Hello, pretty host boys! I guest-hosted a Norway TV show about love in Japan, so of course, we explored the unique phenomenon of the host boy. Women pay these spiky-haired creatures to sing karaoke with them in Kabuki-cho clubs, drink copious champagne and whisper sweet nothings. A rent-a-boyfriend, if you will.
The Norway TV show went to the home of Club Ai’s #1 host boy (yes, they are ranked and their “bite-me” photos displayed outside the club). Keiju greeted Ari and Per in nothing but a bath towel.
Ari Behn, bestselling author and husband of Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, is quite the Prince Charming himself.
But how can anyone compete with these slick-suited, vaguely foreign smooth-talkers?
Bracelet buddies. (Super Exclusive Lothario Host Friendship Club?)
Like many of you, the Norwegians wanted to know — what’s the secret to Japanese host boy hair? How do they get it so stylized? So we took them to Kurokami, a hair salon that specializes in these matters.
Ari and Per got host-ified!
The amount of hairspray used is unbelievable (almost a can a person). Using a small comb, the hair stylists sectioned, straightened and sprayed.
Voila: Ari Behn as a host boy.
We got a host-style wig just in case. The cameraman modeled it for us!
Naomi and I had so much fun working with Norwegian TV (she took these photos). Our coolhunting and trend consulting firm, La Carmina & The Pirates, helps film/TV crews shoot in Japan and elsewhere. We help with arranging locations, translation, business dealings and more. There’s more about our services on our website.
Do you swoon in the presence of host boys? Have you ever been to a host club? What was it like?
PS: I think my host boy is much more attractive than the ones on the Norway TV show…
Japanese Word of the Day: Makaseru = Coordinate
Song of the Day: Chthonic – Forty-Nine Theurgy Chains (A Taiwanese metal band!)

HI!!<3 I am a Norwegian girl that was on your website, and read about you working with Ari and Per from the program " Ari og Per" And i am sooo jealous about they going to Japan meeting you!!!! Im am just 14 so my parents refuse me to goo =(
Thank you, I’m glad you saw it!
Maybe you will see Japan when you are a little older- you wouldn’t be allowed into that host club until you’re an adult anyway… but you can still make touring Japan a fun goal for the future when you’re done with school! d(^_^)
Exactly!! I’m sure you’ll be in Tokyo someday!
What a doll ;).
*o* the white haired one!
I contackt u when i go to Tokyo again.
I want to rent- a -boyfriend , sexy, handsome and younger them me xDD
amazing what the hairdresser made with their hair style *_*
Younger is key, hohoh .:)
yes *_* anyaway, I think you’re younger than me but I won’t make you to tell me your age,my sexy vamp ;)
Do Lemon and Ementhy join you on any of your adventures anymore these days? I miss those two from your posts…
The host boy hair part was hilarious xD
Sigghhhh host boys!
PROPS ON LISTENING TO CHTHONIC, they are absolutely mindblowingly good!!! :D
Yeahhh such a hot group!
It isn’t because you wrote “half naked japanese host boys” that i read your blog entry. Of course not ! I’m not that kind of girl
so hair-spray’s the secret huh??
I think the secret to host hair is Passion :)
I know, I just get frustrated sometimes….. i wish I could do it as fast as in kurokami hair salon
Omg, please tell me what club the first guy is from! I had a hard time finding ones I really liked visually when I went. :[
Do Lemon and Ementhy join you on any of your adventures anymore these days? I miss those two from your posts…
Awww! I miss them too… we haven’t been able to meet up for some time
Aw, that’s too bad. Though I was hoping to hear something like they’ve both been super busy after taking up respective modeling careers or something :)
Thanks for introducing me to ChthoniC. Great band it seems.
I saw them live some years ago, very powerful band! I especially loved seeing Su-Nung live <3
Ooh ooh there’s documentary about rakkyo lounge in Japan about host boys “the great happiness space” or something like that. Its a very enjoyable documentary
AH Japan, you never cease to amaze me with your strangeness lol
I wish Singapore haz it , it would be fun to experience it :)
LAWWWWWWL. Carmina, I love this, really, just to see someone like Ari Behn in host hair, so lawl.
I lived in Japan and briefly dated a guy who was a host….interesting experience. Spent Xmas eve in a host club. Probably best Xmas ever! hehe
I wanna see more about host-boys. Its so hard to find good info! Please make host-boy “shopping guide” La Carmina!!! Onegaishimaasssuuuu!
ah-hahah ! This article is so much FUN ! ( ^ __ ^ )
i <3 this photographs
*writes down on paper.* Going to salon = getting girls.
Chthonic? I do believe the internets has just been won. :)
An amazing band.
It sounds like an interesting experience but I’ll wait until I’m twenty at least. This post was interesting and their hairstyles are awesome; if only I could get my hair to cooperate with me to try to ‘host-ify’ it.
It takes lots of hairspray and passion!! >)
chthonic is an awesome band:D
HOT! <3
I’ve never been to a host club, but now I sure want to go to one someday! haha ^^
This was an awesome episode, half-naked host boys was much to my liking. xD
haah yes! Who doesn’t love a half naked host boy?
the best host boy could only be Basil! <3
Aww I agree, he’s the biggest charmer!
This show was awesome! I’m hoping for more Norway- collaborations :D
Haha, same here! xD
ahh! I wanna get host hair one day ^~^
Yes, Seba is much better looking! I actually own a documentary on host clubs in Japan, because they fascinate me so! I think the next book you write, La Carmina, should be a book on the coolest places to go in Japan. I know I would buy it. Or a shopping guide, because I think you know the best places to buy goth and kawaii things.
Heheh yeah… too bad things change all the time!!
Did you see my Tokyo shopping guide? https://lacarmina.com/2009/04/tokyo-gothic-lolita-shopping-guide-sweet-and-goth-harajuku-stores-where-to-buy-clothes-in-japan/