Well! I had a productive weekend. Creative wheels are in motion, my darklings! To reiterate my first Reader Question post: absolutely nothing will happen unless you strap on your 4-inch boots and stomp out into the world. Be active on social networks, showcase your work on a website or blog, have a bold opinion and wear whatever you please. You’ll run into some “malcontents,” but you’ll also connect with inspiring, like-minded travelers – resulting in opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. (I’ll answer more Reader Questions this week; keep the emails coming. I’m glad you like the new feature!)
My friend Kat is a great example of someone who reaches out. I came across her Rock n’ Roll Bride blog – which showcases Gothic/alternative ceremonies – when I was doing a post on Gothic Lolita weddings. One glance at her site, and I knew she was a “like-minded traveler.” Fast forward to today: we exchange emails, Tweets, and Facebook messages on a near-daily basis! None of this would have happened if she and I hadn’t started our blogs.
Kat sent me a link to her recent post about these gorgeous Sweet Lolita dresses (what a lovely idea for bridesmaid outfits!). The photography is by Chai, a girl from the Philippines; you can view more Lolita photos on her site.
Darkings, this is your last chance to win an adorable Astroboy money bank from me! Just share the news about my new Scottish Fold blog (by emailing your friends, Twittering, blogging, or posting on a forum/social network) – and leave a comment telling us how you spread the word. On Monday, we’ll announce a winner.
Plus, you can win a Lucky Cat bento box, or one of three Maineki Neko solar powered toys from J-List! Surf over to J-List or J-Box and search for a photo of my Scottish Fold cat (he’s hidden somewhere on the site). Hint: it has to do with Tokyo fashion… When you’ve found my baby, send an email to treasurehunt@jlist.com with a screenshot or the title/link of the product featuring the cat photo. Hurry – the contest closes Sunday at midnight!
Song of the Day #115: Moon Kana – Papichan

:o) aww bless youm you have made my day!
:o) aww bless youm you have made my day!
Cool outfits, especially the white one. :) ♥
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo cuteeee…………loved lolitasssss
I found Basil!!! ::sends email::
love the red dresses and the models in the last photos are so cute ^-^
Heart shiro-loli! You look cute in your profile pic. :)
I love all those dresses. I wish I could wear one and still look cute. I don't care about the stares I would get here in the part of New York I live in. Btw, I FINALLY FOUND BASIL!! I had been searching for him for 2 days (not straight, like on and off). So happy I found Basil and feel less of a failure.
I posted a link to the basil blog on my tumblr, so now at least 350 more people know about it ^_^
here's a link to the post: http://theslyestfox.tumblr.com/post/109164231/b…
Cool outfits, especially the white one. :) ♥
Heart shiro-loli! You look cute in your profile pic. :)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo cuteeee…………loved lolitasssss
I found Basil!!! ::sends email::
love the red dresses and the models in the last photos are so cute ^-^
You rock!! Thanks for this! (Great Tumblr btw – the Pikachu post is hilarious.)
I love all those dresses. I wish I could wear one and still look cute. I don’t care about the stares I would get here in the part of New York I live in. Btw, I FINALLY FOUND BASIL!! I had been searching for him for 2 days (not straight, like on and off). So happy I found Basil and feel less of a failure.
I posted a link to the basil blog on my tumblr, so now at least 350 more people know about it ^_^
here’s a link to the post: http://theslyestfox.tumblr.com/post/109164231/basilfarrowblog
You rock!! Thanks for this! (Great Tumblr btw – the Pikachu post is hilarious.)
awesomeness, very inspiring :D (i want to design clothes T_T)
awesomeness, very inspiring :D (i want to design clothes T_T)
DIY and DIN! Do it yourself and do it now – and feel free to share your designs with me!
Love the white one!!!!!! Thats it! I want my dad to get married again!!!! Lol so I can wear those cute dresses!
Love the white one!!!!!! Thats it! I want my dad to get married again!!!! Lol so I can wear those cute dresses!
DIY and DIN! Do it yourself and do it now – and feel free to share your designs with me!
I wish I could! sadly all I know how to do is design things. which are turning out good. but sewing I know not :-P guess its time to learn huh
I wish I could! sadly all I know how to do is design things. which are turning out good. but sewing I know not :-P guess its time to learn huh
Chy is always taking such eye-candy pictures~ And I like her photographs because of this vivid vision of hers. :3
Chy is always taking such eye-candy pictures~ And I like her photographs because of this vivid vision of hers. :3
It’s like entering into a Candyland!
It's like entering into a Candyland!
Awww, thank you so much for the feature! I absolutely love your blog, I practically spazzed when Kat told me she showed you my photos! Thank you both so much!!<3
Awww, thank you so much for the feature! I absolutely love your blog, I practically spazzed when Kat told me she showed you my photos! Thank you both so much!!<3
You’re very welcome! I love the dreaminess of your photography and styling – keep it up!
You're very welcome! I love the dreaminess of your photography and styling – keep it up!
Hai, Hello That's http://dolldelight.deviantart.com/
I have a photo of her too, http://adriadl.deviantart.com/art/Gorgeous-Loli…
I hope you like it~ =3
So lovely!
Hai, Hello That’s http://dolldelight.deviantart.com/
I have a photo of her too, http://adriadl.deviantart.com/art/Gorgeous-Lolita-Sai-120939280
I hope you like it~ =3
So lovely!
very nice. Love the dresses.
very nice. Love the dresses.
She's a very cute lolita (:
Yeah, She's dolldelight @ DA ^^
She’s a very cute lolita (:
Yeah, She’s dolldelight @ DA ^^
i forgot about this post….have been feeling really down this week but this has cheered me up again. love you!
i forgot about this post….have been feeling really down this week but this has cheered me up again. love you!
Awww no! I hope things brighten up again fast. Chat or email me any time!
Awww no! I hope things brighten up again fast. Chat or email me any time!
Awww no! I hope things brighten up again fast. Chat or email me any time!
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Hello, lovely post! I love the colorful fascinators.
wedding dresses
Hello, lovely post! I love the colorful fascinators.
Hello, lovely post! I love the colorful fascinators.
wedding dresses
Hello, lovely post! I love the colorful fascinators.