My controversial post about the decline of Gothic Lolita fashion in Japan got many opinions. You made great comments about how the economy might a factor, as well as the natural cycles of popularity.
Wipe away that sad face. Laforet department store in Harajuku is still one of the best places for cute clothes, such as Nile Perch’s pastel fairy kei fashion.
Visual Kei bands are also disbanding in droves, but the Jrock presence remains strong in the Laforet basement. Bands often hold signings here…
Cure Magazine and Neo are displayed prominently on the walls.
Although many young Visual Kei bands have bitten the dust, the legends remain. Plastic Tree, Alice Nine and The GazettE are still active and strong.
I love browsing in the lesser-known boutiques for adorable accessories.
In the Laforet basement level, which holds all the underground fashion, there’s a relatively new accessories shop.
The furry tails and bright hair decorations are much more reasonably priced.
Or you can be creative, and make DIY eyeball ribbons yourself!
Fairy kei remains popular. Are you a fan of the 1980s pastel Barbie youngster style? What’s catching your eye these days?
I have more photos of all these stores and styles in my Tokyo shopping directory.
Lots of big announcements coming up… stay tuned!
Japanese Word of the Day: Hiritsu = Ratio, proportion
Song of the Day: Killing Miranda – Discotheque Necronomicon (“We got the rictus cheekbones / We got the death row moves / Stuck in a retro nightmare / We do the speed freak groove”)

well I’m not a fairy kei kind of girl…I can’t pull it off, being almost 6 feet tall… doesn’t work xD but I love those tails!
kaawaii ~~~~
♥ the GazettE to bits
Life without their music would be =.=…..
Actually life without looking at the visual kei style would be … =.=
Depressoooo :.( mooey
Love you la La ♥
I <3 Alice Nine and The Gazette!
I love that place. I bought a red glasses there and I was completely in love with them *_*
I need new glasses….
I think that I didn’t see you wearing glasses yet. that day I’ll die because glasses are my fetish xDDD
haahha! I have an old post: https://lacarmina.com/2009/01/new-spec-espace-glasses-modern-japanese-designer-frames-edwardian-lady-skirt/
marry me *_* ??? xDDD
now I’m wearing a Yellow Carolina Herrera’s one http://i54.tinypic.com/2dwhwr9.jpg but I definitely prefer yours.
fairy kei is too girly for me, but I gotta say I love Tavuchi of Spank
0__0 Annoucements? Ooowee!
i hope alice nine or the gazette or all my fav jrock bands stay together!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay GazettE! XD Can’t wait for that new single!!!
Yess so excited!
I can’t pull it off but it’s adorable.
It’s too sweet for me too.
I would maybe wear it
but not every day ^_^
band name? *o* please