Malice Mizer veterans Mana sama and Kozi are reunited on their Deep Sanctuary tour! I saw Moi dix Mois & Kozi perform live at Ebisu Liquidroom in Tokyo, Japan (July 19, 2009). In this video, La Carmina and friends report on the concert experience…
† Japanese Goth fashion: we’re wearing Alice Auaa, New Rock, Innocent World, vintage.
† Kozi’s performance: we have a renewed appreciation for his music. To our surprise, Kozi sang all the songs himself and included tracks from Eve of Destiny.
† The god(ess) known as Mana-sama: he touched us! The footage of Moi dix Mois speaks for itself.
† Deep Sanctuary merchandise: Mana’s custom ESP guitar with a light-up blue cross.
† Best moment: for the encore, everyone put on tour T-shirts… then Kozi and Mana came out arm in arm and performed a song together.
What’s the verdict on Kozi’s polka dot pierrot pants? Hot or not?
And what do you think of the show? As I mentioned before, Mana isn’t massively popular in Japan any more. Gackt sells out stadium arenas, whereas this venue held fewer than a thousand people and had tickets at the door…
More videos to come on my channel (thanks for subscribing!).
Song of the Day #165: Moi dix Mois + Kozi performing live in Tokyo

i agree the guitars are pretty rad. combined with mana and those cute twirls= ^-^!!!
haha that silver outfit was very form fitting, i lol'd, great x)
hahaha you guys are so silly.<3 first commenter!
thanx for sharing la carmina!
:o Mana isnt #1 in Japan anymore?
Shocking lol
Polka dots yay
Question about Mana, kinda random lol
Would you happen to know what kind of product he uses in his hair o-O
… I think it's a wig?? haha
i agree the guitars are pretty rad. combined with mana and those cute twirls= ^-^!!!
haha that silver outfit was very form fitting, i lol’d, great x)
hahaha you guys are so silly.<3 first commenter!
thanx for sharing la carmina!
:o Mana isnt #1 in Japan anymore?
Shocking lol
Polka dots yay
Question about Mana, kinda random lol
Would you happen to know what kind of product he uses in his hair o-O
… I think it’s a wig?? haha
He uses VO5 hairspray (Japanese brand), he mentioned it in an interview once. And it is his own hair.
SUSHI!! <3
SUSHI!! <3
Let’s not tell anyone else where it is… or the prices might go up… bwawhahahah!
i wish i could go to japanese concerts with you!! XD
so lucky! i got to c mana in Los angeles California i got some pics. but i would have so loved to have been there with yall, it looked like alot of fun and u looked so cool.
Awsome vid! Keep it up! ^_^
I saw Moi Dix Moi live in Tokyo last year. It was EPIC
closet child is AWSOME. i just need to FINALY buy somethings insted of just being a wall fly….er screan fly in this case ^^.
anyway you guys all look amazing! (as usual)
Let's not tell anyone else where it is… or the prices might go up… bwawhahahah!
i wish i could go to japanese concerts with you!! XD
so lucky! i got to c mana in Los angeles California i got some pics. but i would have so loved to have been there with yall, it looked like alot of fun and u looked so cool.
Awsome vid! Keep it up! ^_^
I saw Moi Dix Moi live in Tokyo last year. It was EPIC
closet child is AWSOME. i just need to FINALY buy somethings insted of just being a wall fly….er screan fly in this case ^^.
anyway you guys all look amazing! (as usual)
so lucky!!
i wish i went~~ >__<
haha~ i love Kozi's pants~~<33
i think they're interesting!! haha~~
and on stage he was so cute~~ [was he dancing?] =^w^=
and mana sama is so cool~/ pretty~~
anyways even though he's not 1st at least he is still awesome like always!! :D
andd lastly.. everyone looked soo cool!!
i love your dress~<3
Who are the Japanese girls you hang out with? They never get introduced and they look cool too! ^_^ Mana-sama is so beautiful, the entire thing looked awesome, but not that big.
Speaking of Swedish, “stil” is style and “mode” is fashion – but Yukiro might be Swedish for all I know, so don't shoot me for saying it. o_o
On Mana not being very popular right now; of course not. Moi Dix Mois hasn't released anything new in over two years, and Dixnadu wasn't very good… I hope he rebounds, Malice Mizer's Bara no Seidou is one of my favorite albums of all time.
They are the coolest girls in the world…. Japanese Goth/Lolitas… but almost all of them don't speak English or are a little shy around the video camera, which is why they aren't in the spontaneous videos. Maybe I can interview them in Japanese with subtitles ahaha.
Yukiro is Swedish ^^ I guess style and fashion are equivalent enough!
They are the coolest girls in the world…. Japanese Goth/Lolitas… but almost all of them don't speak English or are a little shy around the video camera, which is why they aren't in the spontaneous videos. Maybe I can interview them in Japanese with subtitles ahaha.
Yukiro is Swedish ^^ I guess style and fashion are equivalent enough!
I think Kozi's pants are a reference to his more Visual days of dressing as the Pierrot in Malice Mizer… I like them!! Yes, he was dancing like a little doll. So cute.
Yukiro is from sweden~~?
ö 3 ö ~ hej hej yukiro!
Could you post the footage / audio of the concert un-edited? Anyway, great vids, thanks!
So funny how it's the opposite in America at least… Mana is captivating minds and hearts!
Oh I Also went to this awesome Concert ;-D
Funny I met Yukiro some days later at MARZ in shinjuku :D
Kozi was just fantastic :D his moves and his fall/drop-microphone stunt at the end was epic XD
Thanks for uploading some concert material.
That's basically all the footage I have… the shaky bits are covered up with photos in this video. Glad you like the vids!
Ahh did you meet Yukiro at Midnight Mess? ^^ We filmed a video about the club night (also on my channel!)
Oh Really Ill just Go check.
Why arent you at Tokyo Dark Castle right now :D ?
Not my favorite party, to be honest… I prefer Midnight Mess, D's Valentine events like Gothic Bar Heaven and Alamode, and Tokyo Decadance.
Yukiro and others from Midnight Mess are also in the Mad Hatter video and Gackt review!
So you liked the space-Decadance last weekend ? :3
Gothic Bar Heaven and Almode is truly my favorite places, …much more calm that TDC and MM.
so lucky!!
i wish i went~~ >__<
haha~ i love Kozi's pants~~<33
i think they're interesting!! haha~~
and on stage he was so cute~~ [was he dancing?] =^w^=
and mana sama is so cool~/ pretty~~
anyways even though he's not 1st at least he is still awesome like always!! :D
andd lastly.. everyone looked soo cool!!
i love your dress~<3
I think Kozi’s pants are a reference to his more Visual days of dressing as the Pierrot in Malice Mizer… I like them!! Yes, he was dancing like a little doll. So cute.
Then I rest my case! xD I just moved to Sweden yesterday, so my Swedish is bad. Good excuse right?! Right???? o_o;;; It shall be interesting when my Swedish university courses start, lalalalala…
And Japanese interviews (subtitled xD) with the Japanese would be extremely awesome! I vote YES!
Who are the Japanese girls you hang out with? They never get introduced and they look cool too! ^_^ Mana-sama is so beautiful, the entire thing looked awesome, but not that big.
Speaking of Swedish, “stil” is style and “mode” is fashion – but Yukiro might be Swedish for all I know, so don’t shoot me for saying it. o_o
They are the coolest girls in the world…. Japanese Goth/Lolitas… but almost all of them don’t speak English or are a little shy around the video camera, which is why they aren’t in the spontaneous videos. Maybe I can interview them in Japanese with subtitles ahaha.
Yukiro is Swedish ^^ I guess style and fashion are equivalent enough!
They are the coolest girls in the world…. Japanese Goth/Lolitas… but almost all of them don’t speak English or are a little shy around the video camera, which is why they aren’t in the spontaneous videos. Maybe I can interview them in Japanese with subtitles ahaha.
Yukiro is Swedish ^^ I guess style and fashion are equivalent enough!
Then I rest my case! xD I just moved to Sweden yesterday, so my Swedish is bad. Good excuse right?! Right???? o_o;;; It shall be interesting when my Swedish university courses start, lalalalala…
And Japanese interviews (subtitled xD) with the Japanese would be extremely awesome! I vote YES!
On Mana not being very popular right now; of course not. Moi Dix Mois hasn’t released anything new in over two years, and Dixnadu wasn’t very good… I hope he rebounds, Malice Mizer’s Bara no Seidou is one of my favorite albums of all time.
So funny how it’s the opposite in America at least… Mana is captivating minds and hearts!
For many American VK fans, I think they’ve probably only first listened to Malice Mizer in the last few years. For Japanese fans, that was 8 years ago.
I wouldn’t say he’s captivating hearts and minds like he’s something new. There are older fans that have been listening to him for years that are just now getting the chance. I’d say its more of a case of supply and demand.
Yukiro is from sweden~~?
ö 3 ö ~ hej hej yukiro!
Could you post the footage / audio of the concert un-edited? Anyway, great vids, thanks!
That’s basically all the footage I have… the shaky bits are covered up with photos in this video. Glad you like the vids!
Oh I Also went to this awesome Concert ;-D
Funny I met Yukiro some days later at MARZ in shinjuku :D
Kozi was just fantastic :D his moves and his fall/drop-microphone stunt at the end was epic XD
Thanks for uploading some concert material.
Ahh did you meet Yukiro at Midnight Mess? ^^ We filmed a video about the club night (also on my channel!)
Oh Really Ill just Go check.
Why arent you at Tokyo Dark Castle right now :D ?
Not my favorite party, to be honest… I prefer Midnight Mess, D’s Valentine events like Gothic Bar Heaven and Alamode, and Tokyo Decadance.
Yukiro and others from Midnight Mess are also in the Mad Hatter video and Gackt review!
So you liked the space-Decadance last weekend ? :3
Gothic Bar Heaven and Almode is truly my favorite places, …much more calm that TDC and MM.
He uses VO5 hairspray (Japanese brand), he mentioned it in an interview once. And it is his own hair.
For many American VK fans, I think they've probably only first listened to Malice Mizer in the last few years. For Japanese fans, that was 8 years ago.
I wouldn't say he's captivating hearts and minds like he's something new. There are older fans that have been listening to him for years that are just now getting the chance. I'd say its more of a case of supply and demand.
He really nailed the pronounciation of “stil” C:
Entertaining video!
He really nailed the pronounciation of “stil” C:
Entertaining video!
long live malice mizer
long live malice mizer
Great vid! Nice dress!
Great vid! Nice dress!
Kozi is my idol, he could wear a burlap sack and I'd love it.
Kozi is my idol, he could wear a burlap sack and I’d love it.
I cant believe I missed this! ;__; I'm taking my first trip to Japan this week but its a short stay. ;P But I will be back!
I was wondering if anyone knew any Tokyo Concert sites that will help me keep an eye out? :)
I cant believe I missed this! ;__; I’m taking my first trip to Japan this week but its a short stay. ;P But I will be back!
I was wondering if anyone knew any Tokyo Concert sites that will help me keep an eye out? :)
I cant believe I missed this! ;__; I'm taking my first trip to Japan this week but its a short stay. ;P But I will be back!
I was wondering if anyone knew any Tokyo Concert sites that will help me keep an eye out? :)