Four words, darklings. New. Death. Cookbook. Episode.
In this Iron Chef meets Death Note spoof, La Carmina travels to Tokyo to challenge the Hungry Ghost master. He cooks all-white foods, while hers are all-black. Will Carmina make it out of his lair alive? Thank goodness she has Kojin and the Death Cookbook!
If you like my Goth Cooking Show series, please tell your friends about it for me! And let’s be friends on YouTube; you can subscribe to my channel here. Video stills and recipes will be posted tomorrow. Mwahahah!

PS – there's a BLOOPERS reel from this shoot on the way…
I'm excited for the bloopers reel more than anything. I hope there is a good shot of your hair in soup.
PS – there’s a BLOOPERS reel from this shoot on the way…
I’m excited for the bloopers reel more than anything. I hope there is a good shot of your hair in soup.
The bloopers reel is pure magic!
this is so cute and funny ^^
Kojin is such a hoot ^^
cant wait to see more :3
this is so cute and funny ^^
Kojin is such a hoot ^^
cant wait to see more :3
The bloopers reel is pure magic!
LACARMINA, I LUV U! Anyting u do is amazing!! Keep up the good work!! <3<3
yumny! I love miso soup!
the hungry ghost is scary!
your smile is so contagious Carminny!
yes thank u thank u so much! <33 u rock iam ur biggest fan
mmmmm. Zombie cooking, yummm..
haha luved<3 it! Tanks 4 another video! Continue to do ur best with this series! I luv it!
I can't wait to film the next one! I already have two great ideas for it… Let me know if you have recipe suggestions!
LACARMINA, I LUV U! Anyting u do is amazing!! Keep up the good work!! <3<3
yumny! I love miso soup!
the hungry ghost is scary!
your smile is so contagious Carminny!
yes thank u thank u so much! <33 u rock iam ur biggest fan
mmmmm. Zombie cooking, yummm..
haha luved<3 it! Tanks 4 another video! Continue to do ur best with this series! I luv it!
I can’t wait to film the next one! I already have two great ideas for it… Let me know if you have recipe suggestions!
yes!!!!!!! this is hilarious I give it five stars:)
yes!!!!!!! this is hilarious I give it five stars:)
hahaha i love kojin xD
LACARMINA, I LUV U! Anyting u do is amazing!! Keep up the good work!! <3<3
yumny! I love miso soup!
the hungry ghost is scary!
your smile is so contagious Carminny!
yes thank u thank u so much! <33 u rock iam ur biggest fan
mmmmm. Zombie cooking, yummm..
haha luved<3 it! Tanks 4 another video! Continue to do ur best with this series! I luv it!
I can't wait to film the next one! I already have two great ideas for it… Let me know if you have recipe suggestions!
hahaha i love kojin xD
yes!!!!!!! this is hilarious I give it five stars:)
hahaha i love kojin xD