In real life, it’s unlikely that any of us has a closet full of intricate Gothic Lolita dresses like the ones above. But on Second Life, even the most destitute Loli can build up a wardrobe that rivals Mana’s. For those who don’t know, Second Life is a net-based 3D virtual world, which allows users to customize their avatars with clothes and characteristics (skin, facial features). Residents can interact with each other, explore various worlds, and create/trade items.
Of course, I was curious: are there Gothic Lolita-styled avatars on Second Life? Can you buy GL items, or engage in GL-oriented activities? (Basically, can the experience be like my “first” life, but turned up a few notches? ) Bob, who sent me these screen captures of his Second Life characters, replied:
Gothic Lolita and cosplay fashions are relatively popular in Second Life, although not as popular as goth, punk, neo-rockabilly and more mainstream fashions. There are definitely designers who specialize in Gothic Lolita. I bought ALL of those clothes from Second Life shops, instead of making them myself. The Gothic Lolita shops also overlap sometimes with the Lolita and dolly shops (some people role play enchanted dolls with big wind-up keys in their backs, ha)!
In terms of Gothic Lolita or cosplay hangouts, I’m sure there are some, but they are harder to find than the shops. Either you get Gothic Lolita themed events or more commonly you get dance clubs with a mix of fashions. I used to hang out at a couple of really cool Tokyo-themed “sims” (i.e., parcels of land run on a single server), but unfortunately they never achieved a critical mass of regulars. So I was by myself most of the time.
But things are changing all the time in Second Life. I would not be surprised if a popular cosplay sim springs up any time.
Wicked, right? For a few dollars, you can wear a Gothic Lolita gown that cost thousands in the real world. You can even be Mana, if you want, wandering around the streets of Shanghai (above left).
I did some digging and learned that several Second Life retailers sell Gothic Lolita items. In this metaverse, the leading brands aren’t BTSSB and MMM – but Draconic Kiss, Ohlala!!, Tekelili, and Bare Rose. Bob bought the cute crucifix dress from Japanese Lolita designer Lico Nyanda (shown above). Her brand, LicoLico, also offers dolls that you can dress in matching outfits.
Sounds like a wonderland – so why isn’t there a larger Gothic Lolita presence? A major explanation is that Linden Labs (Second Life’s developer)… put a ban on the word “Lolita”! Residents cannot input this word into certain types of listings, meaning that a search for “Lolita fashion” will turn up nothing. Second Life has been criticized for enabling virtual child pornography, and “Lolita” is a word associated with this offense. Of course, the Japanese fashion has no link to this meaning – but Linden’s search engine fails to tell the difference. Since residents are unable to use the word to advertise meet-ups and clothing stores, the growth of a Loli community has been hindered.
I’ve explored Second Life, but it never hooked me. The virtual fashions, however, can be as stunning as anything in the Gothic & Lolita Bible. And thank goodness that Linden’s word ban doesn’t extend to our real lives… or we’d all be in trouble!

These outfits look amazing!
I tried to join the site…but it won't let me because I don't have a cell phone.
These outfits look amazing!
I tried to join the site…but it won’t let me because I don’t have a cell phone.
Ah my god, these blogs about SL and japan are so helpful. I”m running a website about visual asian culture and have been trying to focus a little on Second Life while i've been learning to model (I'm a part of the gothic fair in simplicity designs in two weeks walking for one or two designers) and i just wanted to comment and say how pointing these things out to people is just great!
Ah my god, these blogs about SL and japan are so helpful. I”m running a website about visual asian culture and have been trying to focus a little on Second Life while i’ve been learning to model (I’m a part of the gothic fair in simplicity designs in two weeks walking for one or two designers) and i just wanted to comment and say how pointing these things out to people is just great!
Awesome! Nice to hear that!
Awesome! Nice to hear that!
Ah my god, these blogs about SL and japan are so helpful. I”m running a website about visual asian culture and have been trying to focus a little on Second Life while i've been learning to model (I'm a part of the gothic fair in simplicity designs in two weeks walking for one or two designers) and i just wanted to comment and say how pointing these things out to people is just great!
Awesome! Nice to hear that!