What’s the greatest thing since sliced bread? Yukari Ohba’s costumes for Visual Kei bands, uh huh, uh huh. Take a look at these images and tell me you don’t agree.
Ohba designed performance outfits for all the J-rock giants: I’m talking Malice Mizer, Kamijo, D’espairsRay. Such vision, such attention to detail! Above are her designs for D’espairsRay’s Premium Oneman and Snob tours; these intergalactic shells were worn by (from left to right) Zero, Hizumi, Karyu, and Tsukasa.
I’m impressed by Ohba’s versatility; her costumes move from disco-clown to alien-bird to Goth-bondage and back. Oh, how I’d love to try on Hizumi’s shibari outfit on the far left!
Yukari Ohba’s magnificent vision extends to her fashion sketches. You’ll recognize this as Mana Sama’s robe for “Merveilles.”
And here we have Gackt, channeling Le Petit Prince and Saturday Night Fever with angel wings.
I wrote before about Gothic Lolita weddings – and if you ask La Carmina, the top left gown is as close as it gets to perfect. Feathers sewn on crinoline… one day!
I’ve only posted a fraction of Yukari Ohba’s stunning J-rock costumes and illustrations. Visit the talented designer’s site and drool over the rest. (Click on the “Works” tab, and then click on individual costumes for close-ups and drawings.)

haha, I learned about this artist just a week ago on a Versailles/Lareine (Kamijo's current/former band) forum! :D She truly is amazing… ^^
These are truly incredible! Thanks for sharing! *1st time commenter here*
haha, I learned about this artist just a week ago on a Versailles/Lareine (Kamijo’s current/former band) forum! :D She truly is amazing… ^^
These are truly incredible! Thanks for sharing! *1st time commenter here*
My pleasure :) I have some incredible photos of court fashion (1715-1815) that I’ll post in the next few days… Let me know if you have any suggestions for future posts.
Comments always appreciated – thanks everyone for reading!
My pleasure :) I have some incredible photos of court fashion (1715-1815) that I'll post in the next few days… Let me know if you have any suggestions for future posts.
Comments always appreciated – thanks everyone for reading!
hot hot hot! i absolutely love the last dress, the black one. if we ever re0newed our vows (although its totally pointless and just an excuse to have another wedding haha!) id totally wear a black dress like this and with my pink hair this time..haaawt!
I *love* these outfits. I either need more money or need to learn how to sew. >.<
hot hot hot! i absolutely love the last dress, the black one. if we ever re0newed our vows (although its totally pointless and just an excuse to have another wedding haha!) id totally wear a black dress like this and with my pink hair this time..haaawt!
I *love* these outfits. I either need more money or need to learn how to sew. >.<
WOW! I really get a “the sky's the limit” feeling looking at those costumes!
WOW! I really get a “the sky’s the limit” feeling looking at those costumes!
She is absolutely amazing! It's very rare to see such fantastical sketches turn to real-life couture, most designers hit that stumbling block. It's truly inspiring and influencial for anyone!
She is absolutely amazing! It’s very rare to see such fantastical sketches turn to real-life couture, most designers hit that stumbling block. It’s truly inspiring and influencial for anyone!
Hi, I've just discovered your blog and I really like it! I'll come back often :).
Also I sent you a friends request on Myspace (my band Amaranthys).
Thank you so much for friend acceptance. I have already sent many peoples to both your sites. Yow! They were all women by some twist o' fate.
Damn, I dearly loves my creative, endlessly creative wimmen friends!! Thanks again, ~doug m~
Hi, I’ve just discovered your blog and I really like it! I’ll come back often :).
Also I sent you a friends request on Myspace (my band Amaranthys).
Thank you so much for friend acceptance. I have already sent many peoples to both your sites. Yow! They were all women by some twist o’ fate.
Damn, I dearly loves my creative, endlessly creative wimmen friends!! Thanks again, ~doug m~
WOW.. yeah I've always been a fan of Malice Mizer's more eccentric outfits, but also of D'espairsRay's late-visual era outfits as well… didn't know they were made by the same person! And Kana…. and Hikawa Kiyoshi… awesome! Thanks for the info!
WOW.. yeah I’ve always been a fan of Malice Mizer’s more eccentric outfits, but also of D’espairsRay’s late-visual era outfits as well… didn’t know they were made by the same person! And Kana…. and Hikawa Kiyoshi… awesome! Thanks for the info!
oh my lord!!
oh my lord!!
Is it possible to find any of the D'espairsRay outfits from Premium oneman and snob tours for sale??? as a cosplay
The designs are incredible *gasp*
No idea, sadly… cosplay's out of my area! Maybe try a Google search or ask on a cosplay forum?
Is it possible to find any of the D’espairsRay outfits from Premium oneman and snob tours for sale??? as a cosplay
The designs are incredible *gasp*
No idea, sadly… cosplay’s out of my area! Maybe try a Google search or ask on a cosplay forum?
I tried but there is no luck, but thank u anyway.
I tried but there is no luck, but thank u anyway.