It’s a nice day for a… Goth wedding…
Our friends Elizabeth and Naomasa had their marriage ceremony on the most significant day of the year — Halloween — in Gotanda, Tokyo.
The guests were encouraged to wear Halloween costumes. For us denizens of the dead, this is what we’d wear anyway! I love the contrast between our dark fashion and the cherubic clouds background.
Corset and dress: Goth Alice costume, gifted from Heavy Red. The Goth/Victorian/Steampunk clothing label makes high-quality garments fit for a dark aristocrat. I recommend them in my LA shopping guide.
Velvet black hair bow: Spank, from Marui One Shinjuku.
Cyberlox: gifted from Vickilyn’s Closet (I wore them on my head to X Japan)
Mask: Bought this years ago in a London costume store
White rabbit watch and charm: Putumayo
White fishnet stockings: gifted from We Love Colors
Pointy witch boots: bought these years ago in Hong Kong’s The Boat
Crochet Goth purse: h.NAOTO. Can you believe I got it for 500 yen at Closet Child Harajuku?
I look stunned because we had been partying all night at Torture Garden, and only caught a few hours of sleep…
Makeup: I defined my eye shape with blue and teal Smudgeliners, gifted from Annabelle Cosmetics. I filled them in with blue sparkle eyeshadows gifted from Sugarpill Makeup by Shrinkle, and added white for definition. Stuck on three fake eyelashes for topsy-turviness, and Alice in Wonderland playing card stickers on my forehead.
Yukiro shall haunt your nightmares, pointing his finger in your face and yelling “Failure!”
Raising the devil.
The guests gave Halloween-themed wedding gifts. Our pumpkin cake was the first meal that the bride and groom shared together.
Closeup on our Halloween nail art: Yukiro, Anni, me. Coming right up: photos and videos from Harajuku, then the Candy Spooky and SaTaN concert!
Have you ever been to a Goth wedding, or seen photos? My friend Rock n Roll Bride posts about unusual, alternative gowns and marriage ceremonies.
Japanese Word of the Day: Kekkon shiki = Marriage ceremony
Song of the Day: DecoLa Hopping – Kimagure!? Fearism (Cover your ears, my friends…)

“I love the contrast between our dark fashion and the cherubic clouds background” lol, i didnt even notice that! youre absolutely right! and omg, Yukiro at the alter, I must have been in the lobby when you shot this :D
I hope its ok if I steal that photo :D
once again, thanks so much for attending the wedding, it was great having more themed friends with us :D
Hehe yeah!! Devils and angels. <3
Hahah I am going to upload these onto Facebook in a moment — and of course, please feel free to save any copies. It's your big day!!! <3
nice one hun! :) melikes
That’s so cool! The bride loos absolutely beautiful.
I’ve always dreamed of having a gothic themed wedding but I thouhjt it was impossible. I’ve been proved wrong .
Great outfit, carmina! That h.Naoto bag was a steal!
I always love her hair! <3 The gown had a long trail, it was very dramatic and beautiful. <3
What an original wedding!
Yay, you look super cute!
that’s looking really great !! i wish my trip to japan were same time as yours… well, i’ll be there within a month. yay!! let me know if you wanna ask me anything in tokyo. xoxo
this is so cool! I hope I can have my own Goth wedding one day!
Your dress is amazing. I have bought from Heavy Red before and they are awesome. Nice post.
That wedding looks so awesome.
I can also imagine what type of sermon Yukiro would give. lol
yessssssssss beautifullllllllllllllllll
Loved the new entry! Hopefully my goal of going to Tokyo happens soon.
Never been there, but I saw this website: http://gothic.weddings.com/
They have some great foto’s! ;D
This wedding was such a cute/fun idea! ^ ^ I had seen pictures on someone else’s profile and I thought I saw you on some of them and I thought…is that the same wedding you were attending? :D
Ahhhh they’re toooo cute @.@
The nail art is amazing! You should do tutorials!
<3 Yukiro gives tips in this post – https://lacarmina.com/2010/03/japanese-nail-art-pictures-harajuku-nail-polish-techniques-manicure-supplies-designs-ideas-diy-tutorial/
Wow, I love the nails! And how innovative to make shoulderpieces of the hairfalls ^_^.
I haven’t been to a gothic wedding, but I know for a long time that I want one when I have found my special boy. The wedding should be least alternatively themed. I think a gothic wedding should be remembered of it’s decor and ambiance. So I would really take care of that to make it the RIGHT gothic ambiance. I wonder if planning a gothic wedding is harder than a more regular wedding..
hehe thanks – my costume was sort of a mish-mash of things… topsy turvy!
I think a regular wedding is very by-the-book and doesn’t take much thinking. With a Gothic wedding, there’s much more customization — but the payoff is worth it!
thats so cute!
What a lovely wedding!!and sweet couple:)
I’d love to have a untraditional wedding like this when it comes to me.lol
Could I invite you?(If my mom’s not killing me not going the traditional way.ha.And I have to find someone who wants to merry me first.haha)
Just kidding.
Love your costome!!
i love the dress so much carmina!
this is aweseome!!! ^^
I look like an evil bitch ruler <3<3
it was a nice wedding
oh my gosh, I nearly died today… I had to rebuild and re-upload my entire site from scratch. I worked 8 hrs straight to get everything back up ahhhh! I hope there are no errors on the website now…
AWESOME…DAMN I WISH I WAS THERE! But I sort of wonder why the bride was wearing the usual outfit for a wedding. Where’s the gothic part in it? Maybe I missed something?
But still pretty damn awesome, calling up the devil to bless those 2 in forever matrimony. And shouting out FAILURE more than a fiery baptist preacher yelling out whatever he does yell.
Great Stuff! And I really liked your makeup here, the blue looks very very nice!
As for me…I just watched “INCEPTION” – here’s the thing…it’s an overall good movie…but it’s in no way perfect as other people are blabbing about. Usually I look for 4 components in a movie: Story, Characters, Meaning/Message, and Rewatch-ability.
To me it only had 2…story and characters. The story wasn’t sooooo complex…it’s quite easy to follow through as long as you have an open mind. It was kind of a neat world but later on boring…I mean ok there are “projections,” you can create, and you can dream on infinitely – what else is there?
Characters were good…Leo still is damn awesome in delivering his lines.
Now meaning? I got nothing. If anything it would’ve been something like: OOOOOOOO nothing is actually REAL. Which is quite bogus. In my opinion there could have been a very strong meaning that could have come out of the movie, but Nolan failed at that part.
Replay-ability…I’ll probably watch it at another time when I’m like really bored, because I’d rather watch “My Neighbor Totoro,” “Perfect Blue,” “Paprika,” “Spirited Away,” “A Bittersweet Life,” “Audition,” – you know I can go on.
But yea that was Friday for me…(sigh!)…I’m pretty sure I would have much rather been the flowerboy than watching INCEPTION.
Elizabeth initially was going to wear a dramatic purple gown, but it didn’t end up working out so she got this elegant dress instead. ^^
I saw the movie once in theaters and again in the plane. I think the best reaction is the South Park spoof on Inception. There is a guy who made the “background” noises (I nearly died of laughter), and the dream team kept adding new rules out of the blue about limbo, what you can bring into the dream etc… That was about right haha.
ROFLMFAO!!! I just watched it…GENIUS – BRAVO!!!
Hahaha! Epic! ^^
That’s so awesome!
I’m going to a Goth Wedding in March.
I have no idea what to wear (I don’t want to outdo the bride) 0.0
How lucky! I’m sure you’ll all look great!
Love the pumpkin cake/pastry in one of the pics..
When i see that picture of yukiro pointing his finger i can’t help but think “OBJECTION!” bieng the pheonix wright nut that i am =.=
I loveee Phoenix Wright. Did you see my Angel Starr bento lady outfit? https://lacarmina.com/2009/12/phoenix-wright-cosplay-bento-lady-angel-starr-jrock-visual-kei-band-boys-in-little-tokyo-los-angeles/
really like it^^
Hello, my wife and I wanted to renew our vows in Tokyo and wondered who did the ceremony for your friends’ wedding. Could you pass that info along or any other suggestions? Thanks so much!