Time to open the mailbag and answer a few Reader Questions. (Thanks for your comments and messages — I read them all!) Photos in this post are by nightlife/subculture photographer Qhoto, who I finally met in Osaka.
First, I’ll answer the number one most asked question: where can I buy Gothic Lolita Punk clothes in the US or Canada?
If you want to buy new Japanese Goth / Sweet Lolita brand items from a physical store in North America (where you can try the clothes on), your options are limited. East Coasters: go to Tokyo Rebel in NYC, Lower East Side.
West Coasters: head to New People World, the San Francisco J-pop center. It houses boutiques for Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Alice and the Pirates, and 6%DokiDoki. (The Black Peace Now boutique will close August 2011.) There is also Q Pop Shop in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, which sells Sex Pot Revenge, Swimmer, Algonquins, Super Lovers, and other Goth Lolita Punk brands from Japan.
Fortunately, many Japanese Goth / Loli / Rock brands offer international shipping. These include Metamorphose, Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright. At Marui One and CD Japan, you can choose from a variety of brands (including Algonquins and Moi-meme-Moitie). For used items, try Closet Child. (You can find links to these brands and more on the right sidebar of my blog.)
You can also buy Japanese Gothloli brand items on eBay and other online auctions / retailers. But there’s no need to stick to the labels: Western brands such as Gloomth are excellent, and I’ve found excellent Lolita-esque items in vintage stores (for more tips, check out these posts.) Finally, you can visit my Online Garage Sale as I sell Jrock/Gothic clothing here.
Dear Carmina,
Hello! I’m a big fan of your blog and your work. Keep going strong! I have a big question for you that I just couldn’t really find on the internet, no matter how hard I looked. After I graduate college, I really want to try working in Japan for a while, because… well, frankly speaking, life has been rather dull lately and I wanted a big change of pace and kick it up a notch. I’m going to be taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2 once I graduate (and have some asskicking self study sessions haha). I’m rather uncompromising with the kind of job I want. As an aspiring writer and artist, I’d like to do something that would help me develop those skills. Because of my love for Japanese street fashion, I was wondering if it would be realistic to try working for Kera magazine. I could imagine the set of job skills that they would want, but I’m not entirely sure how realistic my goal is. Is it even possible? With the economy tanking and written media slowly dissolving, plus me being a foreigner (though I am Asian, maybe that helps?? T_T…or not) maybe it’s not entirely plausible. I’m also curious about the working environment in places like Japan. I’ve heard it’s a lot more rigid than in places like America.
Good luck! And thanks so much for taking the time to read this.
Dear Susan,
The bad news first: it’s a difficult road. Many of my foreigner friends are near-fluent, with years of work experience in Japan — and still, they have a hard time finding and maintaining jobs. In order to get a decent job at a medium-to-big company, such as Kera, realistically you need to pass JLPT 1 or graduate from a Japanese translation program, AND have something exceptional to bring to the table. Japan’s corporate culture is also frustrating. No matter how well they speak and excel at their jobs, foreigners will tell you they never quite fit in…
Now for the good news! Many Westerners have done very well in the world of Japanese fashion/subcultures, especially as writers and entrepreneurs. My friend Tiffany Godoy is a shooting star — she wrote the book Japanese Goth, contributes to fashion magazines and newspapers, launches fashion projects and… I can’t keep track! Her book’s co-author, Ivan Vartanian, started the company Goliga Books. Other inspiring entrepreneurs include Nathan of HearJapan, the digital music label that houses your favorite Visual Kei acts.
My main advice to you is: go with the flow, and make your own way. It doesn’t make sense to limit yourself to one specific job. Instead, use your outsider status as an advantage. Create your own work. You can be a bridge between cultures, and do incredible work in the world of Japanese fashion that will surpass any “dream gig” at Kera.
PS: Be patient. My friend Mai Sassy Girl is doing extremely well as a fashion promoter and writer and all-around-dynamo (notice that many of us have multiple roles?) But she started as an English teacher, building up her connections and language skills for a few years. And she’s a go-getter — she went out to parties, did great work on her blog — which got her to where she is now.
PPS: Constantly build up your Japanese language skills. I’m finding the Smart.fm free interactive learning programs to be very helpful.
It’s Elegan Black here. I wanted to ask for a piece of advice on two tiny subjects. Oh and also, I hope you come to Greece!
Problem 1: I had said in a comment before that I have recently re-pierced my ears and now I have two piercings on my left one and three on my right. But I want to do some more on the upper part of the ear. I don’t want to do any facial piercings but my ears, I want them super-pierced. Especially after I saw the Goth owner of a manga shop down in Athens wearing the connected-with-chains piercings. However, my mom (the usual suspect, huh ?) doesn’t want me to do any more than I already have. She says the usual stuff about it being over the top and giving the wrong impression… but she tells me I can wear fake earrings. This is stupid, what’s the difference between having real ones and having fake ones? Wouldn’t that still give “the wrong impression”? I managed to make a deal with her though: if I become the top student of my class again, she’ll let me pierce my ears! Still, it’s so unfair…
It’s true that a lot of my Goth friends have piercings. However…
1) Most of them started getting piercings when they were older: age 16, 18 and above. They also built up piercings gradually (ie, getting a new one every 6 months or year). Going slow is smart, since it allows proper healing and ensures that you aren’t rushing into decisions.
2) None of us think it is “more Goth” to have lots of piercings. It’s a matter of personal, aesthetic choice. (Did you know Sebastien and I have no piercings at all, and Yukiro only has one in his earlobe?) Also, many of my friends take out their piercings when they go to work or formal occasions. As silly as they may be, dress codes exist and people do (unfairly) judge those with piercings…
I think it’s awesome that you can talk to your mom and come to a compromise. To be honest, she seems more open-minded than a lot of parents I know. So take your time (just as we all did). Even if you have to wait a bit, you’ll still have 70+ years of your life to have super-pierced ears!
Problem 2: Goth clubs. I’m still not at the time to be allowed to go downtown, where all the Greek Goth clubs are, but I’d like to be prepared for the holy time of high school. How does someone dance to Goth music? A friend of me who’s frequently visiting Goth clubs tried to teach me while dancing to MSI’s “Shut me up” and told me something about moving shoulders, hips and headbanging somewhere in the mix. I wouldn’t like to go to Goth heaven and dance like a Britney replica… And what is your advice about ‘first time at Goth paradise’ in general? Maybe it’s too early to even think about it, since I’m fourteen but I’d love to dream.
Going to your first Gothic / Industrial club can be intimidating, and it’s understandable to feel awkward about dancing in public. I think the best introduction to this world is by going with trustworthy friends that have been to Goth clubs before. This way, you’ll always be with someone and you can follow their lead.
I wouldn’t over-think the dancing — just have a great time with your friends. Do the South Park Goth dance. Be a zombie. A Little Monster. Nobody will look down on you if you’re respectful and having fun!
Now I turn to you — how would you respond to these queries? Do you have pearls of wisdom to add? You can read previous Reader Questions here, and contact me if you’d like me to dish out advice.
PS: Happy birthday (September 14th) to Miyavi and DJ SiSEN!
Japanese Word of the Day: Jouki = Steam
Song of the Day: Glass Candy – Candy Castle (Modern italo disco.)

I agree with the “build up your number of piercings gradually”. My goal is to have at least three piercings in each ear but that’ll take time, also because it’s a question of scraping together the money if you’re a poor student like me. Same goes for tattoos, I got my first one at the ripe old age of 22 (^_~) and hope, once I graduate and get a job, expand on that as well.
Great advice from you there, La Carmina. You rock! Greetings from Germany <3
Thanks, darling! <3
Great words of advice. I think it's also more meaningful when you save up for piercings/tattoos, and really think them through… xoxo
Awesome advice. I really like what you said about working in Japan, and about using being a foreigner as an advantage. Sometimes weakness can be a strength, as I’ve learned when doing my youtube channel. I hope to someday interview artist in asia.(maybe I’ll interview you someday. :] )
Exactly – all it takes is some clever thinking and flexibility! :)
This is just MY advice..:
If you’re only 14, you should take it a little easy with the ear piercings. I agree that you should take it gradually. And if you want linked-by-chain piercings, try putting a chain on a stud/earring in a piercing you already have, and attach the other end to a FAKE earring and wear it maybe on your cartilage, because you’re allowed fake earrings after all. And if you wear this a lot, your mom will get used to it. You will get used to it yourself too, and find out if you actually like having it there. If yu really do, you can pierce the cartilage, wear the chain, and your mom will think it’s only a fake one! That’s exactly what I did, and my mom didn’t notice at all! Until I told her. She was shocked. I could only laugh. Because I had already told her once before… (Caution: Your mom might get shocked and/or angry)
I have a total of 9 ear piercings now. But I’m 18 and got them over 5 years. Be a rebel, but be patient ;)
And about the dancing – I actually think MSI is great for dancing, so if you know them already, that’s a good place to start. All I can say is start to nod/bang you head, and the rest of your body will soon follow along! A little jumping works too. Simply feel the beat – feel the music! And most importantly: Have fun! Try dancing in your room at first if you’re shy about it :)
haha I love this! Thanks for your advice and the personal story.
Working in Japan is difficult and I will post something soon on this. I have studied Japanese and am involved in archaeology there with some of my research and I feel with great knowledge there is still so much to learn and you have to be flexible and do many things as well as never give up and you will always feel like a beginner there! You must have a seeking spirit and never stop even when doors close in your face or you are called bakka and tall! SiSen, Takuya Angel and you are my role models because you are what you love!
Yess indeed… it takes a lot of spunk and ‘gambatte’ – going for it, despite setbacks! :)
multiple ear piercings, DO NOT do them all at once. It takes time but it’s safe. we don’t want our ears looking sore and gross no? With her first industrial party, I suggest wearing comfy clothes and bring friends too! Wearing something comfy won’t get you insecure…just observe for your first time, be on the safe side.
last thing, we take one step at a time so if ever something goes wrong, it’s easy to undo. thanks La Carmina ^^
OK, I have a lot of personal stories from classmates at my university about trying to get work in Japan (I’m a taking a specialist degree in East Asian Studies). Two things will really give you a leg up, and they are; having a Japanese contact, which is sort of the case with a lot of jobs anywhere but having a real live Japanese employee vouch for you is a lot of help.
Second, don’t expect your proficiency with the language is enough to get you even in the door. Remember you are going up against actual Japanese, so it’s expected they should all be perfectly proficient in the language (as should you). What you really need are alternate skills-ie artistic design (in your case), maybe another language (actually somehow not at helpful as you think….), computer knowledge, lion tamer, etc…..
Other than that, you may want to work your way up if you are going to be there for awhile. Remember that your previous jobs and references were not in Japan. If you start with something way more low level you can build up a little bit of cred, some references, and friends and connections on the side. Oh and English teacher doesn’t make a good reference/work experience (we kinda saturated that market).
As for the goth shows, my suggestion aside from agreeing with La Carmina that you should go with friends who have already gone, is “the bigger the better”. Something about goth/industrial folks is that we have a much higher percentage of creepy/possibly dangerous folk (sad fact, but it’s what I see sometimes). It’s not a huge amount, but still. That being said we also have a much higher percentage of super nice awesome folk.
But I digress, my point is this. In my experience the smaller the event/possible niche the more likely (somehow) the “creeps” will be present. With a larger event you have more people to watch over you, and you very likely have more space to escape to should a creep start hanging around. It’s the nice thing about goths, we do tend to watch out for each other.
Excellent advice — you know what you’re talking about. ;) It’s true, one really must stand out and have exceptional knowledge in a particular field these days… with Japanese, it’s helpful to train in particular skill sets.
I have to say, thanks for being realistic about jobs with big companies in Japan.
Yes, it can be hurtful to some, but it really shows how if foreigners are a “no – no” then.. they are!
I have big dreams in Japan, and I’m sticking to them. :)
You must pursue your dreams in Japan — many have made them come true! I think being a flexible self-starter and thinking outside the usual path (ie: applying for a job at a company) is the way to go.
Definitely will do :)
Just 3 years until I’m moving!
Thanks for the advice for working in Japan!
Info aboutliving/working in Japan is great and so encouraging! Thank you <3 *looking forward with hope*
Oh My gosh! this is fantastic!! Thank you so much!
I actually have gotten to visit Tokyo Rebel, at your suggestion, and it was A DREAM COME TRUE!! :-D
High school? Most goth clubs I’ve been to (in the UK and US) do NOT allow anyone under 18. So please keep that in mind, unless there’s some event geared towards younger goths. You’re also unlikely to hear any MSI playing at a goth/industrial club, so it might not be worth thinking up a dance routine for it! XD
But as for dancing, we goths can’t dance for shit, in the normal sense! Well, 80s goths tend to do the three-step – it’s pretty easy to pick up. Just try to look ethereal and spooky. Goths always appreciate someone who’s genuinely having fun rather than that girl who’s trying too hard to look sexy… I’ve seen plenty of Britney replicas at even the best goth clubs…
If you’re thinking more along the lines of industrial and aggrotech dancing, this is quite a bit more complicated, as there are actual “moves”. Lots of people upload videos of cybergoth and industrial dancing on Youtube, so that’s pretty helpful, if that’s what you’re going for.
And like others have said, go with a friend the first time. I actually think there are MUCH LESS creeps at goth events than other clubs, but they do still exist.
That’s the best advice for dancing, I think. :) Hahah it’s quite funny to see those bring-sexy-back girls on the dance floor..
That’s solid advice to the future piercer…
Awww the cute pierced-eared face! :)
great article! Thanks for sharing it :D
Please definitely take piercing or tattooing gradually. My mom had my ears pierced first (helps having an image/status conscious Japanese mom wanting diamonds in my ears :P) when I was 6 months old..got the second set done some time in jr high school…and then by the end of high school I had all ten. My parents never really cared about the piercing since they can always be taken out but with tattooing they always threatened to kick me out of the house, but in hindsight I’m glad that they did because I probably would have gotten some I REALLY regret. And out of all my alt/goth/punk friends I’m one of the few that DON’T have any tattoos. You can still be really spooky and part of the sub culture with accouterments that are temporary. For example, the death rock trio of Cinema Strange are VERY goth, ultra dramatic on stage (and off!) and at most they have their ears pierced.
Making those school deals is a plus too. I did things like that or the fact that I was an over achiever made my mum’s complaints sort of invalid since I did nothing she could complain about besides being and looking goth. : ) We all go through our variances of how ‘goth’ we’ve looked over the years and just because you don’t look like the stereotypical goth doesn’t mean you aren’t one. If you’re really dedicated and identify with the subculture then you are. I don’t always ‘look’ goth besides wearing all black but for me it’s become more of a lifestyle- in a conceptual sense, my culture, how I live my life and what I’m influenced by rather than JUST how I look. However, I still go all out and dress up when I do go clubbing or to events.
It all just depends on how YOU interpret what it all means to you and what you do with it. Same goes with dancing at clubs. Being lucky enough to go clubbing at goth clubs around the globe, I’ve seen all kinds of dancing. Everyone tends to stare at the people dancing, which can be really uncomfortable at first, but do whatever you want. Those that aren’t dancing are probably even more self conscious than you or can’t dance. :P There are probably many judging minds but screw them. Judgment in the goth scene is unavoidable since at least a good portion of the culture is visually based. I’ve found that there’s an unspoken rule of NOT GRINDING ON STRANGERS on the dance floor at goth clubs. Everyone tends to keep to themselves unlike more mainstream clubs which is great. I agree with Paulina and Carmina, start dancing in your room to music that you like and practice at home. You’re also at an age where most clubs won’t let you in because of your age unless you befriend some cool cats who’ll sneak you in. :) Some concerts I’ve been to people will be dancing between the bands playing so if you can get into places like that, you’ll start getting the feel. I had to wait until my favourite bands played all ages shows in Los Angeles before I could even go to a goth concert so I feel your pain. :P I didn’t start going clubbing until I moved away from home and went to college. I haven’t run into that many creepy people at goth clubs…if there have been creeps they definitely weren’t the goths and those clubs didn’t have a strict dress code either.
I’ve actually found many great dancers at goth clubs in the US. They can definitely dance better than clubbers in Europe and Japan! I was sorely disappointed with the lack of skilled dancers in Europe. My brothers who are in a popular goth band, who have done many annual tours all over Europe agree with me on this point. Have you read Voltaire’s What Is Goth? The whole thing is a joke and satire but the part where he write about Goth dancing….is based on the truth. You should read it for a good laugh. : )
Just have fun! Just because we’re goth doesn’t mean we can’t laugh, smile and have a grand time while dressed to the nines and have a ball with friends.
You are amazing — thank you for the incredible advice!
I say hear-hear to : Just have fun! Just because we’re goth doesn’t mean we can’t laugh, smile and have a grand time while dressed to the nines and have a ball with friends.
I think everyone is right in saying that it’s smart to take the piercing and tattooing slowly and gradually. I certainly would have regretted it if I got tattoos when I was a teen…
ah, I wish I could find some cool Lolita or Steampunk clothing in Australia, but even if there are actual stores here they’d be very far away from my town :(
I don’t trust buying online, if I can find any to ship here – sizing is too difficult, I’m built fairly curvy.
I’m doing an article about Australia Goth fashion for my next Lip Service column! Stay tuned.
If your located in Melbourne, there is a store called ‘One Fine Day’ located in Fitzroy with decent prices. I’ve seen them stock Angelic Pretty and Plutomayo as well as more homegrown brands.
Oooh I mentioned that in my Australian Gothic article for Lip Service – did you see it?
Hi… this is just a longshot, but I’m having a bit of a Loli emergency here, and I’m hoping that you might be able to offer a little advice…
I’m working on a tight budget, and need to buy some Sweet, Classic or even mild Gothic Lolita sho…(tharr be more)es (must be new, not second hand) from a retailer that has them on the shelf and available immediately for shipping- I had placed an order with a company in Japan, and they over sold from their website and they didn’t cancel or notify me until a few days after their scheduled delivery date, so now I don’t have enough time for custom made to be created and delivered…
Any suggestions for a company that I might be able to quickly purchase Lolita shoes from?
Valeree, you can quickly buy Gothic Lolita shoes from Refuse to Be Usual, an ebay store! https://lacarmina.com/2008/06/refuse-to-be-usual-gothic-doll-rings-link-chokers-and-cuffs-from-ebay/
Hi, do you plan on featuring or have you featured photo studios specially geared for Lolita-genre shoots by customers themselves ? I saw an advertisement for one in the Japanese version of Gothic-Lolita magazine.
”realistically you need to pass JLPT 1 or graduate from a Japanese translation program, AND have something exceptional to bring to the table”
… Does having gruaduated (sp?) from an University in the NL counts too? I want to study Japanse there and it’s a three year bachelor with a 2 year master. It’s an university degree.
How hard is that JLPT1 test?
I want to be an A&R manager for Nippon Crown, PS Company or Sony.
The more degrees and years of Japanese study, the better! :) JLPT 1 is pretty hard… it’s about college-level Japanese. You need to know a lot of obscure kanji…
you inspired me!! i am doing my Research paper on Theme restaurants, and i just bought your book :D i cant wait to read it !!
I like the advice on going slow on the piercings. My little cousin wants to get a lot of piercings and she just doesn’t seem to understand that the problem with that is caring for all that at one time would be hard! Crazy kids right? And are there some nice clip-on earrings that I can get her to tide her over, as well for myself as an alternative for the moment till she can get more done on herself?
I can’t say much on the whole living in Japan thing though, but I was wondering that if one wanted to visit Japan, what would be a good level of the language to know? Like some phrases to help you get by or at least a little kids level of the language (like around a first graders knowledge of the language)? I like knowing the language of the country I visit as it seems like a better way to express what you want or what you need help with. For instance, I learned Italian throughout high school and my family visited Italy when I graduated. Though I wasn’t always the greatest with talking (I tend to over think what I want to say and it comes out as a stutter/stumbling, which is embarrassing for me to admit…), I can still read the language fairly well and it did come in handy with navigating and figuring out what we wanted to do or needed, I was wondering if something like that would be useful. And, in a roundabout way, I think that thats my advice on going to a foreign country, though if you plan on living there, I would assume you know the language fairly well, but if you are just visiting, at least have a grasp on reading the official language, as it can save you in the strangest ways possible! (I’m not totally sure on how much English is spoken in Japan, but most other countries that family members have told me about say that there is a lot more English spoken in many countries, like Europe and some Asian countries).
And my last question/thing (I swear) is on buying any clothes from any brand. I do like the more punk/punk-lolita brands, but I’m very nervous on using my debit card online on foreign sites (or any site for that matter…). What should I do about that idea, since the more I sit just staring at the sites, the more I see things I want just go away. And I was wondering what the sizes on clothes were like, as I’m not exactly a skinny girl (I took after my hockey playing dad). I have broad shoulders and…er…large assets I guess (cough 36C cough), have hips and somewhat musclely legs (though not bad though). I guess what I mean is what would be a good size to order for clothes, since measurements really confuse me. I’m a large/medium depending on what department store I’m buying from, so any help is appreciated.
…I’ll shut up now. :)
haha I agree, go slow kids! :) I’m not sure where to get clip-ons but there should be a wide selection online, such as eBay…As for visiting Japan, you don’t need to have any knowledge of the language to have a great first trip. It’s helpful, however, to know some basic phrase (or carry around a guidebook). English isn’t widely spoken here. Here are more tips: https://lacarmina.com/2009/12/reader-question-tips-on-planning-trips-to-japan-cheap-tokyo-hotels-travel-advice-bargains-cute-japanese-crossdresser-girl/The brands / sites I listed in the post can be trusted; customers have had good experiences with them in the psat. Some brands will tailor clothes to any size – try fanplusfriend.com :) good luck!
One of the best pieces of advice I got about applying for jobs in Japan is about presentation and dress code. Remember that they are far more conservative about that than here in the west. Take out any piercings you have (I even took out my ear piercings), cover any tattoos, wear minimal make up and er on the side of caution. I think I wore a basic black well fitting suit and a long sleeve white shirt. I kind of copied the salary women I saw on the trains.
In regards to getting you dream job, I think its always a good idea to get some experience in your own country before trying to get a job overseas. Experience is one of the first things people look at on a resume. I also want to be a journalist, abet a music journalist so I have started my own blog to write about it everyday and I am completing an internship at a well known media company.
Very good advice. :)
The more degrees and years of Japanese study, the better! :) JLPT 1 is pretty hard… it’s about college-level Japanese. You need to know a lot of obscure kanji…
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