Shiver me timbers! With much bloodshed and toil and Photoshop, I’ve over-hauled my Tokyo Gothic Lolita Visual Kei Punk Shopping Guide and Japan LGBT Goth Alternative Nightlife Guide. These sections have photos, videos, maps, directions and reports of pretty much EVERY Goth/Lolita/Alt boutique, bar, and club party in Tokyo (and soon, Osaka). Yo-ho-ho.
Here’s one of the many comprehensive Japan maps I’ve added. (Click it or go here to enlarge.) The rest are in the Clothing Store and Club guides.
La Carmina Blog has become a No-Face (from the anime film Spirited Away) — growing bigger by the moment, and chock full of stuff! More now than ever, maintaining it is a big responsibility, both to readers and collaborators in the J-rock/Goth universe.
In the Laos episode of No Reservations, Anthony Bourdain reflects on whether revealing a little-known destination on TV effectively destroys it. He comes to the conclusion that all he can do is try to live the experience, understand it and present it the best that he can.
Likewise, I’m going to keep working hard to bring you the best possible content. (There are over 50 blog posts on my to-do list!) I think that if readers have a genuine interest in Japan / dark culture / Visual Kei, they’ll be respectful when they visit the underground clubs and stores. And at the end of day, the vibrant scene remains very small. Many Goth parties only have 30-40 people in attendance. Anything I can do to get the word out for my friends, I will.
So I hope you enjoy the updated Tokyo and Osaka guides. It would make my day if you could share the links and tell your friends. I have much more ahead for you — including Osaka Gothic Lolita Punk store guides/maps and a compliation of Visual Kei / J-rock concert reports.
I don’t want to turn this into a subscription site (where you pay for access), or sell you an e-book. However, my Scottish Fold cat does get hungry…
So if you found my Harajuku / Tokyo Goth maps and photos helpful, please consider:
1) Buying one of my Jpop books here. My Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants book includes addresses, photos and stories about all of Tokyo’s best themed cafes.
2) Ordering a La Carmina x Basil Farrow t-shirt (this is your LAST CHANCE for a limited edition tee!)
† Pick up a Girls shirt here.
† Nab a Mens shirt here.
3) Leaving me a tip (click the donate button below). Even a few bucks for a spot of catnip is much appreciated.
Thanks everyone for your support — I will keep working hard for you! Please feel free to contact La Carmina if you’d like to work with me in any capacity (TV hosting, arranging, writing, etc.) You can also keep in touch via my social networks below. Domo arigato gozaimasu.
Ready to see the new, improved guides? Click the images below!

I love the girl’s pose/clothes next to the one with the purple? hair!
I wish we had such things here in the Netherlands T_T
But if there were any it would eb those mainstream gothic parties, of which everyone just were those sloppy dresses or wide paints >.> No egl there!
Btw.. about your garage sale.. are those the measurments from one side? (so you have to double them?) or are they just tiny.. tiny.. tiny dresses for a even thinnier(sp?) bust?
Ah yes, the measurements for the older items are from one side only (so you have to double them…) sorry about the confusion! If you have questions about specific items and the size/fit, feel free to email me – gothiccarmina (at) gmail . Thanks so much! xoxo
OH MY GOD!!! I really want to go there!!
Thanks for the map! Looking forward to test it out next time I come ^^ I’ve been to C.Cafe, Deca Bar, Neko Cafe and the Marz till now …
okay this is going to seem random, but please keep posting the Japanese Word of the Day! I have just started studying Japanese at college and, after I’m done reading your awesome posts, I literally use your word of the day to practice my hiragana lol! ^-^ Also, your blog is definitely part of my daily routine, I hope you can keep it up and running for a very long time! We need you La Carmina!!
^__^ Thanks so much for your kind words! hahah yes, Word of the Day will continue. ;) Have you seen this site? It’s a great way to practice Japanese.
great post.
i like your map.
but, you have to change something.
the party zone for gay-boys aka ni-choume isnt right.
that arrow marks 5-choume/6-choume.
ni-choume is on the right side of the yasukuni-doori.
you should know ;)
hehe you are absolutely right! That is why there is an Arrow that points to the right (next to where I wrote 2-chome)… because the map doesn’t go far enough east to show the 2-chome district…
Glad you like the map!
i see.
but, its still confusing.
you almost can see ni-choume on this map.
cuz u can see shinjuku-sanchoume (at the bottom on the right).
and next to sanchoume is nichoume xD
u know, i meant ni-choume is on the right side, for example, while walking from decadance bar to ni-choume.
u see ?
Ohh I see — I got the 2-chome district confused with the “2-X-X” addresses in Shinjuku… >__> I’ll fix it!
just to make sure that our gay friends who visit tokyo will have fun ;)
Now I just need a plane ticket… :)
Very interesting site. Luv anything Harajuku or “Hello Kitty”. :-DDDDDDD
I’m going to use this guide when the time comes for this little night-crawler insomniac to go to Japan, thanks!
Yey!! Thanks for this! I am putting together my own maps and just finished Osaka. I’ll share with you as maybe it’s a good place for you to start?? The pinks are clothing, blue for toys! Let me know if anything seems awry :)
This is marvelous!! XD Can I use it in my upcoming guide? I’ll of course credit you however you like (name/URL). xox
Of Course!!! You have always been such a big help to me and everyone :) I hope I see you when I am in Tokyo (for Halloween)! ;)
I will be taking this as reference too for when I take my trip to Japan!
GAHH! I’m sooo excited! Thanks La Carmina!~
Yayy I hope you find it helpful!
I think you are very happy!Christian Louboutin Pumps
just gave my friend this reference she’s in Osaka right now 1st time she left Canada :X