Sad news, my friends… the iconic Takuya Angel shop in Harajuku will be closing soon.
Wait, don’t start bawling! Takuya Angel will no longer have a boutique by Takeshita Doori, but you can still buy his cute cyber designs via his online shop.
Takuya Angel can now concentrate on designing and selling internationally. My friends Kynt and Vyxsin modeled in his US fashion show, so they asked us to deliver a gift: a decorated a Lip Service calendar.
It’s sad, however, that we can no longer stop by the Takuya Angel shop to say hi. I’ll miss seeing the latest designs up close, such as this gorgeous silk crane jacket, made from vintage kimono fabric.
The neon decor and friendly staff always put a smile on my face. And the eyelashes are out of this world.
Yukiro modeled in Takuya’s fashion shows alongside DJ Chihiro, SiSEN and others. He says, “It’s been an honor to work with him, and I’m very sad that the store is closing down.”
If you’re in Tokyo, stop by the iconic Takuya Angel Harajuku store before it’s gone forever.
Smile, my little panda bears… you can continue to buy Takuya Angel’s designs online, so please support him!
I leave you with a video of Takuya Angel Fashion Show #18 at Tokyo Dark Castle here. Can you spot Yukiro among the models?
Have you ever visited Takuya Angel’s store? Got any fond memories of the boutique?
Japanese Word of the Day: Tsume yasuri = Nail file
Song of the Day: Françoise Hardy – Comment Te Dire Adieu (the song in the video of the last Takuya Angel fashion show)

(T o T) I never had a chance to go there!
I was there many time, this is really sad since it was the main attraction for me close to Takeshita – I wish Takuya all the best and may the Angels rise ! Yes many memories are around that store and many ciggy breaks, CDs and some of his masterworks is fortunately mine.
I did a fashion walk for Takuya as well, on Alamode Night once …
Seventh Sin aka Holger
May the Angels rise indeed. I hope the Jrock/VK/Goth community will support his online store…
(T o T) I never had a chance to go there!
I was there many time, this is really sad since it was the main attraction for me close to Takeshita – I wish Takuya all the best and may the Angels rise ! Yes many memories are around that store and many ciggy breaks, CDs and some of his masterworks is fortunately mine.
I did a fashion walk for Takuya as well, on Alamode Night once …
Seventh Sin aka Holger
*sad panda*
NOOOOOO!!! This is such sad news!! DX I was so happy to find the store when I went in January and Takuya Angel was so friendly and a sweetheart! I even told him that if I come back to Japan I would bring my sister to see his amazing store that made him so happy….(;___;) It’s great that he’s focusing on making his line known internationally…but as you said, people won’t be able to go in and say hi or anything.
What I hope is that once he is internationally successful, he will re-open a location in Japan agian since that is where the clothig originated. I hope hope hope! (>.<)
He is the sweetest… I’m glad you got a chance to visit him!! Fond memories…
yes….I just hope his new dreams will come true and he’ll become super successful internationally!! (;-;)
Oh no ^^; That’s terrible news.
What really ?!? You mean for real ??? But why it’s closing ??? O.o,what happen to Takuya Angel ?
That’s cute, the bear!
tres cool!
<3 ur super mega cute
Heart breaks…I have always wanted to get pics in there with everyone! I have long hakama pants and much more I adore from that lovely store! We all will support him and make him an international success!
Yeah I went there and hung out smoking cigs on his balcony with him then went for beer later… Was a good day
Anime Matsuri! SiSen at Anime USA started my adoration!
*sad panda*
NOOOOOO!!! This is such sad news!! DX I was so happy to find the store when I went in January and Takuya Angel was so friendly and a sweetheart! I even told him that if I come back to Japan I would bring my sister to see his amazing store that made him so happy….(;___;) It's great that he's focusing on making his line known internationally…but as you said, people won't be able to go in and say hi or anything.
What I hope is that once he is internationally successful, he will re-open a location in Japan agian since that is where the clothig originated. I hope hope hope! (>.<)
He is the sweetest… I'm glad you got a chance to visit him!! Fond memories…
May the Angels rise indeed. I hope the Jrock/VK/Goth community will support his online store…
Oh no ^^; That's terrible news.
What really ?!? You mean for real ??? But why it's closing ??? O.o,what happen to Takuya Angel ?
What?!?!?!? Noooo!!!! I loved going there, it can’t close!!!!!
That's cute, the bear!
tres cool!
yes….I just hope his new dreams will come true and he'll become super successful internationally!! (;-;)
<3 ur super mega cute
Heart breaks…I have always wanted to get pics in there with everyone! I have long hakama pants and much more I adore from that lovely store! We all will support him and make him an international success!
Not my favorite store, but it sucks to see that a store couldn’t make it.
wow… I somehow knew this day would happen.. I am displeased.. i hope they can find another way to create works of art you can wear.
Yeah I went there and hung out smoking cigs on his balcony with him then went for beer later… Was a good day
Now I can never see his store ;_;
Takuya is such a nice guy, he came to Toronto, Ontario twice!
YES he was just in Canada! I hope he had a good time…
Anime Matsuri! SiSen at Anime USA started my adoration!
Hey there, just wanted to say that I love love love your style and your super pretty (and Basil is adorable! =3). Can’t wait to see more pictures.
P.S. You should totally go and stalk The GazettE for me some time … ;) <3 <3
This is such sad news…Long live the Harajuku Girls!
Heartbreaking to me. I was really looking forward to seeing his shop when I visit Japan next spring T_T
What?!?!?!? Noooo!!!! I loved going there, it can't close!!!!!
Not my favorite store, but it sucks to see that a store couldn't make it.
wow… I somehow knew this day would happen.. I am displeased.. i hope they can find another way to create works of art you can wear.
Now I can never see his store ;_;
Takuya is such a nice guy, he came to Toronto, Ontario twice!
Hey there, just wanted to say that I love love love your style and your super pretty (and Basil is adorable! =3). Can't wait to see more pictures.
P.S. You should totally go and stalk The GazettE for me some time … ;) <3 <3
This is such sad news…Long live the Harajuku Girls!
Heartbreaking to me. I was really looking forward to seeing his shop when I visit Japan next spring T_T
I’m so sad that the shop is closing down…. D: I used to visit Takuya and SiSeN almost every weekend with some of my friends….
I have so many memories from that place… SiSeN pretending to know what a dream catcher was, fangirling/boying about Kaya, making Takuya giggle like a girl all the time, Takuya being excited to practice his English, pestering Takuya about SiSeN’s age, feeding them Cadbury Cream Eggs and them being freaked out at the gooey inside (lol), SiSeN coming back from America drunk and asking my Finnish friend if they ate Moomin, and the last time I saw them… Takuya sharing a big jug of Christmas beer with us and eating senbei until closing time.
-sniff sniff- The memories…
Awww that is so cute! That makes me happy to hear. We’re all such kids :3
OMG, I’m so sad. I love visiting Takuya every time I come to Tokyo. But at least they’ll have an online presence.
Exactly – it’ll live on, if we support him.
Takuya is one of the most amazing persons I have ever had the honor and pleasure to meet.
He’s so sweet, as is his staff.
Its a shame beyond words.
I really wish there was something we could do to help him keep his store open.
<3 <3 Let's do our best to get the word out. :)
I'm so sad that the shop is closing down…. D: I used to visit Takuya and SiSeN almost every weekend with some of my friends….
I have so many memories from that place… SiSeN pretending to know what a dream catcher was, fangirling/boying about Kaya, making Takuya giggle like a girl all the time, Takuya being excited to practice his English, pestering Takuya about SiSeN's age, feeding them Cadbury Cream Eggs and them being freaked out at the gooey inside (lol), SiSeN coming back from America drunk and asking my Finnish friend if they ate Moomin, and the last time I saw them… Takuya sharing a big jug of Christmas beer with us and eating senbei until closing time.
-sniff sniff- The memories…
I always enjoyed going to Takuya’s store! Every time I went I would always bring my friends with me. I would always talk to Takuya and Sisen. Takuya would tell me that my Japanese was good.. I called him a lier and laugh. Last year, for his birthday I brought him Pastel purrin. He really liked that a lot^-^ I would spend hours at that store. I tried on clothes and I even bought some of his designs. I even had the chance to see him DJ several times. His store always had a welcoming feeling, it was like a second home.
When I read about his store closing on Mixi, I just could not believe it. He did say that he may re-open the store again if a suitable location is found. Let’s all cross our fingers and hope that it does happen.
I will be in Tokyo at the end of August and will visit the store one last time.
Aww Takuya! He’s an Angel. ;) I love his DJ-ing too, especially when he does cyber dance stuff… sigh!! At least you’re lucky to visit a last time. Say hi for me…
He is an Angel! I will def tell him you said hi^-^ His cyber dance stuff is great! I have a couple of his DJ CDs that he gave me. They are on my iPood!!!! Takuya is how I found out about Tokyo Decadance, Alamode night, Goth Bar Heaven, Tokyo Dark Castle, Midnight Mess.. ect.. That is also where I met Sisen for the first time outside eating Takoyaki… then we went shopping at h.Naoto down the street before he had to open the store..lol. Sooooo many memories!
I will def continue to support Takuya and spread the word about his fashions. For my final project report for Japanese history class last year, I did an essay about Japanese fashion and at the end I wrote about Takuya and his fusion between classical Japanese fashion cyber/goth/punk…. it was amusing. I got an A+ :-P
Takoyaki! <3 <3
What?_? When he will close it ? or is it already? I always go there for meeting up.
OMG, I'm so sad. I love visiting Takuya every time I come to Tokyo. But at least they'll have an online presence.
Takuya is one of the most amazing persons I have ever had the honor and pleasure to meet.
He's so sweet, as is his staff.
Its a shame beyond words.
I really wish there was something we could do to help him keep his store open.
I always enjoyed going to Takuya's store! Every time I went I would always bring my friends with me. I would always talk to Takuya and Sisen. Takuya would tell me that my Japanese was good.. I called him a lier and laugh. Last year, for his birthday I brought him Pastel purrin. He really liked that a lot^-^ I would spend hours at that store. I tried on clothes and I even bought some of his designs. I even had the chance to see him DJ several times. His store always had a welcoming feeling, it was like a second home.
When I read about his store closing on Mixi, I just could not believe it. He did say that he may re-open the store again if a suitable location is found. Let's all cross our fingers and hope that it does happen.
I will be in Tokyo at the end of August and will visit the store one last time.
What?_? When he will close it ? or is it already? I always go there for meeting up.
YES he was just in Canada! I hope he had a good time…
Awww that is so cute! That makes me happy to hear. We're all such kids :3
Exactly – it'll live on, if we support him.
<3 <3 Let's do our best to get the word out. :)
Aww Takuya! He's an Angel. ;) I love his DJ-ing too, especially when he does cyber dance stuff… sigh!! At least you're lucky to visit a last time. Say hi for me…
He is an Angel! I will def tell him you said hi^-^ His cyber dance stuff is great! I have a couple of his DJ CDs that he gave me. They are on my iPood!!!! Takuya is how I found out about Tokyo Decadance, Alamode night, Goth Bar Heaven, Tokyo Dark Castle, Midnight Mess.. ect.. That is also where I met Sisen for the first time outside eating Takoyaki… then we went shopping at h.Naoto down the street before he had to open the store..lol. Sooooo many memories!
I will def continue to support Takuya and spread the word about his fashions. For my final project report for Japanese history class last year, I did an essay about Japanese fashion and at the end I wrote about Takuya and his fusion between classical Japanese fashion cyber/goth/punk…. it was amusing. I got an A+ :-P
It’s so cute and fashion!
It's so cute and fashion!
Takoyaki! <3 <3
i model at his show in guadalajara mexico a few months ago and i’ll be going to tokyo in a few days, hope it’s still open
He will be open until the end of August, I believe. Please say hi for me! Have fun!
i model at his show in guadalajara mexico a few months ago and i'll be going to tokyo in a few days, hope it's still open
He will be open until the end of August, I believe. Please say hi for me! Have fun!
UPDATE – GREAT news! Takuya Angel is not closing his Harajuku shop! But now, you use the back entrance. It is re-opening on Oct 10. Maps: http://bit.ly/agxrW5
Yay! I may be extremely behind with the news about Takuya’s amazing Harajuku shop, but I’m glad that its not closing! :D
Maybe when I go abroad during my second semester of college, I can have the privalege of seeing it. I can only hope.
Sadly, I have never met Takuya. Sure, I’ve talked with him on his Twitter, and even his facebook, but it isn’t the same at all. D:
I would go green with envy with all these great stories of Takuya if I haven’t already met Sisen. (: He is so crazy and adorable. Love Sisen. <3
Here's to the reopening of the Takuya Shop…even if I am four months late.