Holy moly. This men’s sweater from Black Peace Now is an deconstructed Goth eye-catcher – but it costs 12390 yen ($120) and isn’t available from (the only site that ships BPN overseas).
If that is so… then how am I modelling this very item? Easy: I made one of my own from a school-marmy black turtleneck!
I cut off the turtleneck and split the shirt asymmetrically down the front (pinning the collar with a World Wildlife Fund panda pin). I pinched the fabric together and cut out semi-circles for holes of varying sizes. The grey striped shirt and skewed skirt with a silver chain have been sitting in my closet for years.
This is what my old clothes looked like before I pounced on them with scissors! The pants and white Nordica ski shirt were featured in the Punk/Visual Kei DIY project. The black sweaters (on the bottom row) became h.NAOTO-inspired “skull” and “bones” ripped tops. The awkward schoolteacher (top center) acquired black eyeliner and a mohawk for this salute to Black Peace Now.
Some of you mentioned that you’re going to turn your timid old clothes into punk/Goth wildcats. How did the projects go?

All this punk DIY inspired me to try some the other day. I slashed an old poloneck that didn't fit me anymore and now it looks awesome over one of my long sleeved black and white striped tops.^^
Nice! It's especially fun when the original garment is something lame ^__^
All this punk DIY inspired me to try some the other day. I slashed an old poloneck that didn’t fit me anymore and now it looks awesome over one of my long sleeved black and white striped tops.^^
Nice! It’s especially fun when the original garment is something lame ^__^
Sweet! You have real knack for this Carmina! You'll never need to shop for j-style stuff again if you keep this up… xD
Sweet! You have real knack for this Carmina! You’ll never need to shop for j-style stuff again if you keep this up… xD
Thanksss! xoxox
I’ll certainly embark on more J-style DIY projects… they’re fun and turn out quite well!
Thanksss! xoxox
I'll certainly embark on more J-style DIY projects… they're fun and turn out quite well!
How r ya???? Long time no talk…how are you sexy!!!!!!
How r ya???? Long time no talk…how are you sexy!!!!!!
my mum would kill me if i did anything like that to my clothes >.<
i must start looking in charity shops
ur an inspriration to me :)
my mum would kill me if i did anything like that to my clothes >.<i must start looking in charity shopsur an inspriration to me :)
Beautiful Photos—–
Nice to meet you too!
Thanks for the request, indeed we have similar interests. ^^
I like your blog a lot, great work! I already subscribed.
Have a nice day! :)
Hello and sorry for my late reply… and yes I do already know your page *smile* I seem to have quite some friends who engage in some form of art, and I'm always happy to see that a girl in this society finds the time and place in life to do so… female (professional) artist are still rather rare and underappreciated. So many respect from me to you.
Yes we do seem to share quite a few things: Oh my goth : I just recognized the Army of Lovers amonst your heroes, (we should be ashamed liking them :lol: ) Have a nice weekend!
u r cute!
Beautiful Photos—–
Nice to meet you too!
Thanks for the request, indeed we have similar interests. ^^
I like your blog a lot, great work! I already subscribed.
Have a nice day! :)
Hello and sorry for my late reply… and yes I do already know your page *smile* I seem to have quite some friends who engage in some form of art, and I’m always happy to see that a girl in this society finds the time and place in life to do so… female (professional) artist are still rather rare and underappreciated. So many respect from me to you.
Yes we do seem to share quite a few things: Oh my goth : I just recognized the Army of Lovers amonst your heroes, (we should be ashamed liking them :lol: ) Have a nice weekend!
u r cute!
Hello :D
and thank you for sending me that link
your website is awsome and i enjoyed it so
i do think we have similar interests cause you like gothic lolita and i do too
its just i dont really have any stores around here that sell any thing like it
but i also came to the thought of making clothes but never had the money to make anything ^-^
so any thoughts on how to dress in gothic lolita with out all this stress?
Hello :D
and thank you for sending me that link
your website is awsome and i enjoyed it so
i do think we have similar interests cause you like gothic lolita and i do too
its just i dont really have any stores around here that sell any thing like it
but i also came to the thought of making clothes but never had the money to make anything ^-^
so any thoughts on how to dress in gothic lolita with out all this stress?
WOw holes seem to be fashionable now. Me, I'mmore of a classic lolita, so no thank you :3
WOw holes seem to be fashionable now. Me, I’mmore of a classic lolita, so no thank you :3
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