

Time Out New York Lolita fashion article about sweet lolita cross-dresser and NYC shops. Shopping for gothic lolita dresses in New York, USA. La Carmina modeling coat in popular magazine.

Having spent six years in/around Manhattan, I’m often asked where to buy Gothic Lolita fashion in NYC. I wasn’t surprised to receive yet another email query… but this time, it was from Time Out New York Magazine. A cross-dresser needed help finding a Sweet Lolita dress, so I sent the writer a list of stores. The Q&A has just been published; you can view it online, or pick up a copy of Time Out NY in stores.

Many of my Lolita shopping suggestions were included in the piece, but some were left out. Here’s my full NYC and Brooklyn guide:

New York lolita shopping resources, store guide and map. Gothic Lolita Bible and Japanese street fashion magazines at Kinokuniya Bookstore, NYC.

† KINOKUNIYA BOOKSTORE: You can spend hours flipping through back issues of Kera, Gothic & Lolita Bible, Fruits, and other wild Japanese fashion magazines. Kinokuniya specializes in quirky Japanese books – including rare titles on street fashion and cosplay – and has a cute cafe on the top floor. There are often Lolita-related events, such as last February’s collaboration with MaruiOne that brought Japanese Goth Loli Punk brands into America.

† LOWER EAST SIDE: I love roaming into vintage, consignment, and jewelry stores. Favorites include Tokyo7, Exhibitionist, Demask, and Gregg Wolf.

† PEARL RIVER MART: After hitting Patricia Fields, walk over to the heart of SoHo and pick up cheap Asian knick-knacks – such as fans and toys – to spruce up your Lolita outfits.

New York punk and goth rock store, Trash and Vaudeville in St Mark's Place, NYC lower east side. Exterior of famous alternative clothing store in NY, USA.

† ST MARK’S PLACE: The article mentioned Trash and Vaudeville, but don’t forget to explore other Goth/punk clothing and accessory stores on East 9th and 2nd Avenue.

† BEACON’S CLOSET: It’s a hackneyed pick, but the Williamsburg branch is hard to beat for vintage treasures. I’ve picked up velvet capes and lacy button-down Victorian blouses for under $20.

† SAMPLE SALES & CLOTHING TRADESHOWS: Last spring, I picked up a fantastic leather military-style jacket at the Billion Dollar Babes sample sale preview. I missed the LENY alternative clothing tradeshow but enjoyed the Manhattan Vintage one.

† ANIME & COSPLAY CONVENTIONS: You can expect indie Lolita designers to set up booths at these annual gatherings.

What are your favorite Lolita shopping spots in NYC?


Filed Under Fashion, Press


  1. Lisa Badalamenti
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 3:11 am | Permalink

    Hey thats a good collection of dresses and other things you have got. Its good to shop online as we can get a wide range of selections and also can get from other countries.

  2. Lisa Badalamenti
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 11:11 am | Permalink

    Hey thats a good collection of dresses and other things you have got. Its good to shop online as we can get a wide range of selections and also can get from other countries.

  3. Lolita Cupcake
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 3:53 pm | Permalink


  4. Lolita Cupcake
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 11:53 pm | Permalink


  5. .em.
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 7:01 pm | Permalink


    I haven't been to NYC yet (though I have been to Buffalo!), but I may check out these places when I go.

    Thanks! *bookmarks*

  6. LiTtLe_MiSs_PsYcHo
    Posted November 12, 2008 at 7:39 pm | Permalink

    nice little collection!!!!!

    I know this rally ausome gothic lolita tore but its like one-two hours drive >.<

    But theres a place clse to me that is just as good ^_^

  7. .em.
    Posted November 13, 2008 at 3:01 am | Permalink


    I haven’t been to NYC yet (though I have been to Buffalo!), but I may check out these places when I go.

    Thanks! *bookmarks*

  8. LiTtLe_MiSs_PsYcHo
    Posted November 13, 2008 at 3:39 am | Permalink

    nice little collection!!!!!

    I know this rally ausome gothic lolita tore but its like one-two hours drive >.<

    But theres a place clse to me that is just as good ^_^

  9. alina
    Posted November 15, 2008 at 1:13 am | Permalink

    i love your site, i love the outfit!

  10. alina
    Posted November 15, 2008 at 9:13 am | Permalink

    i love your site, i love the outfit!

  11. Neffy
    Posted November 16, 2008 at 12:47 am | Permalink

    These are some pretty cool tips, thanks! I just worry about this one:
    “ANIME & COSPLAY CONVENTIONS: You can expect indie Lolita designers to set up booths at these annual gatherings. “
    In my experience, a lot (not all) of the indie designers that sell at conventions tend to sell low-quality, very costumey outfits that aren't suitable for regular lolita wear. :/

  12. Neffy
    Posted November 16, 2008 at 8:47 am | Permalink

    These are some pretty cool tips, thanks! I just worry about this one:
    “ANIME & COSPLAY CONVENTIONS: You can expect indie Lolita designers to set up booths at these annual gatherings. ”
    In my experience, a lot (not all) of the indie designers that sell at conventions tend to sell low-quality, very costumey outfits that aren’t suitable for regular lolita wear. :/

  13. Geisha V
    Posted November 21, 2008 at 1:59 am | Permalink

    Hi saw your collection, good stuff. We're in that Time out magazine article together.

  14. Geisha V
    Posted November 21, 2008 at 9:59 am | Permalink

    Hi saw your collection, good stuff. We’re in that Time out magazine article together.

  15. Wendygrrl
    Posted March 23, 2009 at 7:19 pm | Permalink

    wow… tis an awesome look

  16. Wendygrrl
    Posted March 24, 2009 at 2:19 am | Permalink

    wow… tis an awesome look

  17. nani
    Posted July 29, 2009 at 3:41 pm | Permalink

    Wow, thank you for the article, it's very nice.
    I've heard a Baby the Stars Shine Bright store is opening up in New York (and another in California..). Heard anything about that? ^^

  18. lacarmina
    Posted July 29, 2009 at 4:48 pm | Permalink

    It's opening in San Fran. Check out this post for info!

  19. nani
    Posted July 29, 2009 at 10:41 pm | Permalink

    Wow, thank you for the article, it’s very nice.
    I’ve heard a Baby the Stars Shine Bright store is opening up in New York (and another in California..). Heard anything about that? ^^

  20. Nj
    Posted August 10, 2009 at 6:50 am | Permalink

    Hey..Magazine Cafe in New York City carries Japanese Fashion Magazines. I love to shop on their online website I hope this is useful for all you fans out there!

  21. Nj
    Posted August 10, 2009 at 1:50 pm | Permalink

    Hey..Magazine Cafe in New York City carries Japanese Fashion Magazines. I love to shop on their online website I hope this is useful for all you fans out there!

  22. Brittan Clark
    Posted August 20, 2009 at 7:13 pm | Permalink

    Could you possibly do one on like LA?… I live a hour away and im dieing to go to a store based on or has lolita clothing in the mix. T

  23. Brittan Clark
    Posted August 21, 2009 at 2:13 am | Permalink

    Could you possibly do one on like LA?… I live a hour away and im dieing to go to a store based on or has lolita clothing in the mix. T

  24. Grown Up Goods
    Posted August 25, 2009 at 3:01 am | Permalink

    Lolita Bible, Fruits, and other wild Japanese fashion magazines. Kinokuniya specializes in quirky Japanese books – including rare titles on street fashion and cosplay – and has a cute cafe on the top floor. There are often Lolita-related events, such as last February’s collaboration with MaruiOne that brought Japanese Goth Loli Punk brands into America.

  25. Grown Up Goods
    Posted August 25, 2009 at 10:01 am | Permalink

    Lolita Bible, Fruits, and other wild Japanese fashion magazines. Kinokuniya specializes in quirky Japanese books – including rare titles on street fashion and cosplay – and has a cute cafe on the top floor. There are often Lolita-related events, such as last February’s collaboration with MaruiOne that brought Japanese Goth Loli Punk brands into America.

  26. Grown Up Goods
    Posted August 25, 2009 at 10:01 am | Permalink

    Lolita Bible, Fruits, and other wild Japanese fashion magazines. Kinokuniya specializes in quirky Japanese books – including rare titles on street fashion and cosplay – and has a cute cafe on the top floor. There are often Lolita-related events, such as last February’s collaboration with MaruiOne that brought Japanese Goth Loli Punk brands into America.