.

thank you <3<3<3<3
Love the wig!
*Raises hand & jumps up & down* – I wanna go to tokyo! lol…
& my gosh Yukiro just has an amazing talent for dressing up! lol
those were good performances. of course it’s always better watchin stuff like that first hand then through a video…*sigh* someday I guess. =)
It’s funny how all the great Gothic performers go to Tokyo!!
Hey! Thanks. They are Swiss aviator goggles. Kana was the Absinthe Fairy that night. We had an absinthe bar from Bar Tram in Ebisu. If you like absinthe we have to go there. Looking forward to seeing you too!
Yes yes yes please!! Absinthe!! <3
*raises hand* ^^
thank you <3<3<3<3
*throws hand up in the air wildly* YYEEESSS!!
*Raises hand & jumps up & down* – I wanna go to tokyo! lol…
& my gosh Yukiro just has an amazing talent for dressing up! lol
those were good performances. of course it's always better watchin stuff like that first hand then through a video…*sigh* someday I guess. =)
Hey! Thanks. They are Swiss aviator goggles. Kana was the Absinthe Fairy that night. We had an absinthe bar from Bar Tram in Ebisu. If you like absinthe we have to go there. Looking forward to seeing you too!
Yes yes yes please!! Absinthe!! <3
Love the wig!
It's funny how all the great Gothic performers go to Tokyo!!
*raises hand* ^^
*raises hand* ^^
*throws hand up in the air wildly* YYEEESSS!!
Kana made some fantastic Absinth Jell-o as well. A very nice way to spend a night!
yes! I never had those before ¨^_^
Yummm I want some!
here is the official better quality versions ^_^
Love the dancing!
Kana made some fantastic Absinth Jell-o as well. A very nice way to spend a night!…
here is the official better quality versions ^_^
yes! I never had those before ¨^_^
Thank you very much for this blog post!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you were there with us too!!
Thank you very much for this blog post!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you were there with us too!!
Yummm I want some!
Love the dancing!
My first night in tokyo and i had a blast! ♥ ♥
The absinthe cocktails were great, Yukiro and Maria’s dancing during belle lune really enhanced Belle Lune’s performance and the poledancers were pretty hot too… I haven’t danced so much in a long time :D
I just wish we’d stayed past 4:30!
And the next day i went shopping (with much needed help from La Carmina’s guide) and spent waaay too much money….
We took ‘Crazy Wacky themed restaurants’ with us, and Alcatraz ER was really good… we got one of every kind of cocktail on the menu :D The Christion Cafe in Shinjuku had great food!
But yeah, thank you for all the helpful information you put up on here and I really enjoyed just reading Crazy Wacky Themed Restaurants. We are totally going back to tokyo.
We saw a Scottish Fold cat in Aoyama Cemetery!!! It made sounds kinda like Basil…
This makes me happy! I’m so glad you had a good time — you hit all my favorite spots! That’s so funny, the Scottish Fold ghost… :)
My first night in tokyo and i had a blast! ♥ ♥
The absinthe cocktails were great, Yukiro and Maria's dancing during belle lune really enhanced Belle Lune's performance and the poledancers were pretty hot too… I haven't danced so much in a long time :D
I just wish we'd stayed past 4:30!
And the next day i went shopping (with much needed help from La Carmina's guide) and spent waaay too much money….
We took 'Crazy Wacky themed restaurants' with us, and Alcatraz ER was really good… we got one of every kind of cocktail on the menu :D The Christion Cafe in Shinjuku had great food!
But yeah, thank you for all the helpful information you put up on here and I really enjoyed just reading Crazy Wacky Themed Restaurants. We are totally going back to tokyo.
We saw a Scottish Fold cat in Aoyama Cemetery!!! It made sounds kinda like Basil…
This makes me happy! I'm so glad you had a good time — you hit all my favorite spots! That's so funny, the Scottish Fold ghost… :)