Ladies and gentleman… introducing my new clothing line! A J-horror/kawaii collaboration with Montreal company Akumu Ink!
Akumu Ink’s designs are “inspired by everything coming out of Japan from its cute pop icons to its terrifying horror movies.” They sent me three spooky-Goth t-shirts, which I adored (remember this and this post?) The creative wheels began turning…
… and in record time, we had two prints ready to launch!
† La Carmina Portrait (first photo): Your Harajuku-Goth fashion blogger/author and her Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow. His fold-ears are simply perfect; Basil’s worried expression, heart-shaped nose and jutting fang are too cute for words! I love the Gothic details: skull/cake hat, stickers around my eyes, key necklace. (White ink; black/red/grey/purple background.)
† Carmina in Wonderland (second photo): Basil Farrow as an earless Cheshire Cat, grinning and pouring me tea. In tribute to Alice and Gothloli fashion, I wear a lace headdress and lace-up rocking horse shoes. (Gold ink; black background.)
† All shirts and hoodies are available in MENS and WOMENS sizes (S to XXL). There is an optional ‘La Carmina x Akumu Ink’ print on the back.
† T-shirts are $21.99-$23.99; hoodies are $48.50.
† All items ship internationally — and are available to order now from Akumu Ink’s website!
I hope you like the new fashion collection: you’re getting the first peek and opportunity to order! Very soon, you’ll find Akumu Ink x La Carmina in international retail stores. We’ll also be showcasing the designs at MAGIC clothing tradeshow in Vegas — hope to see you there.
To order, visit the Akumu Ink website and click on the shirt/hoodie you desire. Wholesalers, if you’re interested in carrying the clothes in your stores, contact me and we will send you line sheets/prices. Any questions? Email me or let me know in comments.
Song of the Day #284: Deluhi – Orion Once Again live (suggested by Regi)

WOW! they are awesome! It really looks like you and Basil^_^
I surely want one! <3 There other portraits are adorable too
the designer for "Nightmare inc" is very talented =D
Thank you my darling! I can’t wait to have you model them at the wild Las Vegas fashion tradeshow!!
I love the clothing!!!
<3 thank you darling!!
Those are outstanding. I will definitely be making an order. Next time I’m in Japan, I’ll be rocking you on my back.
I would be honored to be rocked on your back! hahah!
Thanks so much for your support, John. Really glad you like the designs.
Omg theyre kawaiiiiii lol im too old to wear it but i so will anyway
nobody is ever too old to wear cool clothes! Who cares what society says about age and clothes! WEAR WHAT YOU WANT!!!
that is very cute basil meow!
the prints are very beautiful!
Luv it!! the portraits are so cute & u’ve placed urself in one of my favorite stories! lol
So kakkoii! I can only hope that one day I have a life and clothes as cool as yours. Basil makes an amazing cheshire cat.
i love these new designs!!!!!! :D
That is fricken wicked! Seriously.
Thank you! I’m really excited about how they turned out!
I LOVE the designs, soo cute :)
It looks really awesome. Congrats
Haha those are really cute. What wonderful designs!
You’ll have to model one!
Surely! Nice song of the day, by the way–my guitarist (the one you haven’t met) is obsessed with them.
WOW! they are awesome! It really looks like you and Basil^_^
I surely want one! <3 There other portraits are adorable too
the designer for “Nightmare inc” is very talented =D
I love the clothing!!!
Those are outstanding. I will definitely be making an order. Next time I'm in Japan, I'll be rocking you on my back.
Thank you my darling! I can't wait to have you model them at the wild Las Vegas fashion tradeshow!!
<3 thank you darling!!
I would be honored to be rocked on your back! hahah!
Thanks so much for your support, John. Really glad you like the designs.
Omg theyre kawaiiiiii lol im too old to wear it but i so will anyway
that is very cute basil meow!
the prints are very beautiful!
nobody is ever too old to wear cool clothes! Who cares what society says about age and clothes! WEAR WHAT YOU WANT!!!
Luv it!! the portraits are so cute & u've placed urself in one of my favorite stories! lol
So kakkoii! I can only hope that one day I have a life and clothes as cool as yours. Basil makes an amazing cheshire cat.
i love these new designs!!!!!! :D
That is fricken wicked! Seriously.
I LOVE the designs, soo cute :)
It looks really awesome. Congrats
haha i want one with just teat cat face
The designs are fabulous! Congrats to both <3 Way to go!
Love it! You are so Alice in Wonderland!
Thanks guys!! So excited about how they turned out!
Anata wa sugoii desu!
those are so cool! I’m sure you love them too! ^__^ and of course Basil too!
Soo kawaii!!! Omedetou Gozaimasu!
that is just too cute!!
Haha those are really cute. What wonderful designs!
I want all of them!! The shirt and the hoodies xD Basil looks pissed off in the shirt LOL But they’re so cute~~
Yay babe!! <3
In for one! Black, of course. Congratulations!
haha i want one with just teat cat face
The designs are fabulous! Congrats to both <3 Way to go!
Love it! You are so Alice in Wonderland!
Anata wa sugoii desu!
those are so cool! I'm sure you love them too! ^__^ and of course Basil too!
Soo kawaii!!! Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Thank you! I'm really excited about how they turned out!
You'll have to model one!
Thanks guys!! So excited about how they turned out!
that is just too cute!!
Surely! Nice song of the day, by the way–my guitarist (the one you haven't met) is obsessed with them.
I want all of them!! The shirt and the hoodies xD Basil looks pissed off in the shirt LOL But they're so cute~~
Yay babe!! <3
so kawaii!>.<
それわ とても かわいい! おめでとう ございます!
the cat i so cute x3
In for one! Black, of course. Congratulations!
so kawaii!>.<
それわ とても かわいい! おめでとう ございます!
the cat i so cute x3
congratulations for t-shirts! sucess!
Oh wow, the artworks are GORGEOUS!
I wish I could afford one of those ;_;
LOVE the designs! I want the t-shirt.
Congrats on your new fashion launch – best wishes for success.
< These are AWESOME!
Carmina in Wonderland! ^^ ::Squee::
congratulations for t-shirts! sucess!
Oh wow, the artworks are GORGEOUS!
I wish I could afford one of those ;_;
LOVE the designs! I want the t-shirt.
Congrats on your new fashion launch – best wishes for success.
< These are AWESOME!
Carmina in Wonderland! ^^ ::Squee::
I already bought 1!!!!! xD I love this print!!
One hoodie and shirt already ordered! My certificate is coming soon! LOL!
I already bought 1!!!!! xD I love this print!!
One hoodie and shirt already ordered! My certificate is coming soon! LOL!
Oooh! You’re now so famous! Your face is on a shirt. Teehee. But on a serious note, those prints of you are awesome. Very well done. I like the ones printed on a black shirt.
Thanks! Glad you like them. I hope they do well so I can continue to offer more!
Oooh! You're now so famous! Your face is on a shirt. Teehee. But on a serious note, those prints of you are awesome. Very well done. I like the ones printed on a black shirt.
Thanks! Glad you like them. I hope they do well so I can continue to offer more!
Hey, great post, very well written. You should blog more about this!
Hey, great post, very well written. You should blog more about this!