Romeo and Juliet. Heloise and Abélard. Ah, the beauty to be found in lovelorn melancholy! My friend Lang Leav of Akina has returned with a new hand-crafted picture book… and this time, it includes original MUSIC. (Her creativity knows no limits!)
“The fourth book in her series of sell out releases, Poems for Piotr is Lang Leav’s first venture into her exciting collaboration with music composer Cyrus Meurant. The elegantly hand-crafted book is accompanied by a music album, featuring the voice of Angela Little, (Ophelia of the Spirits) who was handpicked by Baz Luhrmann to perform in his epic movie, Australia. Drawn from her own experiences, Poems for Piotr reveals a stylistically written dialogue between two mismatched lovers – in a heartfelt exchange of poetry and prose. As the story unfolds, their disjointed conversation stretches further across a growing divide of time and distance.” (More info and ordering info here.)
CONTEST! To celebrate the release of her limited edition volume (100 copies only), Lang has generously donated a Goose Girl Gown to give away to one of you! (She is, of course, also a talented Gothic Victorian Lolita-inspired designer and artist.)
“From a delicious assortment of ribbons, ruffles and vintage inspired lace, Akina creates little wearable pieces of art for fairytale villains all over the world.” Above is the lovely and mischievous Goose Girl Gown, available in size 8-14. (To see more of her gorgeous designs, visit the Akina store.)
† HOW TO ENTER (contest open INTERNATIONALLY. Up to FOUR entries per person.)
† ONE POINT: Visit the Poems for Piotr page for inspiration. Then comment here, either sharing an experience you’ve had with a broken heart, or your favorite book/film/song about sad and beautiful star-crossed lovers.
† THREE POINTS: Write a blog post/Livejournal/forum entry that spreads the word about the Akina book/contest and the release of Cute Yummy Time. Please include “Cute Yummy Time by La Carmina” and “Akina by Lang Leav” in the post title and link to Akina ( and my book ( You are free to use any of my book’s photos here in your post.
Then comment here with a link to where you posted the blog entry. If your comment doesn’t show up, don’t worry – I’ll check my Spam regularly and approve your entries.
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm about Cute Yummy Time! Off to my first NYC book signing and demo soon… I hope to see you there, or in Philly (Oct 17) or DC (Oct 24)! Full info here.
Song of the Day #215: Pink Lady – UFO (Love Cathay Pacific… where else can you watch Anthony Bourdain and listen to Pink Lady on a flight??)
† † † † † † †
Contest ends midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, October 19, 2009. Maximum four (4) entries per person. Open internationally. To enter, follow the instructions above. You must include a valid email address (it will not be visible). Winners will be chosen with a random number generator; the order of entry determines your number. Winners will be contacted via email. The prize will be shipped by the manufacturer to the winner’s address; La Carmina is not responsible for lost or undelivered prizes. Contact Carmina if you have questions about the contest.

I would love to win this contest! And I hope I do too!
i had my heart broken in 2004 when my boyfriend of 3 years passed away in a motorcyle accident! i still am haunted by his ghost!
I would love to win this contest! And I hope I do too!
Beautiful! Thank you for the entry — best of luck!
i had my heart broken in 2004 when my boyfriend of 3 years passed away in a motorcyle accident! i still am haunted by his ghost!
:( Sending good thoughts and condolences… I’m sorry to hear about his unexpected passing. Thank you for sharing your story.…
and my worst nightmare day was in 2006, my boyfriend broked with me because my girlfriend told him bad gossips about me. in one day i losed my love and my best friend.
hope i learned something from it:D
you should be at the pmx! its on november 6 through 7.. and angelic pretty with have a fashion show then as well.. its in LA and will be lotta fun. just a suggestion :]
My favourite horror-romance is Bonnie & Clyde, which has inspired my next major project. Even though their case is extreme, there is something so sexy about the 'us against the world' attitude.
Thanks for entering this competition. Good luck! x
and my worst nightmare day was in 2006, my boyfriend broked with me because my girlfriend told him bad gossips about me. in one day i losed my love and my best friend.
hope i learned something from it:D
Thank you for the blog post!
I’m sorry to hear about the heartbreak… people can be very cruel and it breaks my heart when people believe rumors. Glad you’ve moved on and gotten stronger and wiser :)
O.O! * marks calender*
my first and only heartbreak was in 2007. after my bf graduated from high school, instead of telling me it was over he just decided to stop replying to my txts phone calls etc. -____-; a month later he messaged me apologizing for acting so childish and how i didn't deserve that because i was so good to him. we fell back in love with each other and have been together for 2 years now…weird huh?
you should be at the pmx! its on november 6 through 7.. and angelic pretty with have a fashion show then as well.. its in LA and will be lotta fun. just a suggestion :]
O.O! * marks calender*
Ah, I have no idea what my travel plans will be then… maybe my LA signing will coincide! fingers crossed!
My favourite horror-romance is Bonnie & Clyde, which has inspired my next major project. Even though their case is extreme, there is something so sexy about the ‘us against the world’ attitude.
Thanks for entering this competition. Good luck! x
Oh. My. God. Bonnie and Clyde — love them! The adventure, the fashion, the danger, the dashing… I can’t wait to see what you do.
I have a surprising favorite heartbreak couple: Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Emotionally entwined from college years until death; couldn’t live without each other; creative partners… and yet went through decades of emotional turbulence, seeing other people, jealousy… until they were buried in the same grave. Sigh.
my first and only heartbreak was in 2007. after my bf graduated from high school, instead of telling me it was over he just decided to stop replying to my txts phone calls etc. -____-; a month later he messaged me apologizing for acting so childish and how i didn’t deserve that because i was so good to him. we fell back in love with each other and have been together for 2 years now…weird huh?
Wow! That’s a happy twist on heartbreak. I think people do get scared and that things can always change… I think I’ve gained more perspective over the years and realized that situations are never ‘be all and end all’… Thanks for sharing your story!
my first and only ever heartbreak was two days ago, my boyfriend told me over web chat that we couldn't be together anymore, he couldn't deal with the distance between us. i was in the middle of reading ancient tragedy for my college course, and in the background there was a chef having a heated phone battle (we share our back garden with a restaurant on the same block) with his wife. it sounded like he's negotiating a divorce. it struck me that we were both using horribly modern methods to create the same old cruelty, the same stuff that Medea was raging about. tragedy on gmail. but i'll get over it, i'm sure:)
These contests are always fun to look at, but it's the first time I'm entering ^w^
I can't say I've ever had an experience with a broken heart. I vicariously experience it through books and dramas. Although many people would say Romeo and Juliet here, to be less cliche, I would have to say my favorite book about this type of thing is “The Great Chronicles of Amber” by Roger Zelazny. It's a ten book series, and the first five books are about Corwin. He and his many siblings all share a common father but not always the same mother. They're caught up in a war for the crown which leads into a battle for the very existence of their world. And it's science fiction–I love science fiction. The love part is minimal, but it's very moving when you get to it.
Corwin loves his sister Deirdre. She loves him too. And although it may seem incestuous, this is a family line of very special blood–otherworldy, literally. But Deirdre dies during the war/battle. Corwin tries desperately to save her but can not. And that is when he realizes he loves her and she him.
The end of Corwin's story is a monologue by him, musing through his family members. And when he thinks about Deirdre, there is a tone of “I can never get you back” and “I loved you” and “I will miss you” and most of all “But this is just the kind of thing that happens…” The tone of the little sentences he thinks about her is the most searing part. It's short and almost too blunt, but it really strikes the heart!
Moving on to a less serious note– ^_^;
I wrote my blog post(s) here:…
and here:…
I have never experienced a broken heart yet… so I will talk about my favourite story with a lovely couple which is Sense and Sensibility! Actually, Colonial Brandon and Elinor are not a couple in this novel by Jane Austen but I really wished they were! I remember reading this for English class with my group of friends and by the middle of the story when the Colonial and Elinor meet, it was like a drama that we were addicted too! Colonial Brandon was very kind but he eventually fell for Marianne instead… it's still a lovely story despite Elinor ending up with her first love who was really mean to her! Sense and Sensibility is a very good book, I others have read it too! ^^
And I posted the links on my tumblr! I hope that is okay~ If not I will try to find another place to post. ^^…
Also, I was wondering about the instructions where it says 'Maximum four (4) entries per person' but I'm not sure what this means? Sorry and thank you!
my first and only ever heartbreak was two days ago, my boyfriend told me over web chat that we couldn’t be together anymore, he couldn’t deal with the distance between us. i was in the middle of reading ancient tragedy for my college course, and in the background there was a chef having a heated phone battle (we share our back garden with a restaurant on the same block) with his wife. it sounded like he’s negotiating a divorce. it struck me that we were both using horribly modern methods to create the same old cruelty, the same stuff that Medea was raging about. tragedy on gmail. but i’ll get over it, i’m sure:)
I’m sorry to hear about the recent sadness. V_V What you said is very perceptive — that old cruelties remain underneath the modern sugarcoating… like war killings now result from the push of a button rather than arm to arm combat.
I know you’ll persevere! It sounds like you’ve got lots going on with school — keep busy and all will turn out ok. :)
PS: love the heart shaped bagel thing you posted on your blog.
These contests are always fun to look at, but it’s the first time I’m entering ^w^
I can’t say I’ve ever had an experience with a broken heart. I vicariously experience it through books and dramas. Although many people would say Romeo and Juliet here, to be less cliche, I would have to say my favorite book about this type of thing is “The Great Chronicles of Amber” by Roger Zelazny. It’s a ten book series, and the first five books are about Corwin. He and his many siblings all share a common father but not always the same mother. They’re caught up in a war for the crown which leads into a battle for the very existence of their world. And it’s science fiction–I love science fiction. The love part is minimal, but it’s very moving when you get to it.
Corwin loves his sister Deirdre. She loves him too. And although it may seem incestuous, this is a family line of very special blood–otherworldy, literally. But Deirdre dies during the war/battle. Corwin tries desperately to save her but can not. And that is when he realizes he loves her and she him.
The end of Corwin’s story is a monologue by him, musing through his family members. And when he thinks about Deirdre, there is a tone of “I can never get you back” and “I loved you” and “I will miss you” and most of all “But this is just the kind of thing that happens…” The tone of the little sentences he thinks about her is the most searing part. It’s short and almost too blunt, but it really strikes the heart!
Moving on to a less serious note– ^_^;
I wrote my blog post(s) here:
and here:
Thank you for the kind words on your blog post! I hope your essay went well. ^^
Ahh, I’m getting chills reading about the plot! I think forbidden love or ALTERNATIVE love is sometimes the most moving… love takes on so many different permutations, and often the strongest bonds are the least conventional… I will put this series on my reading list.
I have never experienced a broken heart yet… so I will talk about my favourite story with a lovely couple which is Sense and Sensibility! Actually, Colonial Brandon and Elinor are not a couple in this novel by Jane Austen but I really wished they were! I remember reading this for English class with my group of friends and by the middle of the story when the Colonial and Elinor meet, it was like a drama that we were addicted too! Colonial Brandon was very kind but he eventually fell for Marianne instead… it’s still a lovely story despite Elinor ending up with her first love who was really mean to her! Sense and Sensibility is a very good book, I others have read it too! ^^
And I posted the links on my tumblr! I hope that is okay~ If not I will try to find another place to post. ^^
Also, I was wondering about the instructions where it says ‘Maximum four (4) entries per person’ but I’m not sure what this means? Sorry and thank you!
Ah, I love Sense and Sensibility… I read it years ago and was addicted as well! Thank you for the Tumblr post; it works great. You get 4 points (entries) for doing both a blog post and sharing a heartbreak story — so you’re in!
I'm a little nervous about posting this, but… here goes…
Soft, tender, loving;
pressed upon mine-
two alike, in one
for a brief moment, shared,
then quickly pulled away.
Charming and warm as a rose,
first found in a sparkling morning-
dewdrops shine as magic upon the petals,
leaning down, it smells as a dream.
But of now the dew has dried, and
upon the bush many like it lie,
all beautiful and fresh, the special one
Lost in the crowd.
Though the beauty remains,
the magic is gone.
The spark between two-
sharing entities-
has withered and gone to waste,
And as two they shall regress.
I wrote it about my ex, a while back. It remains my favorite poem.
I’m a little nervous about posting this, but… here goes…
Soft, tender, loving;
pressed upon mine-
two alike, in one
for a brief moment, shared,
then quickly pulled away.
Charming and warm as a rose,
first found in a sparkling morning-
dewdrops shine as magic upon the petals,
leaning down, it smells as a dream.
But of now the dew has dried, and
upon the bush many like it lie,
all beautiful and fresh, the special one
Lost in the crowd.
Though the beauty remains,
the magic is gone.
The spark between two-
sharing entities-
has withered and gone to waste,
And as two they shall regress.
I wrote it about my ex, a while back. It remains my favorite poem.
Sami, that is beautifully written! It hits a chord with me, especially “Though the beauty remains,
the magic is gone.” Thank you so much for sharing. :)
Thanks! I’m so happy you like it. ^_^
oh wow!! i love the red dress. wonderful
They have some pretty cute stuff~ That red dress is pretty too =D
everyones right! the red dress is great!
well, I've recently had yet another experience with my Fiance' that has left me with a severly shatterd heart…he has been cheating on me…again…I must be stupid. but I would give anything 2 believe his lies…such poison that falls from his lips. I've just thought that he could be faithfull, that he wouldn't lie anymore…at least not to me! =(
I'm sorry for tainting ur page with my sorrows…but the broken heart section grasped my attention
Glad you like it!
Thank you for opening up and sharing. Stay strong – I know you'll make the right decisions and pull through! I'm rooting you on
Sami, that is beautifully written! It hits a chord with me, especially “Though the beauty remains,
the magic is gone.” Thank you so much for sharing. :)
Ah, I love Sense and Sensibility… I read it years ago and was addicted as well! Thank you for the Tumblr post; it works great. You get 4 points (entries) for doing both a blog post and sharing a heartbreak story — so you're in!
Thank you for the kind words on your blog post! I hope your essay went well. ^^
Ahh, I'm getting chills reading about the plot! I think forbidden love or ALTERNATIVE love is sometimes the most moving… love takes on so many different permutations, and often the strongest bonds are the least conventional… I will put this series on my reading list.
I'm sorry to hear about the recent sadness. V_V What you said is very perceptive — that old cruelties remain underneath the modern sugarcoating… like war killings now result from the push of a button rather than arm to arm combat.
I know you'll persevere! It sounds like you've got lots going on with school — keep busy and all will turn out ok. :)
PS: love the heart shaped bagel thing you posted on your blog.
Wow! That's a happy twist on heartbreak. I think people do get scared and that things can always change… I think I've gained more perspective over the years and realized that situations are never 'be all and end all'… Thanks for sharing your story!
I don't know about you, after Twilight, I needed to get back to the other major franchise that has dominated our generation: Harry Potter. (It's a heck of a lot better.) And here is where I find the most tragic of love stories (Bella and Edward, eat your hearts out- no really, do it): the childhood friendship gone so wrong of Severus Snape and Lily Evans.
Trust me, from the amount of AU fan fiction that exists on these two, a lot of people found the whole story heartbreaking. And the fact that Harry names his son who inherited the infamous Lily green eyes ALBUS SEVERUS, that was the icing on the tragedy cake.
To me, that's the most heartbreaking of all star-crossed lovers, the unrequited love- where one person is touched but the other is not. Loving someone you can never have is the most painful of heart wounds.
Oh. My. God. Bonnie and Clyde — love them! The adventure, the fashion, the danger, the dashing… I can't wait to see what you do.
I have a surprising favorite heartbreak couple: Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Emotionally entwined from college years until death; couldn't live without each other; creative partners… and yet went through decades of emotional turbulence, seeing other people, jealousy… until they were buried in the same grave. Sigh.
Ah, I have no idea what my travel plans will be then… maybe my LA signing will coincide! fingers crossed!
Thank you for the blog post!
I'm sorry to hear about the heartbreak… people can be very cruel and it breaks my heart when people believe rumors. Glad you've moved on and gotten stronger and wiser :)
:( Sending good thoughts and condolences… I'm sorry to hear about his unexpected passing. Thank you for sharing your story.
Beautiful! Thank you for the entry — best of luck!
oh wow!! i love the red dress. wonderful
Glad you like it!
They have some pretty cute stuff~ That red dress is pretty too =D
everyones right! the red dress is great!
well, I’ve recently had yet another experience with my Fiance’ that has left me with a severly shatterd heart…he has been cheating on me…again…I must be stupid. but I would give anything 2 believe his lies…such poison that falls from his lips. I’ve just thought that he could be faithfull, that he wouldn’t lie anymore…at least not to me! =(
I’m sorry for tainting ur page with my sorrows…but the broken heart section grasped my attention
Thank you for opening up and sharing. Stay strong – I know you’ll make the right decisions and pull through! I’m rooting you on
I don’t know about you, after Twilight, I needed to get back to the other major franchise that has dominated our generation: Harry Potter. (It’s a heck of a lot better.) And here is where I find the most tragic of love stories (Bella and Edward, eat your hearts out- no really, do it): the childhood friendship gone so wrong of Severus Snape and Lily Evans.
Trust me, from the amount of AU fan fiction that exists on these two, a lot of people found the whole story heartbreaking. And the fact that Harry names his son who inherited the infamous Lily green eyes ALBUS SEVERUS, that was the icing on the tragedy cake.
To me, that’s the most heartbreaking of all star-crossed lovers, the unrequited love- where one person is touched but the other is not. Loving someone you can never have is the most painful of heart wounds.
I have yet to experience a broken heart (phew, lucky me!), so I guess upon hearing the phrase “star-crossed lovers” all that would come to mind was Romeo and Juliet!
This play is the King of Cliche-ness, but it's a beautiful play, and it touches many's hearts.
The idea of dying for love, comes to life in this play and brings tears to my eyes when Juliet wakes, seeing Romeo dead by her side.
On a less tearful note, here is my blog post:…
(click on the pictures, they act as links to the actual blog posts)
I have yet to experience a broken heart (phew, lucky me!), so I guess upon hearing the phrase “star-crossed lovers” all that would come to mind was Romeo and Juliet!
This play is the King of Cliche-ness, but it’s a beautiful play, and it touches many’s hearts.
The idea of dying for love, comes to life in this play and brings tears to my eyes when Juliet wakes, seeing Romeo dead by her side.
On a less tearful note, here is my blog post:
(click on the pictures, they act as links to the actual blog posts)
Wow, very cool layout! I love the coffins; they remind me of the old Moi meme Moitie changing room in Marui Shinjuku. Thanks for the entry ^^
Wow, very cool layout! I love the coffins; they remind me of the old Moi meme Moitie changing room in Marui Shinjuku. Thanks for the entry ^^
Sorry if I spoil the NANA manga for anyone, but my favorite star-crossed pair is Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo. Actually they're my favorite fictional couple of all time because their love is real, not a fairy tale. It's imperfect but strong and enduring. What really attract me to them though is the fact that they both chose music over one another; I feel like I would do the same when it comes to me and writing. When I read the chapter in which Ren dies in a car wreck, I was heart-broken. He and Nana had hit another rough patch, but he was trying to quit doing drugs and the night of his accident, he was going to meet Nana for her birthday. Also seeing the characters deal with Ren's death reminded me of my friends and I having to deal with the sudden loss of a friend. It still haunts us, but we're slowly moving on (and that's what I'm hoping happens with Nana).
Sorry if I spoil the NANA manga for anyone, but my favorite star-crossed pair is Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo. Actually they’re my favorite fictional couple of all time because their love is real, not a fairy tale. It’s imperfect but strong and enduring. What really attract me to them though is the fact that they both chose music over one another; I feel like I would do the same when it comes to me and writing. When I read the chapter in which Ren dies in a car wreck, I was heart-broken. He and Nana had hit another rough patch, but he was trying to quit doing drugs and the night of his accident, he was going to meet Nana for her birthday. Also seeing the characters deal with Ren’s death reminded me of my friends and I having to deal with the sudden loss of a friend. It still haunts us, but we’re slowly moving on (and that’s what I’m hoping happens with Nana).
Thank you for the well-written blog post! Much appreciated.
I can relate as well to the story of Nana and Ren… sigh… It’s truly sad how small misunderstandings can cause unrepairable rifts…
I suppose I should give my email…in case I get lucky XD
Thank you for the well-written blog post! Much appreciated.
I can relate as well to the story of Nana and Ren… sigh… It's truly sad how small misunderstandings can cause unrepairable rifts…
Thanks! I can see it via my comment moderation panel ;)
Thanks! I'm so happy you like it. ^_^
I suppose I should give my email…in case I get lucky XD
Thanks! I can see it via my comment moderation panel ;)
This is really personal but maybe the worst kind of love is the kind that never comes. When your heart is left untouched. It's not painful, so much as it's lonely and you wonder if your screwed up.
But I think it's important to hope. I think to devote yourself to a love- whether that be another person, a cause or a calling- is one of the most beautiful things we people can do.
This is really personal but maybe the worst kind of love is the kind that never comes. When your heart is left untouched. It’s not painful, so much as it’s lonely and you wonder if your screwed up.
But I think it’s important to hope. I think to devote yourself to a love- whether that be another person, a cause or a calling- is one of the most beautiful things we people can do.
Intriguing… I think when people open up and are true to themselves, the heart naturally blossoms…
Intriguing… I think when people open up and are true to themselves, the heart naturally blossoms…
My favorite movie about two star crossed lovers is Atonement. It's so, so sad and tragic. Definitely made me cry.
Tweeted & became a follower :)…
My favorite movie about two star crossed lovers is Atonement. It’s so, so sad and tragic. Definitely made me cry.
Tweeted & became a follower :)
I want that dress. It would be great for depositions. Fingers are crossed.…
I want that dress. It would be great for depositions. Fingers are crossed.
One More Hour by Sleater-Kinney has always been one of my favorite songs about heartbreak and love ending
One More Hour by Sleater-Kinney has always been one of my favorite songs about heartbreak and love ending
Ahh I love that track too.
One of my favorite movies about heartbreak is “Great Expectations” especially when Ethan Hawk says to the old lady :P responsible for all the drama between the two lovers “touch my heart, its broken”, I'm always moved and most times I can't hold back my tears.
Btw great artwork/fashion by Akina.
One of my favorite movies about heartbreak is “Great Expectations” especially when Ethan Hawk says to the old lady :P responsible for all the drama between the two lovers “touch my heart, its broken”, I’m always moved and most times I can’t hold back my tears.
Btw great artwork/fashion by Akina.
Awww! What a lovely moment… and coming from Ethan Hawke too! ;)
Ahh I love that track too.
Awww! What a lovely moment… and coming from Ethan Hawke too! ;)
Hi :) I wrote a blog entry here:…
Hi :) I wrote a blog entry here:
Love it!! Your Decadance writeup was great too!
I just edited it to read better, and also put a note on Facebook¬e_id=154554209404#/leanne.mangan?ref=profile
And thank you :)
Love it!! Your Decadance writeup was great too!
I just edited it to read better, and also put a note on Facebook…
And thank you :)
one of my favorite movies is Sid & Nancy, i think their story is one of the most romantic, disturbing, twisted love of all time. two misunderstood people living on the edge, loving eachother passionatelly in their own self-destructive ways, dangerous love that ended tragically! love kills! <3
one of my favorite movies is Sid & Nancy, i think their story is one of the most romantic, disturbing, twisted love of all time. two misunderstood people living on the edge, loving eachother passionatelly in their own self-destructive ways, dangerous love that ended tragically! love kills! <3
Ah I’ve been trying to see this movie for years, but I can never find it in stores… I should try again!
When I thought of star-crossed lovers my mind instantly goes to Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. They overcome all their obstacles, including those self imposed, to come together. The book is written beautifully and makes you feel very happy in the end. What makes this sad is that Pride and Prejudice was almost a fantasy that Jane Austen could live through vicariously as she had fallen in love a young barrister, Tom Lefroy, in her real life. Just like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, it was impractical for a marriage between them due to money and Lefroy's family intervened and they were never able to be together. A similar story, but with the reality of life versus fantasy of the book shows how one of the greatest love stories written came from the heartbreak of one woman.
When I thought of star-crossed lovers my mind instantly goes to Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. They overcome all their obstacles, including those self imposed, to come together. The book is written beautifully and makes you feel very happy in the end. What makes this sad is that Pride and Prejudice was almost a fantasy that Jane Austen could live through vicariously as she had fallen in love a young barrister, Tom Lefroy, in her real life. Just like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, it was impractical for a marriage between them due to money and Lefroy’s family intervened and they were never able to be together. A similar story, but with the reality of life versus fantasy of the book shows how one of the greatest love stories written came from the heartbreak of one woman.
Ah I've been trying to see this movie for years, but I can never find it in stores… I should try again!
i'm not sure if i'm too late to post this, but i will anyways. my heartbreak was actually pretty recent and it started with having a crush on someone at my school. i started to really like him and i got to actually talk to him. i thought that i was friends with him, but at the begining of this year he started to ignore me and his friends said mean things to me.
it was towards the end of the school year so it was summer break and i didn't talk to him at all and i never saw him. now the school year has started again and i see him now and again and i've talked to him once or twice, but it still hurts and make me sad that he would do that to me. sorry its a long post, but it was as simply as i could put it. it doesn't seem like it was that bad, but there was a bunch of other complicated stuff that was in there too and it really hurt.
i’m not sure if i’m too late to post this, but i will anyways. my heartbreak was actually pretty recent and it started with having a crush on someone at my school. i started to really like him and i got to actually talk to him. i thought that i was friends with him, but at the begining of this year he started to ignore me and his friends said mean things to me.
it was towards the end of the school year so it was summer break and i didn’t talk to him at all and i never saw him. now the school year has started again and i see him now and again and i’ve talked to him once or twice, but it still hurts and make me sad that he would do that to me. sorry its a long post, but it was as simply as i could put it. it doesn’t seem like it was that bad, but there was a bunch of other complicated stuff that was in there too and it really hurt.
I’m sorry to hear about this… people can be horrible and for no good reason… Hope things turn around quickly. :)
I'm sorry to hear about this… people can be horrible and for no good reason… Hope things turn around quickly. :)
Ah I've been trying to see this movie for years, but I can never find it in stores… I should try again!
i'm not sure if i'm too late to post this, but i will anyways. my heartbreak was actually pretty recent and it started with having a crush on someone at my school. i started to really like him and i got to actually talk to him. i thought that i was friends with him, but at the begining of this year he started to ignore me and his friends said mean things to me.
it was towards the end of the school year so it was summer break and i didn't talk to him at all and i never saw him. now the school year has started again and i see him now and again and i've talked to him once or twice, but it still hurts and make me sad that he would do that to me. sorry its a long post, but it was as simply as i could put it. it doesn't seem like it was that bad, but there was a bunch of other complicated stuff that was in there too and it really hurt.
I'm sorry to hear about this… people can be horrible and for no good reason… Hope things turn around quickly. :)
competition closed? just in case, here’s my entry.
There was this boy at my school on exchange from Europe, that I found curious. When I bumped into him at the cinema, I discovered he didn’t know a lot of English, but still managed to be very charming. We started talking (through the English he knew) on a regular basis at school, and then he asked me out. Our months together were very romantic and I found myself swept off my feet, but my heart broke when it was time for him to go home. On his last night he gave me a letter, with his address included, so that someday I can visit him, and we can keep in touch.