Remember when Rob and I interviewed Crispin Hellion Glover about his spooky career and current movie-making? That weekend, we attended his film event at Pacific Cinematheque, as press. I did leopard print nails for the occasion…
DIY leopard print nail art: I painted my nails pink, using OPI polish that I got from a New York Fashion Week swag bag. Using $1 black Daiso nail art polish (it has a fine tip), I painted leopard swirls and splotches. Finally, I filled in some of the “rings” with sparkly magenta polish from Don Quijote in Shinjuku.
The Body Needs sent me their signature TBN eyeshadows to play with. I am officially in love with Shimmers Teal, a white shadow that reflects like ice — perfect for highlighting the inner corners. I’m also impressed by TBN’s Blue-brown Sparkle a modulating mix of colors that I swept over the outer lids. I lined my lids with Graphite for a dark, smoky effect.
While in LA, Sebastiano and I invaded Lip Service headquarters. The mini-skirt and ruffle shrug jacket are from the Nocturnal Rendezvous collection.
Corset: Spider, Hong Kong brand. Seba tried very hard to fit into it.
Bowler hat: an old hat I customized
Purple tights: Old as well.
Crown royal necklace: Black Peace Now, from Closet Child
Crispin Glover began his one-man vaudeville show by reading passages from eight of his books. Each page is gloriously defaced with his unique handwriting and slightly discomforting collages (rats turned inside-out, elephants and swastikas). He then screened his film “What Is It?,” a reaction to the restraints of the corporate film industry, which refuses to distribute any material that might make a youngster slightly uncomfortable. Finally, he answered questions from the audience, such as the motivation and challenges behind using actors with Down’s Syndrome in the production.
Crispin then signed books, and we talked for quite some time. We’re thinking of teaming up and doing something together in Japan… More to come!
Crispin was gracious and genuinely interested in his fans. I think we can induct him in the Super-Exclusive Spooky Friendship Ring Club! Here’s what he signed for Rob; you can pick up his books from his website.
Rob models my new pink-and-black Hello Kitty iPhone cover, a gift from Sparklebee (world’s largest licensee of Sanrio products; check them out for more cute Japanese goods). He customized his bag: Warhol-Gaga-horror.
Crispin Hellion Glover’s is currently touring his films and books in the Pacific Northwest and England! Each event consists of “different combinations of the following”: Big Slide Show (one hour dramatic narration of eight different profusely illustrated books he has made over the years), film screening, Q & A session, book signing. The dates, venues and showtimes are here.
Apologies for the low quality photos… I’ll have more makeup tutorials soon. The Body Needs has a large line of mineral eye shadows and blushes, including MAC samples — can’t wait to keep experimenting!
What do you think of my leopard print nail art? Do you like to experiment with DIY nails? For wild inspiration, come see Yukiro’s nail art masterworks.
Japanese Word of the Day: Hyougara = Leopard print
Song of the Day: Hatsune Miku – World is Mine Live (The Japanese vocoloid teen is taking over the globe.)

Love it! And Crispin!
Interesting post! I also read the interview about Crispin but I hadn’t the time to comment, I’m kinda busy lately.
And yes I like a lot your nail art. I love experimenting with nail art but I fait all the time XD I guess I shpuld buy some nailpolish with fine tip. Now my nails are electric purple. I really love electric colours.
Tha make up amazing. THat white eyeshadow is just great!!
Crispin is inspiring in how he creates art on his own terms, outside the system. Really cool to be in touch with him.
Mmm, electric purple – that’s Yukiro’s signature!
You look absolutely gorgeous!!! xxx
I love the nails!
I should paint your nails like that someday!
this is by far my FAVORITE outfit of yours!
haha really? I should bring it to LA maybe??
love it! Your pics from Lip Service HQ are adorable!
You and Glover collaborating? The evil forces unite at last.
Muaahahahah you bet… ;)
You look superb as always! Great photos of a fun night, too!
You look superb as always! Great photos of a fun night, too!
So glad you got to meet him. He’s a delight. xD
Enjoyed reading this article! And I gotta say I love that eyeliner myself…no I don’t wear eyeliner (hahaha…at least not yet) – but it looks great on you. Verily does bring your eyes out. The dress is looking lovely as well. Of course I’d rather have seen Serafini cross dress for us hahahaha, it’s always fun sight to see.
And thank god for filmmakers who try to break Hollywood. I mean c’mon, the majority of what they make these days is just such pure trash. How do the guys pitch their film and the producer say: “OH YEA THAT’S GONNA MAKE A @$%& load of money!” I mean do u see all this stuff…”COWBOYS & ALIENS?!” My friend and I @ the Harry Potter opening were laughing HYSTERICALLY when we saw the title @ the end. And then all these comedy romance films…it just drives me insane.
And what makes me even more mad is when Hollywood looks @ Korea’s cinema and be all like: “Oh yea…we can do that 10x better…it requires a remake, more explosions, more SPECIAL FX…MORE MONEY.” Well yea it most likely will make more money…but it won’t compare to the original masterpiece.
Please come up w/ your own idea and leave the other ideas alone! If there was a remake that was pretty well done this year…it has to be Black Swan. That was a very good live action remake of Perfect Blue. Although I wish they would make the mention of how it really is a remake of it…it still makes me happy to see some good films made.
And alright I’ll say it…Toy Story 3 was pretty good too LOL. But I guess I enjoyed that since I watched the first ever since I was a kid.
Anyway that’s enough rambling, can’t wait to hear the new possible project with Crispin! Take care!
Ahah Serafini (as you call him) got stuck while trying on a dress…. it was rather amusing!
Glover spoke very well about exactly what you’re saying… it’s nice how he is able to make his own way.
Cool! Especially interesting as I am currently making a nail design game :D
love the look <3 so elegant <3
The nail art is fabulous~~
I also have a question, if you would answer.
If I were to go on a trip to japanese for a month or less, where should I go?
I’ve been thinking Akihabara, Shinjuku, Harajuku, Kyoto, lots of cultural things~~
And any remarkable shops for good prices? > w<
Akiba, Shinjuku, Harajuku are all in Tokyo. I’d suggest staying in Tokyo for at least 1.5-2 weeks, then going to Kyoto/Osaka! I have tons of shopping suggestions in my shop guide on the right sidebar.
Love the leopard print nails! Might have to give it a go myself ♥
Damn that outfit was hot! You are always wholly engaging and entertaining. Not bold enough to experiment with DIY nails. Hands too shaky :(
i want same nails *o* so beautiful!
Always fantastic :)