I’m a tad OCD and neurotic (if the chronic blogging is any proof). At regular intervals, I’m swept away by a new frivolity; generally something Japanese, kawaii, Goth, or a combination thereof. La Carmina’s manie du jour is cooking cute: school lunches dressed up as adorable characters by Japanese mothers. Eee!
I’ve been scouring several bento blogs, but my favorite is Mari Miyazawa’s e-obento. The Osaka mother of two has been honing her skills since 2004 and has released several cookbooks in Japan. I love her trademark whimsy. Can you imagine opening up your lunchbox to find Frankenstein proudly waving two happy ghosts (quail egg/nori) and a not-so-pleased demon (cherry tomato/cheese) – all of whom are impaled in a most awkward location?
I’ve picked out Mari’s most Gothic creations for your visual titillation. Most mothers cut the crusts off a sandwich; this one turns the edge of bread into Dracula’s coffin!
I’m always looking for excuses to post pictures of Basil Farrow – so here’s the world’s cutest Scottish Fold along with dishes that almost rival him in kitty kawaii. Can you can figure out the ingredients involved?
I’m going to stop pimpin’ my cat after posting this silly YouTube. “The Song of the Count” remix is the product of moi, Count “Chocula” D, Basil Farrow, and way too much procrastination. Enjoy!

ZOMG!! They're adorable!! Soo yummy I want to sink my teeth into it!! :D
ZOMG!! They’re adorable!! Soo yummy I want to sink my teeth into it!! :D
i don't think you're suppose to eat those. you're suppose to look at it, take pictures and then put it in a frame and hang it in an exhibition.
makes me wonder..
” hey look what i got. a really really cute cat in my bento box. now i'm gonna bite his head off”
hmmm yum
i don’t think you’re suppose to eat those. you’re suppose to look at it, take pictures and then put it in a frame and hang it in an exhibition.
makes me wonder..
” hey look what i got. a really really cute cat in my bento box. now i’m gonna bite his head off”
hmmm yum
so sweet…….
I love cute kitties…and kitties bento…gnam ^_-
Oh, more cute bento boxes! ^^ I love those with skulls. ^^
I just love how cute your cat is <33
Hihi… adorable lunch boxes! If I got one of these, I´d be waiting the whole day for lunch time xD
<3 <3
so sweet…….
I love cute kitties…and kitties bento…gnam ^_-
Oh, more cute bento boxes! ^^ I love those with skulls. ^^
I just love how cute your cat is <33
<3 <3
Hihi… adorable lunch boxes! If I got one of these, I´d be waiting the whole day for lunch time xD
I have two wonderful cats of my own but I really want a Scottish fold they are so adorable,especially yours.
Those treats look yummy too ^^
Scottish Folds have the best temperament! They love to snuggle and give head “bonks” but aren't hyperactive like some other breeds. And they're soooo round and furry with flat owl faces and foldy ears… just like teddy bears!
I have two wonderful cats of my own but I really want a Scottish fold they are so adorable,especially yours.
Those treats look yummy too ^^
Scottish Folds have the best temperament! They love to snuggle and give head “bonks” but aren’t hyperactive like some other breeds. And they’re soooo round and furry with flat owl faces and foldy ears… just like teddy bears!
omg when you see such cuteness you cant really destroy it. i could never eat such a beautiful dish XD i'd just shoot pics of it lol. And the cat is god XD i adore scottish folds <333
omg when you see such cuteness you cant really destroy it. i could never eat such a beautiful dish XD i’d just shoot pics of it lol. And the cat is god XD i adore scottish folds <333
My kitty does that to my feet too! haha…
your kitty has a cute face =3
My kitty does that to my feet too! haha…
your kitty has a cute face =3