A fantasy came true: Seba’s band DNR — Dreams Not Reality was the first in history to open for Versailles, the Japanese Visual Kei legends!
Dying to hear what happened behind-the-scenes with DNR and Versailles, at the Cavacon Italy concert? Keep reading for the juicy details.
As you may recall, Seba recently joined DNR, the Euro-Visual rock band, as vocals and keyboards. Incredible: his very first live performance… was right before Versailles! (Here’s how he looked before and after becoming a Dreamer.)
The five members took a road trip to Salerno, close to Naples. There was lots of joking and fun along the way. DNR laughed when they saw this billboard for a child’s Communion, erected by an over-bearing papa and mamma.
As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the rockers took off their clothes and jumped into the swimming pool. (Wish you were there?)
Seba was also Versailles’ translator, so he stayed with the Jrock giants for most of the time. We can’t post the snap photos with Versailles, for privacy reasons. But Seba can assure you that Hizaki, Kamijo, Teru, Yuki and Masashi were sweet and gracious in person. He and Versailles also knew many of the same people in the Japanese music industry.
Time to get Visual, and dress up for the concert. Do you think Seba’s pants are sufficiently tight?
As always, DNR’s performance was full of passion and energy. The band played seven songs and won over the crowd, many of whom had lined up for hours.
Exhausted but euphoric, Seba poses with Axia (vocals) and Kira (bass) afterwards.
When the event was over, Seba’s band spent time talking to fans, and then shared pizza with Versailles. The Japanese V-rockers told them they love Italy, and are psyched to embark on a world tour this year.
Elephant-sized news: DNR and I are collaborating on a top secret musical project, taking place in Rome this month! Stay tuned for more info — we’re doing something unexpected and exciting, I promise.
What do you think DNR and La Carmina are planning? Got any questions about Versailles, or the historic concert? I welcome you to leave a comment, and share/Like this blog post.
Song of the Day: Dreams Not Reality – Breakout and Live

omg what a dream come true!!
Dreams become reality!
OMG OMG OMG soooooooo exciting!!!!!!
Very awesome! Congrats to Seba and DNR for accomplishing such a milestone in Jrock history ^^
:) It’s incredible!
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!! *.* Now i’m too curios about your secret plans! :))
You’re very welcome!! xoxo
Oh wow!!
Thank you so much for your amazing report!! Now we can imagine how fantastic the performances of DNR and Versailles have been.
Congratulation to DNR!! We’re so happy for Kira, AxiA, Seba, Sieg and Ash!!
We can’t wait to hear more about your top secret!! <3
Yeahhhhh!!! It’ll be a project that you will love, I’m sure!
aw thank u so much for this amazing report!! and now I am too much curious for this surprise! *___*
heheh we have so many things happening… it’s going to rock!
I can confirm they were great ;)
Oooh that’s awesome to hear!! What did you think of Seba’s performing? ;)
OMG that poster x°°°DDDDDD
it’s so “naples’ style” my god…… so traaaassshhhhhhh xD
hahah funny….. :)
our family)))
oh my god, his pants! lol Seba XD
Whilst in Europe – will you guys be around for the #WGT in Leipzig this weekend?
Ah we’re at Luisaviaroma, exactly during the time of WGT…
I love those pants *_* you look beautiful too, like always ;) the concert had to be amazing I envy you :)
I would love to be there!
I thought you were there too!!
about to board the plane to Italia heehe :)
Oh yeah baby! Like a glove :)
Now I’m jealous.
oooh God lacarmina you’re in my country??And you’re gonna see this italian band!!!Cava dè Tirreni is near me^^
can I just say that the food they ate caught my attention more than seba’s pants? =_= but his pants do look like panty hoes haha
Good Gods those pants are tight!
I KNOW right???
It was a great concert even after hours and hours of queuing..DNR were great^^ I had seen them before with their previous vocalist and although I loved the way they played I was disappointed to hear japanese songs rearranged with english lyrics…this time it was perfect ;) I’m sorry you weren’t there, I would have liked to greet you >.< As for Versailles, I have no words to describe all the emotions I've felt..and we were in the same hotel as them too XD So we met them many times, they are really kind and friendly with their fans, both italian and japanese stuff was very kind and nice too^^ I really do hope they felt our heat :P And I'm glad they enjoyed their "roman holidays" afterwards :P
how sweet!!
kawai=) the last pic
The pants are awesome :O I want ’em too! What brand is it?
I believe Seba took them from Kira’s closet… he has a knack for nabbing clothes1